Ship customization

  • Why do i always need to customize my ship when i log in? it should save like every other games in the world. its 2020 soon. cmon!

  • 12
  • It's a new session and a new ship would be my guess.

  • This could be a nice quality of life upgrade. Just like your outfit is saved your chosen ship cosmetics could be saved.

    But how does it work when you join a crew with three random people and they all have saved cosmetics? Is there a "lobby leader", is it randomized or does it revert to no cosmetics?

  • @swoozh3 because the ship isn't yours.
    It's all crew's ship, and everyone has his own cosmetics to apply.
    So how exactly would that save your customizations, when it would save everyone's else too?

    What the game could do was let us save presets for us to save inside the ship's chest then we would go there and select what we saved.

  • @swoozh3 was your account literally created to talk bad about this game?

  • @swoozh3

    It is a session based game. Each time you enter, It's a new world, a new ship, a new adventure.

  • The ship is not yours as such.
    It therefore is blank.

    The reason its left blank is because if it were to be saved, what happens when you join a crew of 4?

    It would just annoy everyone if it kept changing as a new person joined

  • @nunoazuldimeter I agree. Even the presets are a good idea.

  • @unknowdabruhman The hell? What do you mean man? Can´t a pirate have his own opinions and suggestions? What did he said so wrong?

  • @Swoozh3 I'm pretty certain I heard somewhere the devs say they was working on being able to group prefered cosmetics so that you can hit one selection in the customization menu and it will deck out all of your preselected cosmetics. This way you don't have to select each thing each time. Other than that it will be blank each time because as others has said so groups can customize it differently.

  • @itsthegr8matt the creator of the topic @swoozh3 has made three posts all allmost the same thing, they were all talking bad about this game, and were all written in a strange tone tho i agree that a pirate can have theyre own opinions and suggestions.

  • @unknowdabruhman By the Merrick´s beard! You´re right! I just saw his posts about this game and he´s acting like a little child. My pardons to you fellow sailor. Shalt thou forgive Patch for his mistake.

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