Change Character

  • Hey Rare. How about letting us change character.

  • 8
  • I don’t have this problem, as I picked a good character, but occasionally I want to change it because all my friends have the same outfit just different characters so I get what you mean

  • I wouldn't mind if they monetized this feature. Implement the ability to change your character at a cost.
    But I would want the first time to be free for those who were unaware that you couldn't change it initially.
    Or character slots would be nice too.

  • @edzedd

    Ahoy there and thanks for posting your suggestion - it's definitely something which has been requested several times in the past, including one wonderful idea that used a potion as a lore friendly way to access editing options!

  • I always thought that at the begining, but I grew on my character more and more. But again as Kat says, it's a great idea and Rare has seen this request all over. And they might just surprise us with a reimage at some point! :D

  • I want this badly. My character has a backstory but due to the rng system they are missing some other physical details they should have that ties into their lore. (And so far the scars section hasn't been doing a good job at helping me fix that issue. The tattoo section was great though. Some really cool inks you can get.)

  • @edzedd Hey if you are interested I made this little story to tie in character creation in the world.

  • If i recall correctly it's a waiting game on this feature.
    They did try earlier on to fix this and give us an option to change our pirate.

    When they tested it, it was buggy and changed features on pirates. Diffrent hair colours and stuff like that. They reversed this and added the option to Dye your hair colour.

    But i believe that in origin was about being able to change your pirate.

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