Scariest thing to happen to you on the sea

  • Calling all filthy bodies!

    Come and share the scariest thing you have seen on the seas!

    For me it was a calm, quiet day on the seas, having just finished a fort, and going to turn in the spoils of the day. I hadn't seen a soul all day, and I was expecting nothing out of the ordinary as I pulled up to the outpost. I felt secure enough that I even made sure to do a very nice parking job! Once my Anchor was down, I made my way amidships to begin the process of unloading. As I reached the ladder however, I heard a plunk and an odd hissing sound behind me. Being the curious soul I am I hopped off the ladder and turned around to behold: The Stronghold Gunpowder keg, lit and burning away at my feet. I am quite sure the scream I let out woke up the neighbors, but there was naught to be done. One massive kaboom later, and I awoke on the ghost ship, silently marveling at the impressive long-con I had just fell victim to.

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