An Idea To Improve Hunters Call

  • We all love hunting Megalodons, but it can be very hit or miss as to whether or not you actually find one. So I thought why not have a way to add some more to do in Hunters Call as well as a consistent way to hunt megs. I give you Hunters Call Voyages! Hunters Call Voyages would have the player sail to a Island to dig up a new item added with these voyages, Chum Crates! The player would then be given a location on the map (I.e O 21 C 24 etc) The player would then sail to that spot of the map and dump the Chum Crate into the ocean triggering a loud growing noise followed by, a Trophy Megalodon! These would be slightly larger then normal megs as well as have a bit more hp. Upon defeating these Trophy Megs the player would get the standard meg loot except for Trophy Megalodon Meat in place of normal meat, which be worth substantially more xp then normal. As you climb the ranks the voyages would work as follows. Ranks 1-10 Trophy Hungering One small chance of Trophy Crested Queen, ranks 10-20 Trophy Crested Queen small chance of Trophy Shadowmaw, ranks 20-30 Trophy Shadowmaw small chance of Trophy Ancient Terror, ranks 30-40 Trophy Ancient Terror (very)small chance of Trophy Shrouded Ghost, rank 50 slightly increased chance of Trophy Shrouded Ghost. This is by no means a prefect idea there’s definitely room for improvement but it’s just something I thought up. Would love to see something like this in game though. Feel free to give ideas/feedback

  • 10
  • I'm game

  • Id be super into this. Maybe even trophy krakens as well. Eventually it could become an avenue to introduce new sea monsters

  • Love the idea!!!

  • I don't like the idea of having to dig up the chum, or of "elite" megalodons or "elite" meg meat - just have the Hunter's Call give it to you, like the Merchant Alliance does with cages or cargo (they certainly get enough fish to make the chum). Make the encounters different or tougher, sure, but don't make them "elite" versions of what we already have - that title essentially belongs to the original Hungering One and the Shrouded Ghost. Give me a Hammerhead or Thresher Megalodon instead. That would be pretty cool.

  • I don't like the idea of having to dig up the chum, or of "elite" megalodons or "elite" meg meat - just have the Hunter's Call give it to you, like the Merchant Alliance does with cages or cargo (they certainly get enough fish to make the chum). Make the encounters different or tougher, sure, but don't make them "elite" versions of what we already have - that title essentially belongs to the original Hungering One and the Shrouded Ghost. Give me a Hammerhead or Thresher Megalodon instead. That would be pretty cool.

  • @galactic-geek I was essentially spit balling while it was on my brain, looking back yea no don’t dig up the chum just have them hand it to you, and also I love the idea of a hammer head and or thrasher meg!! Would be very cool to see, as someone else said could even be a avenue to more sea monsters.

  • Sure it could be fun but Hunters Call isnt just about hunting Megs

  • @themohaamaster doesn’t have to just be megs, this was just a idea on my brain I thought could be fun, and if I’m honest seeing everyone else’s reply’s has made it so much better, having different forms of megs, add new sew monsters to hunt, maybe even something similar to a cargo run? Like say they give you a note saying the coral near Twin Groves is dying so the give you a barrel of coral to take to the island and plant it, or deliver a barrel of fish to a outpost because they’re low on food, would love to see a more living environment in the game, resource trade ships to keep the outposts stocked, stuff like that. this is purely a idea and I’d love to see the community continue to give they’re thoughts on it:)

  • So far a surprising amount of feed back has come on from you guys! I never thought people would like this as much as they have and not only have they shown support but given they’re own excellent ideas and improvements! Keep this going and maybe we can get the devs to see!

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