can we have letters of rep for athnea? come on rare

  • @closinghare208 I don't mind the letters of recommendation for other factions, after all, a pirate would definitely lay some bribes down to advance in the world quicker. But I feel like once you hit legend it should be about the deeds, not buying your way to 10. Not to mention there are alot more levels to get through in the other factions and only 10 in Athenas.

  • @fast-bike94 ohhh yea i forgot they added that chest, never mind lol

  • @xix-zeno-xix said in can we have letters of rep for athnea? come on rare:

    @closinghare208 bro just turn in a bunch of ritual skulls to the stranger then, otherwise I have no idea what to tell ya. Getting to A10 isn't as great as is it sounds, there is like nothing to do afterwards for legends.

    Uhhh... no you can't.
    Not in favour of rep letters for Athena, but you can't sell Ritual skulls to the Mysterious Stranger.

  • @xix-zeno-xix until they have more content for pls

  • @pithyrumble what? I thought you could, did that stop or was I just tripping?

  • @xix-zeno-xix

    You could during the Dark Relics event, just as during Black Powder Stashes you could sell stronghold gunpowder barrels to the stranger. These things stop when the event ends.

  • The answer is no. Never. Terrible idea.

  • @genuine-heather I don't think so but your opinion is valid so whatever

  • @ultmateragnarok oh dang, I thought for some dumb reason that was a thing to just do now in the game. Fair enough I stand corrected. :)

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