Competitive PvE+PvP idea

  • There has always been something missing on the seas that I feel I have come up with a solution to, competitive PvE content. What I propose is a "season" of about 3 months where there are actually quite difficult puzzles for players to solve, ones that will take a lot of thought and aren't straight-up pointed out in the riddle. There could be about 4 different long chains of things to do which at the end of each you receive a commendation or a medal or something which saves you to that checkpoint. That gives a place to shoot for in-case players need to leave, as well as each of the chains could maybe come out each after a week to allow some to catch up. These don't have to be all riddles, other aspects of the game could be incorporated as well. Now the competitive portion comes in, at the end of the entire chain there would be a single chest which would unlock extremely rare cosmetics, im thinking of like flaming swords, wispy ghost face paints, things with very detailed art which people would want to hunt for, and the kicker would be that only the first 100 or so people can get it. This creates urgency. For the end of each chain the first 100 to finish each part of the chain would receive like a leg up, like say they get an hour or so head-start for the next chain to be fair for people who are ahead of the game and who want to finish first. You could even add in a special color palate for like the first crew or something as well. There is also room to add in PvP in some way, but make getting sunk not the end and doesnt restart you.

story & loreeventscompetition
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