Old faithful isle riddle

  • @il-yusuke-li said in Old faithful isle riddle:

    This needs to be fixed. It's my last map before a chest of legends. I spent 4 hours on this voyage. Can't get the chest until I finish this riddle.

    Oh god we can comiserate. We just actually found it. I'll reply with some screenies

  • the rock!
    alt text

  • wierd... the markdown doesnt post the links...

  • You have to pay homage to the smallest northern most pebble for the voyage to trigger. There's lots of room for creative placement of a trigger point but this is just mean hahah

  • @phantaxus My crew encountered this similar occurrence with both the music and the lantern variants and thought the same thing that the quest was broken. Turns out the quest was not broken we were simply not in the right spot as we were able to locate the spot and trigger the next event. For those wondering it is not by the rowboat or actually anywhere on that large beach. I do not have access to the island pics or videos currently so I will try to explain where to go.
    From the large north beach with the row boat simply head around the island to the west (following the beach). When you run out of beach you will have to swim / wade across a small section of water to a smaller beach (which seems more west than north). On the beach there is a palm tree that seems to stick out more than the rest. Stand just to the west side of the tree and play your instrument or raise your lantern and it should trigger your next event. Good luck hope this helps some of you encountering the OFI riddle.

  • Solved this riddle on old faithful. I played music in the water on the north beach. I was actually swimming a little, as the end of the beach is underwater.

  • @flaminhotchinos said in Old faithful isle riddle:

    The quest is definitely bugged but can be completed if you walk along the North beach shoreline east of the broken boat until you find a small cluster of rocks. At the same moment you should just be able to see the skeleton tower around the island. Go underwater a couple feet at the rocks base and try triggering whatever your quest tells you to (music, light, map) and it should work. Thank FleeingRabbit22 above. ^

    Thank you, worked for me. Devs seriously need to fix these bugs. First they sell a beta game for 70 euros and the little content they have, is freaking bugged! Sigh

  • @flaminhotchinos very cool, many thanks.

  • 2 links to see where you can triggered this quest, i already search during 30min to find that, under water (look at the position of my friend under water)

    text alternatif

  • We figured this one out. Stand facing the ocean on the north beach with the island behind you. Walk to your right following the coast and you will come around to some rocks out in the water. Play it around there and it should trigger the next phase.

  • at the north beach somthing is hidden here, read me and it shall appear, half way through a legendary quest, so thats cool wasted a few hours for your broken game, i feel like you need to start answering these posts Rare, acknowlege the issues at lease

  • This isn't the only "finely tuned' riddle. Though I've been pretty fortunate and haven't had to wander around long on most voyages.... One did recently slow me down for at least 10 minutes..

    "Grove under the tip of Canon Peak"

    Yea, there is a group of trees of a different type than most on the island so we had the appropriate "area"... but where you ended up triggering the event was a tiny space hidden behind one tree, a corner of a rock, and the edge of grassy foliage. We walked all over each area repeatedly... It was dumb luck that one of us ran behind a tree.

    Bottom line?

    They need to widen the areas of some of these more general locations for the trigger proc. A grove should accommodate the entire grove.. the beach should account for all of the beach... etc.

  • @phantaxus "At the ground beneath the South West prisoners cage this quest now strays, where ye lanterns high with flame ablaze."

    Been all over island including the cage. does not work.

  • @octavian386 another topic gets necro’d for no good reason as this is against forum rules please create a new topic in the voyage help section @Deckhands a lock maybe ?

  • I avoid Old Faithfl like the pague, everyquest there is a massive PITA! OOS, maps and riddles can take forever, plus it's really depressing...

  • @octavian386 @CallMeBackdrafT

    Ahoy there, as mentioned it's probably going to be more useful to create a new thread in the voyage help category here as your difficulty is related to something different than the op, we do try and discourage necro posts as often the information is out of date.

    I'll shift this thread over as it might still be useful for those having trouble with riddle quests.


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