Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?

  • I really for the life of me can't understand it. Do they wish to push us out of the game in favor of new blood ? Do they not play the game enough themselves to understand what they have done ? Are they thinking it's a better business plan to cater to the masses ? All of the above ? How could a company show so little consideration for the players that logged on and spent so many hours in the game ?

    As of now all we get are rumors of new achievements to chase but there is nothing concrete and how could we trust them not to do this again ?
    All we can really do is speculate at this point.

  • 83
  • @trickrtreat01 I don't know Rare's motives, but I don't feel alienated at all. They have to try harder I guess.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    I really for the life of me can't understand it. Do they wish to push us out of the game in favor of new blood ?


    Do they not play the game enough themselves to understand what they have done ?

    YES, as far as I'm aware none of Rare staff are a PL and they average roughly Level 30 in all factions.

    Are they thinking it's a better business plan to cater to the masses ?

    That's not exclusive to Rare almost all studios want a large of an audiance as possible. The different is Rare is one of the few companies that do listen to feedback. They do truely care.

    All of the above ?


    How could a company show so little consideration for the players that logged on and spent so many hours in the game ?

    It wan't out of a lack of consideration but rather a failure in communication.

    As of now all we get are rumors of new achievements to chase but there is nothing concrete and how could we trust them not to do this again ?

    Only time will tell.

    All we can really do is speculate at this point.

    Speculations are what led to these issues to begin with.

  • @enf0rcer said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    YES, as far as I'm aware none of Rare staff are a PL and they average roughly Level 30 in all factions.

    There are actually a few Pirate Legends in house, sadly I'm not one of them. I just enjoy sailing on the open sea and assisting my fellow pirates when I can.

  • @zz-emerz-zz oh hello. which of the Rare Staff are PLs i haven't met any of them yet. Also do you happen to know at just about what time you guys had your first PL i didn't hear about it. Congrates to them.

  • @enf0rcer said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @zz-emerz-zz oh hello. which of the Rare Staff are PLs i haven't met any of them yet. Also do you happen to know at just about what time you guys had your first PL i didn't hear about it. Congrates to them.

    I'm not sure if they want to be revealed, but I'll go poke them and say the people want to hear from them. :)

  • A better question:
    What would Rare's motive be to stealing my socks?

    They haven't yet, but I figured I'd preemptively try to figure out why they would.

  • @zz-emerz-zz Thanks cause i'm just curious like many other about their perspective. Also please pass on my good tidings to them for reaching PL. It's fine if they wish to remain Anon, I respect their privacy i would just like to hear their opinions and thoughts.

  • I do not feel alienated. I have the ability to access a hidden area, to do a lucrative type of voyage, access to the ghost outfit, and I can offer access to these things to my friends. I also have exclusive access to ship cosmetics. I am not motivated by crossing velvet ropes and titles.

  • Imho and really honestly i think you maybe need to try to see it another way around and change your pov @Trickrtreat01

    So here is what i think in general.
    If someone decides to spent tons of hours in a game and is dedicated to it very seriously, he allways smoke up all of the so called content very quick, get all achievements and what to earn or is available to accomplish.
    But in total the content is endless.
    Lets say we'd have only treasures to search for. Maybe only messages in a bottle. No regular quests. It's only one feature, but endless content as these messages in a bottle spawn randomly everywhere forever.
    The moment Developers decide for any sort of progress like we also have in SoT (but luckily not influencing the gamemechanics, balance etc..., only cosmetics) for Achievements, titles etc... It need to be balanced around the whole target audience to make sure everybody has some sort of satisfaction and feeling of success while playing and progressing.
    Think of someone who only plays Friday night and with a more steep reputation level curve he would maybe be below level 20 in all 3 factions today.
    If he also cares about the progress a little bit, he would exhaust and feel behind, although he wouldn't get anything really relevant gamemechanically. So to give everybody some satisfaction it need to be balanced.
    The average between play 10 hours a week and 10 hours everyday maybe.
    So it should take an average time to get to PL and it already is a sort of a grind and takes many, many hours ingame. If not playing efficently double these many, many hours.

    So it's to Rare to find this average time or average numbers for commendations not only to cater to one group of their target audience, but to all.

    What somebody can complain about is that Development Studios mostly dont develop for specific groups.
    There are hardcore pvp games as well as very casual friendly games out there. There are games for special tastes, genres and whatnot. But most of the games releasing try to find the average difficulty level, average time to spent to achieve something etc...
    That's because if you develop for the broader masses, you sell more copies.

    In almost all online games players ask for changes to fit better their personal playstyle. To be it more the game they want to play.
    And ofc hardcore players or dedicated players who spent more time than everybody else have their own view and their special wants.
    But imo their voices aren't more significant, maybe it's the opposite instead. Why?
    Take the hours one hardcore gamer spent playing the game and then come to the forum and make suggestions.
    Then take these hours and split them.
    Lets say one played 1000 hours in 10 Month. So 100 hours a month.
    The generic casual plays only 10 hours per Month, so just a tenth of what the hardcore player spent.
    But 10 casuals are 9 more copies sold and possible 9 more feedbacks. Even if only one of them gives an additional feedback to the game it's better for the developer.
    And the feedback of someone just spent 10 hours in the game compared to someone spent 100 hours in the game isn't less worth or less important than the more in depth feedback of the hardcore player.
    Why? because in the end only selled copies count.
    More selled copies, more updates, expansions and lifetime for the game.
    Less money income, less development.
    So, hardcore for sure know the game better in some way, but they are not worth more or more important for the game than casuals.
    In fact only what counts are numbers playing and try to give them all or at least as much as possible players a satisfiying experience while playing.
    Therefore we all need to do compromises.
    I agree that sometimes trying to please everybody is the wrong way.
    And you will continue to try to convince others and the devs to shape the game you like it more.
    And others, maybe more in total dont agree and want to shape the game in the opposite or whatever direction.
    It's something that sometimes drive people nuts and become aggressive or desperated.
    In the end i want to say, yes feedback and wants are important to share, but it's allways just your single voice, some will agree, but things only change for the masses and not a few peoples thoughts and feedback although they spent more time or equal the time than the other 80% of players spent.

    You also need to see that most players dont read or write in the forum. They just play and have fun and take things like they are. As long as pleased they stay and play further and leave without anyone taking notice if they havent fun anymore.

    In short: you smoke up content, feel there is nothing to do anymore that's fun and feel alienated.
    You ask for changes, but mostly i see most people here disagree or relativate your statements and suggestions.
    In the end you are seen as someone only complaining not able to have fun anymore.
    It's then to change the personal pov or attitude to the game or get angry or get desperated or just leave.
    I'm sure you are heared by the community and the devs.
    You now just can wait for improvements thst you like or think the whole thing over if you still want to play it.
    Dont get soaked into something you have very few influence to change it.
    The outcome is ragequit i suppose :-)
    Nit worth it, it's just a game to have fun with.
    If you cant anymore, bad for you, but hey you are PL A10. Everything achieved. Game Over :-)

  • @trickrtreat01
    Hello TrickrTreat01, do you refer to the point where Rare has tweeked a few commandations down so they can be achieved in a more smaller timeframe?
    Well, don't let that get you...You are an "Old" Pirate Legend i presume ( * Ooow, Moron, stop calling people Old, you're old , a limping dinosaur that forgot to die, dumbo), i mean with " Old" you became Legend the hard way,yes?

    Well, there is nothing that prevents you from being proud on that ...
    But to explain why so many want to be desperatly become Legendary Pirate , and after achieving it they feel suddenly goalless, you have to look at the society of the Western and probably other regions of the world...Everything is based on prestige , on status , you need a nice job where you only may sweat if the coffee during lunchbreak was too hot, you need a car that can launch itself to the stars if you would let all that horsepower free, you need a castle of a home with swimmingpool, Jacuzzi and gardener ...You need a 140 inch state of the art television that wipes the sweat off yer forehead after watching a thrilling movie, so you don't need to wipe that yerself...You need to be called Director,CEO or something or you are such a "poor workingman"...

    in here , it seems like everybody " needs" to be a Legend. Rare has helped that and bowed to all those critics ...They should have stay put . You have done the "Long " road to become Legend and please enlarge your topic by saying what kind of memories are branded in yer memory so they can never wiped out ...i'll bet you can tell us stories about Epic, long Sea battles , about thrilling melee Fights , about times you met " Fruitcakes" of the Sea that made you crawl from laughing in yer couch and so much more...

    People that solely focussed on becoming Legend , Legend by the means of reaching level 50 in all factions, because there is another kind of Legend too, will walk away once they reach that goal....Goals have always been in games and because of that only the real Great games get's replayed , but games without a setgoal, games you have to invest time in to discover what a few are talking, almost preaching about .That takes time, and when you can shake off to see that Level 50 business as a goal, as some kind of prestige, as it may feel for some, then you know that this game will stay with you untill Rare or Mr Philious Spencer , decides to pull the plug out ....But by then you have experienced so much hidden features that you will see that it didn't matter if that one had an easier way than you to reach Legendary Pirate ...

    Every Road is a Different Road , make sure you keep walking and you will experience much more than the ones who solely sail with the goal to get Legend, after they reach it , they drop off since they have not felt a tenth from what you and me have felt...Don't envy them, try to let them all look beyond this " Legend" business...It is there where the True Heart of this game lies ...And in my case, if, i'm allowed to say it , and who will hold me down?...True happiness lies for grabs for those who keep on searching and discovering new layers in this game and therefor trigger totally new state of minds in their own being...THOSE are the True Legends of the Sea...

  • @clumsy-george its great to see you on the Forum again. :)

  • I have been PL for quite some time now. And honestly, I do not feel alienated by Rare. I don't feel they have let me down in some way. But I think that is because my perspective of what the game is and what it is designed to be is quite different than what you see it for.

    I see a fantastic sandbox with amazing graphics, fluid motion (when there aren't glitches) and so many paths to take when I start a session, that never precludes me from changing that path at any time during that session.

    Has Rare occasionally had some big bumps in the road, yes. But lets look at why they have had them, because they have been working tirelessly to fill in this world with more tools, and more ways to have an adventure.

    I do believe that the call to arms that Rare has forgotten or alienated its legends is false. Rare has said they are working on stuff and have ideas specific to legends. But they have a much larger world than just legends. So they needed to start with the larger pool and work their way down to the smaller pool of players. They will get there, we just need to be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither is a massive sandbox like SoT.

    Give them some time and lets see what they come up with.

    I will say this, I have been having a blast these past several weeks. The new UI, CCB's and other things introduced, even the many annoying glitches have not discouraged me.

  • @nofears-fun


  • If you look around on forums and reddit, most responses to "will we get more actual PL content?" Is almost always met with "uhhm.. less than 1% of the playerbase is PL, and locking content behind that is unfair to more than half of the community and would cause problems"

    Which I'm tired of hearing almost 7 months after release, and is a completely wrong, and stupid response for reasons to not start working on PL content at this point.

  • Bild Text

    "If you now ask yourself where the big treasure is, then you have to look deep inside yourself and you will realize that's the friendship and the experience you made on your long journey. "

    Oh nice.
    Better than Gold.

  • @tre-oni If you watch the weekly streams that SoT have started with their top developers, they have had a lot of question and answer time with fans/players. And in those, this topic came up and the response was that yes, Rare understands that more content needs to be added for PL and they have some ideas, and may even be working on some, but for now, the priority is on more content for everyone. My take away on it was simple, the content they are working on will enhance everyone's game, including PL. But yes, as they want everyone to strive for PL they also want to add content for it, so it will come. But from the start, SoT had a clear path to get to Forsaken Shores. They really have not announced anything specific beyond that. So I do believe many of the fixes, updates and additions will start to come after FS is released. Or maybe I am just being to optimistic.

  • @tre-oni said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    If you look around on forums and reddit, most responses to "will we get more actual PL content?" Is almost always met with "uhhm.. less than 1% of the playerbase is PL, and locking content behind that is unfair to more than half of the community and would cause problems"

    Which I'm tired of hearing almost 7 months after release, and is a completely wrong, and stupid response for reasons to not start working on PL content at this point.

    Why is there an assumption that PL should receive significant exclusive content? When they release content, don’t we have access to it? Why does any of it need to be exclusive to just a few players?

  • @enf0rcer said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    I really for the life of me can't understand it. Do they wish to push us out of the game in favor of new blood ?


    Do they not play the game enough themselves to understand what they have done ?

    YES, as far as I'm aware none of Rare staff are a PL and they average roughly Level 30 in all factions.

    Are they thinking it's a better business plan to cater to the masses ?

    That's not exclusive to Rare almost all studios want a large of an audiance as possible. The different is Rare is one of the few companies that do listen to feedback. They do truely care.

    All of the above ?


    How could a company show so little consideration for the players that logged on and spent so many hours in the game ?

    It wan't out of a lack of consideration but rather a failure in communication.

    As of now all we get are rumors of new achievements to chase but there is nothing concrete and how could we trust them not to do this again ?

    Only time will tell.

    All we can really do is speculate at this point.

    Speculations are what led to these issues to begin with.

    All agree.

  • @ghostpaw I don't see the point in even having PL if you aren't going to put things there to make people want it.

    If contents for everyone and PL doesn't or shouldn't receive anything for getting there why not just remove PL as a rank, and leveling point and we can all consider ourselves PL through our actual accomplishments whenever we feel like it

    It's a purely useless addition to the game if content and incentive don't get placed behind it, and I don't see the point in it existing if Rares intentions match the community's of "makes no sense to lock content behind it"

    I'm not saying an update has to come out exclusively for PL... but I said this months ago, and I'll say it again..

    Alongside all content Rare is pushing for everyone going forward, they also need to push PL exclusive updates, changes, and things. Work on them alongside the content everyone will get, and bundle these things in and releas them with your big updates.

  • Well, let’s not forget that we were told before/at launch that the game really begins at PL. Currently, it’s a content wasteland for many PLs. And the excuse, “the majority of players aren’t PL,” falls flat in the face of that early statement. That’s why some PLs feel alienated and misled.

    I’m not a PL (likely would be already if I wasn’t playing two pirates), but I understand the frustration. The game doesn’t begin at PL, in terms of content, it repeats and then... nada.

  • @tre-oni Maybe I am a minority, but I really do not care about my PL title and I would not freak out if they stripped them or made them much easier to obtain. I usually run around with basic white clothes, basic equipment, and the gold picaroon title. If someone wants into the hideout I let them in, and I offer legendary voyages to anyone (including allied ships) interested in them. Most ships already have one or more PL on them.

    Although there are less than 1 percent of players who have reached PL, I think there is a much larger percentage of regular players who have reached it by now. It was just not that hard to achieve given time. Walling off the content to PL and their crews (I believe PL content needs to be available to the crew) would not change much. I just don’t care if they ever make PL content and hope they never produce significant content for PL only access.

  • @featuringturtle said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 This is what your 4th thread to complain? The world doesn't revolve around you cupcake.

    But later on this will allow them to point out the number of threads about complaints. I keep seeing the same handful of posters multiposting this stuff and then referencing their multiple threads to back up claims that they represent a majority of players.

  • @ghostpaw said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @featuringturtle said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 This is what your 4th thread to complain? The world doesn't revolve around you cupcake.

    But later on this will allow them to point out the number of threads about complaints. I keep seeing the same handful of posters multiposting this stuff and then referencing the same threads to back up their claims they represent a majority of players.

    It doesn't lend anything to game discussion at this point. There is a suggestions and feedback sub-forum.

  • @featuringturtle said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @ghostpaw said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @featuringturtle said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 This is what your 4th thread to complain? The world doesn't revolve around you cupcake.

    But later on this will allow them to point out the number of threads about complaints. I keep seeing the same handful of posters multiposting this stuff and then referencing the same threads to back up their claims they represent a majority of players.

    It doesn't lend anything to game discussion at this point. There is a suggestions and feedback sub-forum.

    It dosnt lend anything to the discussion you say? Similar to your cupcake comment, i hear ya.

    You could be extremely concise and articulate and on point with valid complaints (which i might add is the point of this forum, not for pat rare on the back praise type feedback, or atleast this thread isnt) and people will still comment like anyone with a complaint is beneath them because they care enough to complain about a video game.

    Its like rare has this same “its just a game” attitude when anyone gets worked up or gives negative feedback, even though its literally their job to design.

    There should be so much more to the game and to the PL rank at this point and anyone defending rare is either new to their development process or willfully ignorant of the truth.

    People resort to namecalling with their “holyier than thou” attitudes
    But rarely make a good point on topic, making it seem like rare are all helpless idiots who cant defend their own work or use this feedback to step up their game. They dont need more excuses.

    They need to start putting their money where their mouth is and stop telling us things about the future of the game that flat out arent true within the time frame they set.

    We havnt seen a kraken tooth hat, sails that increase speed, PL content, more ways to do voyages until this update with cargo missions which are still a glorified a-b fetch style mission from what i can see..

  • -looks up from making a skull-trail down Daggertooth's main dock-

    What's a "Pirate Legend"?

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @featuringturtle said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @ghostpaw said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @featuringturtle said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 This is what your 4th thread to complain? The world doesn't revolve around you cupcake.

    But later on this will allow them to point out the number of threads about complaints. I keep seeing the same handful of posters multiposting this stuff and then referencing the same threads to back up their claims they represent a majority of players.

    It doesn't lend anything to game discussion at this point. There is a suggestions and feedback sub-forum.

    It dosnt lend anything to the discussion you say? Similar to your cupcake comment, i hear ya.

    You could be extremely concise and articulate and on point with valid complaints (which i might add is the point of this forum, not for pat rare on the back praise type feedback, or atleast this thread isnt) and people will still comment like anyone with a complaint is beneath them because they care enough to complain about a video game.

    Its like rare has this same “its just a game” attitude when anyone gets worked up or gives negative feedback, even though its literally their job to design.

    There should be so much more to the game and to the PL rank at this point and anyone defending rare is either new to their development process or willfully ignorant of the truth.

    People resort to namecalling with their “holyier than thou” attitudes
    But rarely make a good point on topic, making it seem like rare are all helpless idiots who cant defend their own work or use this feedback to step up their game. They dont need more excuses.

    They need to start putting their money where their mouth is and stop telling us things about the future of the game that flat out arent true within the time frame they set.

    We havnt seen a kraken tooth hat, sails that increase speed, PL content, more ways to do voyages until this update with cargo missions which are still a glorified a-b fetch style mission from what i can see..

    Cargo runs = Pigs 2.0 *

  • @zodemere I still think pigs are more annoying than worrying about bottles

  • @featuringturtle I asked a legit question in a respectful manner. A lot of the people who don't agree with me responded in a respectful manner. And then there's you.

    You do not have to click on threads you don't want to read.

  • @tre-oni said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @ghostpaw I don't see the point in even having PL if you aren't going to put things there to make people want it.

    If contents for everyone and PL doesn't or shouldn't receive anything for getting there why not just remove PL as a rank, and leveling point and we can all consider ourselves PL through our actual accomplishments whenever we feel like it

    It's a purely useless addition to the game if content and incentive don't get placed behind it, and I don't see the point in it existing if Rares intentions match the community's of "makes no sense to lock content behind it"

    I'm not saying an update has to come out exclusively for PL... but I said this months ago, and I'll say it again..

    Alongside all content Rare is pushing for everyone going forward, they also need to push PL exclusive updates, changes, and things. Work on them alongside the content everyone will get, and bundle these things in and releas them with your big updates.

    This is exactly how I feel. There can be things to do for legends and non-legends. There was no need at all to strip anything away from us. There were achievements I had been working on that were suddenly just handed to me. I don't want that. I wanted to really earn them. Now they are meaningless.

    Even if they never added or gated anything else behind Pirate Legend, they could have left the other achievements where they were.

    As I said before, i never wore legend clothes or titles. It wasnt about showing off. In fact, for me it was the opposite. I hunted legends down and sank them. To me they were "high value targets" lol. Now it's just dumbed down so much it's just silly. I hate to say it's become a participation trophy game but it has.

    Rare is not respecting the accomplishments of the Pirate Legends and has taken away anything worth working towards. To be honest, the barrel UI and CCB's are keeping me from playing more than the stripping away of the achievement I was working on. And that's probably a good thing because if we still had barrels 1.0, there really would be nothing to do in the game other than wage war on every ship out there.

    I just don' get how Rare could think this would go over well with people who spent so much time in the game.

  • @trickrtreat01 You want more content for pirate legend, right? Well, the only way to make that happen is to have more pirate legends to begin with, which means nerving how to get there. It doesn't make sense to invest hours upon hours of dev time for content that is only available to less than 7500 people of a 5 million player base.

  • @x1-two said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 You want more content for pirate legend, right? Well, the only way to make that happen is to have more pirate legends to begin with, which means nerving how to get there. It doesn't make sense to invest hours upon hours of dev time for content that is only available to less than 7500 people of a 5 million player base.

    5 million player base.....bahahaahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • @x1-two said in Serious question, what would Rare's motive be to alienate Pirate Legends?:

    @trickrtreat01 You want more content for pirate legend, right? Well, the only way to make that happen is to have more pirate legends to begin with, which means nerving how to get there. It doesn't make sense to invest hours upon hours of dev time for content that is only available to less than 7500 people of a 5 million player base.

    I'm not asking for more. We had achievements we were working on and they were taken away.

  • Personally, what I would like to have seen was when you reached Pirate Legend. You should be able to choose one perk. Extra banana, Slightly longer health bar, extra bullet. Pirate Legends could exclusively have an advantage. That would've been cool to see. It would make becoming legend feel special. Almost as though you gain a super power and actually become a LEGEND. There's so many cool references out there. Also, I think cursed cannonballs should've been exclusive to PLs. They are FAR too common. I can't say I have had them used on me much yet. But it's pretty bizarre how common they are. They currently don't feel special at all and honestly just seem like it would just create chaos as they currently are. I understand why people are's really just a huge missed opportunity for Rare. There's too many things they could've done to make this more special. With that being sad...I'm not anywhere close to getting to Legend but I can understand the disappointment.

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