Reapers Mark in an Alliance / Cursed Cannonballs Commendation

  • Hi there,
    I have a question about one of the new commendations: "Complete a voyage with the Reapers Mark equipped while in an alliance".
    So, I was on a voyage, about 2 hrs in and I had the Reapers Mark equipped. I came across another ship. They were friendly and suggested an alliance. I was happy, because this meant I could do the commendation, right?
    Nope. I went up to the crows nest and accepted the alliance and...boom - the Reapers Mark just disappeared. So my whole progress of 2 hrs was gone. I didn't get the commendation for the voyage (single crew) and I didn't get the commendation for the alliance.
    How does this work? Do you have to be in an alliance first, then equip the Reapers Mark and then start a voyage? I'm confused. Does anybody know. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • 8
  • @nd3e Ahoy matey!

    I'm not sure on this one either yet... but It would only work if you were in an alliance first and then put the reapers mark flag up - as long as you don't put the mutiny flag up you will stay in the alliance and all should be good.

  • Yeah, sounds like you need to plan it. Join aliance, put the reaper flag, put a voyage, complete it while still in aliance with reaper flag on.

  • @nd3e Yeah, don't change any flag once you have your Reaper flag up and start your voyage. It will cancel the progress for the commendation. As said by the others, you have to plan your alliance ahead of time or tell your new friends that you have to wait to join until after your voyage is done.

  • @nd3e This is stupid, I did the same thing, took like 2hrs to complete the dang voyage cus it was like 4 chapters long. We had an alliance then they randomly bailed on us. Found another crew to ally with us and we kept the reaper's mark up the entire time accept for just to join alliances... obviously it didn't give us the accommodation.
    @rare Rare maybe you can add a time limit on the reapers mark, like if you only have it down for 1 minute to join an alliance it still will count... people leave alliances like for no reason at all not to mention there's no in game way to communicate with them unless you are right next to them...
    granted I'm heated right now cus we just spent all that time for nothing, if I knew you had to first join an alliance and keep the reapers mark and the alliance up the whole time I would of started over with the guys we found instead of staying on the same voyage...
    atleast make the directions more clear.

  • yeah, pretty stupid

  • @bnizzl89 Exactly. I simply don't understand, why joining an alliance will cancel your Reaper's Mark. The game interface has two different tabs for the flags and the pennants. So please Rare make it two seperate slots in the game, so you can have both equipped at the same time. Would make sense imho.

  • This happened to me as well and it was quite annoying. As previously stated the order needs to be:

    Form alliance - Fly reapers flag - put down voyage

    Once this is done, don't mess with the flags. Also try and get a low level player to drop you a gold hoarders quest or do a MA voyage as these are the quickest to complete.

    Good luck

3 out of 8