Extremely Disappointed

  • I have 100s of hours into this game. I really do love it. That's why I was so disappointed with this latest expansion. I've completed everything you guys have launched so far. My play time is daily from 8pm-12am EST. This latest expansion was created so I have to not work or have family time in order to complete the content. Unfortunately I'm not a position to play at 3AM, or 3PM to get all three skeleton ship commendations each week. It sucks you think so poorly of someone who has put so much effort into the game that you would literally create content that I would have to call out of work, ignore my family time, or not sleep in order to complete. The absolute lack of thought around supporting the players that have supported this game from day one is a huge let down. After missing out the first week and not being able to clear all three ships has left me jaded and quite frankly unwilling to play your game. It was fun, I enjoyed the good times, but I cannot support a game that fails to support me. I just simply don't understand why you would create content that would force someone to play a full 12 hour stretch of game time, at the same exact time every day, in order to get all of the content of the new expansion.

    Will you be fixing this? Shifting the times still made it so I couldn't play all three ships. I know this isn't a paid expansion per say, but the content nonetheless is not fully playable unless I'm willing to take a vacation. Sad and disappointing.

  • 7
  • They have already stated they will not be adding content that is accessible only during certain times. They have also extended the number of days to complete it another week. Try not to assume they have poor motives in mind (“you think so poorly of...”) or that they have adopted a mindless attitude (“the absolute lack of thought...”) when they give us free content. They admitted it was a problem for SOME players. Also, what is wrong with them rewarding players who go above and beyond to complete some content? Do they not deserve an extra title and a VERY small handful (5-15) bonus doubloons?

    Some of your comments suggest you do not understand the tasks. For example, none of them require you play 12 hours straight. It takes about 30-60 minutes to sink a fleet. The window of time to sink each fleet lasts four hours twice a day. You are looking at about three to six hours of time spread out over the course of a week. You get the same 168 hours a week as everyone else in the world and you decide how you will spend them. You have competing priorities and made a decision based on your values. Find peace with that.

  • @man-vs-gravity

    They have rotated the times so that even players who only have a set time to play can complete the challenges. I do not understand what you grievance is? Did you miss a week or something?

    I actually really like what they have done with this new content. Hungering Deep really suffered, if you had not done it on that first weekend it was launched you could not find people to do it with.

    With Cursed Sails I am still joing up with other crews every night.

    I myself sacrificed some family time and sleep the first week, before they made the decision to rotate the times/areas.

  • Rare saw where they gone wrong with Hungering Deep and tried to do it better in Cursed Sails but oversteered a little. They have received the feedback and will continue to improve the content delivery mechanisms with future updates like Forsaken Shores.

    Since Cursed Sails was extended by one week you might still get the possibility to earn all accommodations, depending what skeleton crews will be sailing in the fourth week.

  • @man-vs-gravity
    Just in case you are unaware of the new times.

    As I am unsure of your location, here's some time conversions thanks to @Slave2theSAvE
    Australia / New Zealand

    North America

    Hopefully they better fit your scheduled.

  • @man-vs-gravity i thiink like u but ive made my mind its gonna be the first event not able to completed and its sad ive made some miracle with work and family to at least been able to sink the three crew and the 50 ships to get the bonecrusher boat and stuff but just hope its gonna be the last time

  • I'd like to agree. the 4pm to 8pm eastern time is really hard for me. I get off of work at 7, then get home to make dinner for the kids. I'll never get that one.

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