Feedback for Rares Update - 1.4.3

  • I got a few things I want to point out.

    First off this is either is misprint or they really had no idea about their own game. I've always thought that they did not know how to play their own creation. So I am hoping this is a misprint

    ""Weapon Damage Falloff – Bullet damage no longer decreases over distance.""

    When did the game ever have weapon damage falloff? Was it suppose to but they just never realized it was not in the game?

    The kraken change. This right here is the straw for me. I've been pretty quiet about their changes to make the game easier. The grind first off is now non-existent. Just by doing forts you can get to pirate legend within 3 to 4 weeks if you really wanted to. DR Athena takes half the time to complete speed run and also takes half as long to get from 0 to 10 in rep.

    Why change the Kraken at all? The Kraken was already too easy. I have been sunk by the new kraken only once. I have fought her COUNTLESS times. Who cares if she covered the stairs. There is the right way to do this engagement.

    Old Kraken - You could literally just kill her without ever having to fire a cannon shot. Sword and guns were enough to kill her. Probably would never even have to repair a hole.

    New Kraken - You have to actually pay attention to your surroundings. You have to actually use the cannons. You have to use team work between repairing and attacking, communicating with your team on what to do.

    "But she would spawn on me while i was on a solo sloop" - You can kill the Kraken with just starting supplies. So with just the supplies you start with you can kill her on a sloop.

    "But she was impossible in a brig" - No she wasn't. Again there was a right way to do this. There is an actual proper way of fighting instead of just running around, screaming, and firing off sniper rifles shots.

    Why did they change this? WHY?

    Rare please stop trying to make this game easy mode. PLEASE! It is not a bad thing for people to learn how to actually play a game.

    side note yes this post is a really ranty. But its still true. They are dumbing down the game.

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  • @xultanis-dragon This couldn't be more true, though the problem is out of our hands. Most people come and use this forums as a platform for complaining. "I was playing and then I died! Fix this game!" etc...

    Those of us that use these forums for actual feedback are a rare breed (pun intended). We just have to roll with the punches and hope that with every tweak comes something else new for us true players to enjoy, while the rest of them fake their way to pirate legend.

    I don't even understand why anyone would rush to PL status anyway. Rare had stated way back that the actual "legend" is really just your story of how you got there. My xbox DVR is FULL of amazing SoT moments, and those people who exploit the game will get bored and stop eventually anyway.

    I hope that wasn't too ranty either! lol

  • Here are the biggest improvements I think they made:

    -Ghost meg spawn increase.
    -Rowboat no longer gets damaged while 'undocking' from the Galleon.
    -Double-gun nerfed (Though you can switch quick time if you jump in the air. I'd say this is a problem but you cannot fire like the old double-gun fashion from before.
    -New fort in the Roar (Sad that is isn't operational yet)
    -Hip firing with Eye-Of-Reach not worth the bullet.

    Here is what I think needs improvement:

    -The Bilge Rat Adventure. This is the worst one they made. It lacks so much it makes me wonder, why even put it in to begin with? (It is a repeat of our current voyage system, it doesn't offer anything new. All other bilge rat adventures offered something new to do) This is so out of place..

    -The Roar Fort. I know, how could this be on here? I am just concerned with the fact that it will feature a volcano and geysers. If it is the same loot we currently get from other forts, it might not be worth it. The Mega Keg alone might be a nightmare to get out of there. And, to put it in without it functioning is kind of meh. It takes place of what we had problems before. The forts that weren't active before were rarely visited (only for supplies). So, they went kind of backwards with this addition (though it looks nice).

    -Cutlass might be OP now. We were laughing about it earlier because those of us that never used double gun used the cutlass. Now we're just jumping around without much downtime.

  • @fenderbendur Well to be fair here, Rare did come out and say on multiple times back when the game first came out and before it that the real game started at Pirate Legend. That the first 50 ranks in each faction was a tutorial going to get people ready for the Pirate Legend stuff. They actually said this. It will be very, very hard to find any of this in print now though as they purged the forums about 6 months back and deleted every old post from launch till about Cursed Sails or so.

  • @shinten-rai I do remember that, and it's a shame it never got fully realized.

    I am holding out hope that this game will follow the path of games like ESO, or No Man's Sky, wherein a massive update was released about a year into launch which completely revamped the system making the game fully realized to its concept.

    This became more apparent during Inside Xbox this week when Joe hinted at the announcement of a "Mega Update" coming for the 1-year anniversary. I won't hold my breath though!

  • @shinten-rai said in Feedback for Rares Update - 1.4.3:

    @fenderbendur Well to be fair here, Rare did come out and say on multiple times back when the game first came out and before it that the real game started at Pirate Legend. That the first 50 ranks in each faction was a tutorial going to get people ready for the Pirate Legend stuff. They actually said this. It will be very, very hard to find any of this in print now though as they purged the forums about 6 months back and deleted every old post from launch till about Cursed Sails or so.

    I'm almost positive that you can find them saying this stuff in a lot of videos from around release time on their official Youtube channel or possibly in one of the XBox E3 presentations. The amount of hype they put onto the Pirate Legend status was a major part of the reason why people were so upset after the first few pirates reached it and found that it was nothing but more of the same quests with a different chest at the end instead of introducing new gameplay elements.

  • The only issue i have is that every time you sprint your gun resets and you cant ADS after running away, keg skeletons are even more annoying that.

  • @xultanis-dragon dijo en Feedback for Rares Update - 1.4.3:

    Why change the Kraken at all? The Kraken was already too easy.

    Now its a joke... shouldn't be Karen the HARDEST enemy to beat in SoT? because I'm more afraid now of a blunderbuss skelleton...

  • Making the Kraken even easier is another move that just beggars belief. I am in no way a top-tier player at this, or any other game (far too long in the tooth to have the necessary reactions sadly) but this game is already way too easy and lacking in pve challenge. The Kraken WAS one of the only fights where you might stand a chance of losing... and even then, not a big chance. Was this ANOTHER example of them bowing to the constant complaints of players that have still to learn the value of actually getting resources for your ship, so you can survive such encounters? Sadly, I think it probably is.

    Other feedback regarding this patch, well, the combat changes are ok, not perfect but they certainly did more than many were expecting from reading comments, so no major complaints about those, although I do hope to see a few tweaks be made going forward.

    What I'm REALLY disappointed in though, is the lack of anything NEW. We haven't had a single Bilge Rat Adventure for some time now and one of the reasons that the forums were so flooded with complaints about PVP was due to Pirate Legends and other long-term players being bored with there being nothing new to do and going out specifically looking for PVP. So now we have the combat changes, which is good... but we don't have anything new to actually do. The Mercenary quest takes a hour at most and that's not even new content, it's just basically half an Athena journey. This patch desperately needed the addition of something for us to actually DO and it's disappointing that it didn't come with anything.

    I can only hope that they add something new BEFORE March 20th...

  • @xultanis-dragon The constant nerfing wouldn’t be so bad if they would introduce more difficult challenges while nerfing old content. For example, when they made PL and A10 much easier to achieve, they could’ve also raised all of the rank caps and introduced a second-teir athena voyage unlocked at A10 to give us “over-achievers” something more challenging to do. That alone would’ve made the fact that the PL commendation stats only being tracked after the shrouded spoils update much easier to digest.

  • @shinten-rai Sure but what pirate legend stuff? Athena voyages, they are basically just more of what you have done to get to PL, sure the skeletons are harder, but seriously they are not a challenge. There is absolutely nothing to do as a PL, I don't want to sound ungrateful but I really wish they were focusing on additional content especially for the end game.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Feedback for Rares Update - 1.4.3:

    Old Kraken - You could literally just kill her without ever having to fire a cannon shot. Sword and guns were enough to kill her. Probably would never even have to repair a hole.

    New Kraken - You have to actually pay attention to your surroundings. You have to actually use the cannons. You have to use team work between repairing and attacking, communicating with your team on what to do.}

    What else did they change besides wrapping the sloops lower? Nothing else in the patch notes was changed..

  • @new-world-clogs said in Feedback for Rares Update - 1.4.3:

    Did the game have weapon damage fall off? Never noticed it. I always took 50% from pistol shots regardless of the range my opponent shot me at?

    My guess is that some clever Dev at Rare said to Joe; "I'll handle reprogramming the weapon damage drop off!" and then took the week off to go skiing.

    If it did, it clearly didn't work properly.

  • @fenderbendur said in Feedback for Rares Update - 1.4.3:

    @xultanis-dragon This couldn't be more true, though the problem is out of our hands. Most people come and use this forums as a platform for complaining. "I was playing and then I died! Fix this game!" etc...

    Absolutelly agree with you, this is what I was saying in different treads too, they need to stop listening to “noobies” who come here complain that they sunk to kraken and lost their loot, oh no! They need to understand that those people will keep dying even to this nerfed kraken and same with PVP. Those who complain that they just can’t play this game because other crews killing them, too much PVE and etc. They just need to learn how this game works, I remember how game was hard in the beginning when it just released, everyone was fightig for forts, kraken was cool, everything was really good, and now game is so easy, you just go speedrun athena, forts spawn every 5 min and rarely you will see any contesting for forts...

  • I guess I'm not the only person who read that and was surprised it was a feature. Either it was broken or the damage falloff was near un-noticeable.

    Changes that are along the line of the Kraken, are a byproduct of taking balance changes from casual people. I mean sure, Rare doesn't want to alienate casual players, but you do by extension alienate your actual dedicated users. One of the reasons I stick with PvP, is that at least ships and players provide a challenge, but no environmental threat provides an actual level of difficulty to overcome. Their is nothing for long term players to challenge themselves with.

    I mean its not all negative, their is parts of this patch I like, but Arena can't come sooner. I'm dying to actually be tested in this game and it seems only other players can give us that.

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