Lookin' for that elusive Obsidian Banjo? This is how to get yer hooks on it!

  • Keep yer eyes on that horizon! More to follow ;)


    An exclusive T-shirt has hit the store! And it grants you a code for the Obsidian Banjo!

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  • @musicmee I wasn't expecting that so quickly after the fishing rod. Looks great!

  • @musicmee


    Thanks for the insight.

  • Nice. My bet is on having to spend a certain amount on the DBH Sea of Thieves merch... which I've been looking for a good excuse to do so already.

  • We're getting 24~ hours notice. I'll take that.

  • Still need that elusive blunderbuss.

  • @testakleze said in Lookin' for that elusive Obsidian Banjo?:

    @musicmee I wasn't expecting that so quickly after the fishing rod. Looks great!

    Ohh nooo what fishing rod? 😬

  • @bloodybil This be the fishing rod you be lookin' for matey!


  • @musicmee Thank you again for all the info and time you give to keep us all in the loop!

  • @bloodybil Log in to the game, It will be yours automatically! (Only available today tho)

  • how do you get the fishing rod?

  • @britishmango05 Ahoy matey!

    Just log into the game within the next couple of hours and it should appear in your equipment chest!

  • @musicmee said in Lookin' for that elusive Obsidian Banjo?:

    @bloodybil This be the fishing rod you be lookin' for matey!


    Oooh thank you, thought I had missed on it 😁

  • My guess is the t-shirts will go on sale tomorrow and by buying one you will also get the banjo skin.

    Why else would DBH Gaming be involved? Hopefully I am wrong and it’s free! Either way it’s an awesome looking banjo skin.

  • @d1no Not long to go now...

    Either way, she be mine!

  • @musicmee any word yet? Lol

  • *waiting patiently

  • It's been exactly 24 hours since the teaser DBH tweet... so any moment now...

  • @realstyli yep, 24 hours now, shouldn't be too long before https://twitter.com/SeaOfThieves tweets or retweets something.

  • Ahoy maties!

    I be back again, with news from over the seas!

    It seems purchasing the following item rewards you the very nice looking Obsidian Banjo!

  • @musicmee Do you know, will they be offering any other way to get the banjo in the future? I missed out on the cannons and don't want to miss out on this. Still hoping to find a code for the black dog gear someday too. LOL

  • @nofears-fun Not currently, but as with all items, the promotions just grant you early acess to the items.

  • 🤦‍♂️ try short sleeves, eu store and ideal..

  • Dang, not a fan of the shirt or design, so will have to pass in this one.

    Thanks for the OP and updates though!

  • I'm really upset that this has to obtained through a 3rd party and it's $34.00.
    At least when promotions went through the official SoT store, I could purchase the cheapest item there.
    Guess I don't need the banjo that bad.
    $60 bucks for the game, $60+++++ on the controller, $10 in store.
    I live in FL, it's hot almost year round, I have no need for a long sleeve black shirt.
    Oh, and no women's cuts? Sorry ladies, no form fitting cuts for you.

  • Dang 34 bucks for me seems steep for a shirt

  • @musicmee a legend you are in helping the community

  • @fuzzyh1ghland3r Cheers matey :)

    I only do it for the community :D I know not everyone voyages into the seas of Twitter!

  • Its amazing how much they make the player base bounce around to gather cosmetics. Preordering was fine... but this is getting insane. Buy shirts from these guys, random stuff from our shop, subscribe to twitch, now twich prime, oh dont forget about mixer, buy a controller, buy these cookies (or get an american to do it for you), come to this show and our booth, stream and be a "creator", spend an hour testing our glitches etc etc etc... I love playing the game, please let us simply earn cosmetics by playing.

  • @omnipotence13 I agree with you. I though rewards for the Insider build was a great way to get people to actually play.

    But some of these promos are getting crazy.
    I'm all for exclusive and time limited items, but paying for them through a 3rd party is getting a bit much.

  • @iisrgntwolfii said in Lookin' for that elusive Obsidian Banjo? This is how to get yer hooks on it!:

    @omnipotence13 I agree with you. I though rewards for the Insider build was a great way to get people to actually play.

    But some of these promos are getting crazy.
    I'm all for exclusive and time limited items, but paying for them through a 3rd party is getting a bit much.

    Insider comments were probably a little overboard just added to the rest its all too much

  • See, I don’t mind it in this case, because we’ve had obsidian stuff locked behind paywalls before. So it fits.

    If they locked something else behind it, like a new part of an old set, that’d be a different story IMO. This, although steep, is fine, and the top is lush!

  • @iisrgntwolfii said in Lookin' for that elusive Obsidian Banjo? This is how to get yer hooks on it!:

    @omnipotence13 I agree with you. I though rewards for the Insider build was a great way to get people to actually play.

    But some of these promos are getting crazy.
    I'm all for exclusive and time limited items, but paying for them through a 3rd party is getting a bit much.

    I don't think third party exclusives are bad. We have twitch already, other games do deals with toys and clothing all the time.

    Team Fortress 2 has teamed up with a board game company (Chess Board), a stuffed animal company(Spy Crab and Blow-up inflatable), a toy company(Action Figures), and music.

    However, that shirt isn't my taste. I'll be waiting for a mixer reward at a later date.

  • @musicmee Ugh, they make you wait for the code until "the end of the campaign" which I assume means until they actually make and ship the product. But you get to pay for it today. LOL

  • Not very giving is it.

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