Unable to play

  • So, i haven't had the chance to play since the latest update, but tried to play last night.
    But every time i entered the game, it either wouldn't load or would begin to play and then the screen would freeze and i would get booted minutes later.
    Have done several hard reboots on my xbox and made sure i have the latest patch installed.
    All seems well and everything else is working as it should, and always does, just not SOT
    Has anyone else been having this problem? Or did i just run into a bit of bad luck last night with bad servers?

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  • @needsmokes Make a support ticket here: https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/
    maybe that could help.

  • I have submitted a ticket, and the issue still remains for me sadly.
    No SOT for me today! If the game will load, it freezes within 10 minutes of playing.
    Very annoying. Cursed crews indeed!

  • Happened to a few of my friends and I too. A friend loaded up a gally. One friend was able to join, one kept getting an error msg while loading. They were never able to get into the game. I on the other hand, after getting a handful of error msgs and determination FINALLY loaded completely into the game. (Getting highly annoyed at this point) only to be booted about 20 minutes into playing with an error code. I love this game and I know stuff happends but when you fix one thing and it messes up another, it becomes very disheartening. Hope the kinks smooth out soon.

  • @needsmokes Have you tried uninstalling game and installing a fresh client? Creating a support ticket was the right way to go but it could not hurt to try in the meantime.

  • @ionei-falcon I'm so afraid to do that. Wondering if that might make more problems arise. Does it usually work successfully for other people?

  • @ionei-falcon
    No, i haven't tried that, and in all honestly, i'm a little worried to even try it, i know i can uninstall and save my progress etc, but i clearly have some kind of issue and i'm not taking that chance as i am already PL. I will just have to wait and see what my ticket response is.
    I've tried to play a number of times today, and it's getting worse. I can select a ship, start to join then after 1 minute of watching the loading screen credits, all goes black and i'm back to my homepage.
    I have over 1.4GB storage left on my xbox external hard drive and i'm running fibre optic broadband which is performing as well as it can, so no issues my end.
    Awaiting new patch i guess..

  • @riggamortis21 @NeedSmokes You would have nothing to lose by uninstalling the client and installing again other than bandwidth if you have a cap. Your save is stored in the cloud and not internally on your Xbox or hard drive. I have had a few people say that it fixed some of their problems.

  • @ionei-falcon Alright. Thanks for the info!

  • @riggamortis21 Yeah, no problem. I think all Xbox One games have their saves stored in the cloud so you never have to worry losing your progress. As long as you don't go messing with the cloud saves on your hard drive. The game client itself though is separate from the save.

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