It All Makes Sense Now

  • Friday night/Early Saturday morning my son and I were playing. It was his first time playing. We were sailing around finding sunken ships. Just so happened to be one right next to the raid. A sloop was at the raid and we figured they wouldn’t mind us being at the sunken ship. We drop anchor and son goes down into the sunken ship. I’m standing guard and then all of a sudden a cannonball is shot at us. Then another and the 3rd one was a person. We raise anchor and head to the outpost right behind us. Turn in and gather cannonballs. While we are there the skull disappears. We head to the fort and as we approach more cannonballs and then a person shoots themself over and another on cannon. We fire back. Then we circle around and fire some more. Then they take off towards the Red Sea. We leave and go to another sunken ship by Golden Sands Outpost. As we are heading in to cash in what we found in the sunken ship a sloop comes by firing at us again. We chase them down to the outpost and they hit the shore and son put 3 cannons in them. Son fires himself to the outpost and they were running things to turn in. One drops a hateful skull to shoot son son kills him. Then he chases the other player and discovers their sloop sunk and a bunch of loot floating in the water. I circle back around and we get their loot. Come to figure it out, it was the sloop from the raid! We didn’t get the stronghold items, but we got a 3 skulls, 2 spices, 2 silks, 2 chests and 4 coffers. Son said they were kids because they were screaming and cussing at him as he killed them. Yep, it all made sense after he said that. They were very irrational in their thinking.

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  • Reading that I could only see my son in everything you said! When we get the chance to play together it completely changes my game because I prefer to be left alone while he'll dare anyone to test his skills.

    We can only hope those kids learned from the experience and make better choices next time. Being aggressive is fine, but being too aggressive will get your loot stolen.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo My Son was just Happy he got to use the cannon. Haha! He plays other games like CSGO. It made his night when he killed them both with the rifle no scope. I told him if he was against better players the rifle wouldn’t have done him any good as one shot doesn’t equal one kill and there’s no headshots in this game.

  • @purplemajic My son is a bit older I think but it's never too early to teach them the finer art of a good scope! I love how families play this game. I've read many posts and it always makes me happy to see that this game draws in all ages and types of players.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo He’s 14. He’s been wanting to play with us since launch, but Hubby and I see playing it as our together time. But since we got the Chips Ahoy promo codes for GamePass we let Son have them so he could play with us and play State of Decay 2.

  • My son turns 19 in a few weeks so a little older ;) . I usually play with my husband but when the boys get the chance they like to join us. Since the boys are grown and doing that adulting thing we don't get as much time to play with them like we did when they were younger.

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