PC Party/Crew Chat Question

  • Is it possible with this latest update to gamebar to be in an xbox party chat x platform but still use public regional VOIP to communicate with other ships?
    You used to be able to do that no problem but haven't had anyone reply to me since jumping back into SoT the past 2 weeks.

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  • This is still how it is, but as a person who has played since day one, open mic crews are rarer and rarer. Most people now just go into an Xbox chat, due to the communication advantages it brings without giving crews information. Also, opt out is here, so players who would normally rely on Xbox party system are less due to discord dominating the Pc market.

  • @nabberwar Thanks!
    The newest gamebar is so bad for party chat, I really wish i could find a better voip solution to talk with my console friends while playing.

  • @somezer0
    You can still use the old Xbox app instead if you prefer that. It still should be on your computer. I agree that Xbox's PC version stuff is garbage. We just convinced our Xbox crew-members to use Discord on their phones or a third party device.

  • @nabberwar I tried but i got outvoted being the sole pc guy in the crew

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