Why All the hate speech?

  • Hear me out befor dismissing the statement I have to say. I love this game, I was lucky to play it very early on in its time to find a set of crewmates I would fight Kraken solo on a gallon for. So why after all this time is every one still tossing this level ignorence over voice, text an actions. An befor some one coming out of the morings an screaming "Welcome to sea of thieves" A thief still implies you are stealing something, or "Its a Priate game" Priate's or privateers as they were know Still stole something. So downing a ship just because it was there, is not a thief or Priate thing to do.

    That said even Priate an theives had a code to live by. I want to go on record here an now an state. This pointing to the "Priate code" sea of theives code of conduct an xbox code of conduct means nothing. It seems to rare's an microsofts efforts it is for not. There is always going to be speach over there seas what do you mean by actions. This dribble was shouted to me as I was chased an again tracked down after a scuttle an chased again.

    This is you insder program rare. with creator hual an proclaiming themslevs the top insider team. Now you can understand this is why I ask, an I would love to hear a modrators veiw on this. I am typing this knowing it will get taken down or at the very least flaged an changed. Good I would like some one other then myself to see an tell me how some one like myself should handle this. Knowing full well that there is not going to be any thing done about it. This is you Hight of you insider an creator program? These actions is what it takes gurter the postive attention of Rare an microsoft? These are the ones you are saying that should be looked up to?

    I hope not, but hey what do I know right. I am just a solo player that has a love for the game. I for go playing on game pass tell a time I could pay for an support the game. Now I am questioning why I should put any effort into it any more. I am not asking for anything. I know for a fact that nothing is going to be done. I just want a response A yes or no. This, this is the community you are asking for? One that looks down on others an breaks every rule you yourself had set? Befor a get asked, yes I changed seas, an everytime I do I find a crew that act's like the above. I just want a straight answer is this what you want from your commuity?

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  • @imspecial00 If you encounter any players breaching the code of conduct, either set out by Rare or Microsoft, then you should report them for doing so. These breaches are taken very seriously and action is often taken. Your post also breaks the forum rules we have here, by trying to bypass the derogatory language filter and will have to be edited.

    When these encounters happen it's important not to lose heart, and remember that there are just as many kind and considerate people out there playing. You may find the seas more friendly if you try playing on one of the bigger ships with a crew, and it's also a good way to make new friends.

  • @foxdodge thank you for informing me that I was breching the CoC I hope the edit I just did helps if not. A mod may have to edit or redact the statment if that is the case so be it. I will happly take the blunt of the judgement. I have reported them an even tho I do admit Rare an microsoft Hold the CoC in high reguards there seems to be no fault. I may not have made it clear but I held no blame to Rare an microsoft. The blame was cast on the community an I was looking for another veiw in the matter. Hopefuly one that would convence others to pick up the controlers in a better matter. Not to imulate but to detor these actions to be taken.

    I have tryed open crews once befor in the dismay to only be greeted with these conducts Face to Face. Muting my own crew only to have every one leave having to solo a gallon or brig, with the excuse given "becuase it's a pirate game". They refuse to work on voyages, take on forts to fight anything {kraken.meg,skellyboats} all I was met with when running open crews is "let's sink there boat" with no intent of getting anything not even supplies. met with the same belittlement this time there in my own crew.

  • @imspecial00 I find the LFG feature on Xbox/Xbox app to be the best way to find like minded players. There's also discord groups that you can join, and even making a post here on the forums will often get very positive results.

  • I've played since launch. The community has changed over the last year+. And not for the better. There's a lot of reason's why this is that I won't go into for the hundredth time here.

    But the biggest difference between "then" and and "now" is that people just shoot first and don't talk to strangers anymore. (not everyone obviously, but the vast majority).

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