1kmbps/1kmbps rubberbanding

  • How am I being rubberbanded so badly with a 1000/1000 mbps connection? Granted the xb0x isnt giving me those full speeds but they are still over 100?

    It's awful fighting skeletons and being lagged around (rubberbanded)

  • 8
  • Are you in arena? I have 200down 30 up and I rubber band sometimes in arena

  • Two things... Firstly, huge download/upload speeds won't matter, you're barely using any of that, it's ping that matters - this can be affected by a number of things, including if you are wirelessly connected to your router.

    Secondly, other players' connections can have an adverse affect on your overall server performance, sadly.

    If you're getting it regularly though, I would suggest looking at how you are connecting and doing some ping tests.

  • I decided to run a wire to the xbox instead of wifi.. made a huge difference! Thanks!

  • Yep, wireless is inconsistent, so I'm glad that you got it sorted out. I can't wait for the day that comes (if ever) where everyone has blazing fast AND consistent Internet speeds. Think we'll ever get there?

  • @galactic-geek

    I heard thats what Elon Musk is trying to do with satellites. Seemless fast internet around the world.

  • @monkeyshishan I heard about that too. I hope he succeeds, but satellite thus far has been unreliable for the most part, particularly during bad weather. Let's cross our fingers and hope an entire webbed network will circumvent those issues and at the same time, not trap us on our own planet.

  • Currently satellite is a good bandwidth, but just delayed.
    The microwaves take 250+ms to get to the atmosphere, and of course you double that for it to get back down to the ISP.

    Unusable for any real gaming. Once netflix starts, it's golden, as buffering can be delayed by a second and nothing is seen. Website browsing is just a little delayed from entering the url.

    The best solution, imo, is the work being done with light emission. Fiber optics shows the speed increase of a glass medium going to the newer vacuum center fibers. Now if it was a focused laser, it could transmit at fiber optic speed, wirelessly.

    It is interesting the new developments in "space real estate" on the lower altitude orbits, if there will be options for countries, or businesses, to buy up orbits.

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