Suggestions for New Content & Game Mechanics - Revised on 05/29/2018

  • Additional Content: Equipment

    New Tools and Items:

    • Fish Net - Allows for players to catch small creatures like crabs, starfish, sea horses, and other ones suggested in the "Additional Content: Wildlife" entry listed below.
    • Grappling Hook - Allows players to throw and climb a rope over a short distance.
    • Fishing Rod - Allows players to fish for food and loot.
    • Whistle - Plays varying pitches to signal the crew's attention or perform specific tasks on deck.
    • Axe - To gather planks from trees, or punch holes in ships? Perhaps used to break planks used to "plug holes" in an enemy ship? This might fit the "Weapons" category over "Tools", if it wasn't so incredibly slow to swing around. Darn near useless in a fight, as you can't block with it either.
    • Animal traps - Baits and traps animals while the player explores the island.
    • Phonograph - Plays music like a player for a limited time - used for distractions and decoys around other players or hostile NPCs - or just for fun when players want to drop a beat.
    • Diver’s Suit - An early day diver’s suit with a cumbersome round bronze and glass helm that enables the user to explore underwater locations in search for loot. The suit is tethered to the ship via an air hose, so distance from the Ship above is limited. The weight enables the suit to submerge quickly, but movement back up or around the sea floor is slow do to the weight of the suit. Sharks and underwater threats just became a lot more complicated as the suit is fragile and subject to breaching, but with higher risk, comes higher reward! Imagine all the lost gold under the ocean blue and it’s all your’s for the taking!
    • Barrel of Grog - This large keg can be sold for a price at Port or be destroyed, intoxicating everyone nearby for a lengthy amount of time.
    • Sack of Flour - This heavy sack of flour is worth a modest price at Port, but it can also be destroyed or thrown, causing a large cloud of flour dust to encompass the area for period of time.
    • Eye of the Kraken - Upon the successful defeat of the legendary Kraken, an ornate jewel floats to the surface. This treasure shines brilliantly on the waves, a fitting reward which can be sold at Port.
    • Vampiric Chest - Drains life while carrying
    • Spider Chest - Crawls away from player randomly when not being held.
    • Explosive Chest - Upon being dug up, this chest tics with sticks of dynamite strapped to it. Player(s) have 1 in-game day to get it to Port for a big payout, or it explodes!
    • Shadow Chest - This chest can only be picked up when exposed to light. Like the shadow skeletons, the chest fades into a dim husk otherwise and cannot be interacted with until reintroduced to light.

    New Player Cosmetics:

    • Parrots - Stands perched on the shoulder of the player, curiously eyeing its surroundings. Perhaps it can squawk when the player takes damage or is in danger.
    • Antique Shades - "Benjamin Franklin" style sunglasses.
    • Immensely Oversized Admiral's Hat - Think of what "Captain Crunch" wears.
    • Trifolds - The Colonial era hats that were all the rage during that time in history.
    • Jester Hats - For the joker in the crew - with jingle bells and all.
    • Jester Shoes - I've got a fever...and the cure is more jingle bells.
    • Capes/Cloaks - Only the best heroes and villains wear them.

    New Player Weapons:

    • Crossbows
    • Javelin/Harpoons
    • Throwing Knives
    • Buckler & Rapier - This thin blade and small shield allow for faster swings but does a lot less damage than the standard blade.
    • Falchion - This two-handed blade swings slower, but does more damage.
    • Bear-Traps - Used to damage and slow an opponent down temporarily.
    • Net-Traps - Used to temporarily stun an opponent or steal their carried treasure.
    • Whips - Used to keep those snakes at bay, also not bad for damaging opponents at a distance. Perhaps it could also cause players to be disarmed when struck by it?
    • Molotov Cocktails - Used to set fire to opponents and or their ship. It takes a weapon slot, but can be held in stacks. Perhaps you can get them by picking up empty bottles and filling them with grog?
    • Round Bombs - The king of the antiquated "light and throw" explosives of ye olden times. This is a large explosive cannot be carried in stacks, but does severe damage to ships and players near the blast. It has a long fuse time, thus allowing the use time to run after lighting, but also for time for another player to pick it up and move it.
    • Dynamite Sticks - This smaller stick explosives aren't as powerful as the round bombs, but still aren't something to get caught on top of when they go off. Do to their smaller size and short fuse, they can be thrown quicker, as well as further, and can be carried in stacks.

    Additional Content: Wildlife

    • Monkeys - Run towards players carrying loot, steal it, and run away with it, unless the player distracts them with bananas.
    • Flamingos - A new bird to catch for Merchant quests?
    • Peacocks - A new bird to catch for Merchant quests?
    • Sea Turtles - Fun sea life that also distracts sharks. Upon being attacked by sharks, the turtles hide in their shells causing the shark's teeth to bleed/break resulting in the sharks swimming away.
    • Wales - Make a loud sound signalling when they are close to a ship. They break waves towards the surface of water, disrupting ships that don't maneuver out of the way, possibly damaging them and throwing the ship off course.
    • Dolphins - Like to play with loot, barrels, and players floating in water, occasionally nudging them around while chirping giggly.
    • Jelly Fish - An underwater threat! One more obstacle to make sunken ships more challenging, and deep sea diving in suits more adventurous! Watch your step in the shallows!
    • Piranha - Possibly a threat in ponds, creeks, and lakes on islands! Maybe shallow shore water?
    • Leeches - Obviously dangerous for players to become exposed. Running through infested waters could result in one being covered and having their life drained until they could pluck/shake them off.
    • Bees - A new resource for Merchant quests? Their honey sales for a small fortune in the markets, after all - Honey is just liquid gold! However, getting near a bee hive can be a fatal decision, especially when it comes time to rob the bees of their honey by smashing their hive!
    • Octopus - This sea creature squirts ink all over the surrounding areas when threats get close and makes it impossible to see under the water of the surrounding area for a short time. Sometimes these guys hide in shipwrecks, blasting a curious treasure hunter with a blinding dose. This makes shipwrecks more unpredictable and challenging.
    • Eels - Electrify nearby players in water! They like ponds, creeks, and shallow water on the show. Be warned, powder kegs can detonate if left or carried through surrounding electrical waters!
    • Sea Horses - A new resource for Merchant quests? Small rare sea creatures sought after by collectors. Hard to net the slippy devils, as they move in short bursts when threatened.
    • Starfish - A new resource for Merchant quests? Small creatures that lay out and slowly walk in shallow waters and sea shores. Harmless creatures, most are overlooked. However, rare color patterns are sought after and highly prized by collectors. Their easy to net and catch, but finding an exotic A****o Starfish among a score of roving starfish can be a challenge around the shore.
    • Water Buffalo - These beasts are generically pretty docile; however, when they hear a loud sound such as an explosion or musket blast, they stampede in a panic, trampling anyone who doesn't get out of the way!
    • Seals - Seals bark and wonk and flop around rocks and shorelines. They nag for food, so pirates who don't offer any can get harassed as they will flip and flop while loudly nagging at pirates who walk too close. Not a fun thing to be running from a threat with loot in your hand, to get held up by a pack of seals flipping and flopping in your way. Not to mention the distinct noise and commotion would certainly give your position away to another player.
    • Crabs - A new resource for Merchant quests? Crabs are small, but they can pinch an unsuspecting passerby. Their tender meat is enjoyed by many who can afford the exotic catch. Some pirates will risk loosing a finger for a good catch, if there's coin involved.
    • Frogs - A new resource for Merchant quests? Frog legs are a delectable treat in some markets. Catching the slimy critter can be a challenge though as they hop around in bursts when threatened. Watch out, sometimes they squirt hallucinogens around them, causing players to be disrupted and confused for a short amount of time.
    • Exotic Bird Eggs - A new resource for Merchant quests? Nests spawn around the island randomly, and some of the rarer birds' eggs go for a small fortune in the markets. However, they break easily. Any attack or damage taken by the player will cause the egg to crack and break. If a player is lucky enough to find one, it may be well worth the effort in trying to transport it safely back to the port for reward.
    • Foxes - These sly creatures duck and dodge catch. Players have to walk quietly to successfully cage them for sale at Port.

    New Content: AI and NPCs (Non-Player Characters)

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    New Models for Existing Ships, New Vessels, and Crew Sizes

    The Sloop

    Crew Size: 1-2 Players

    Option One - Standard Sloop: This is the standard sloop we already know well. It is equipped with the basic of armaments and is standard with a single sail and two canons (one on both the left and right side).

    Option Two - Cargo Sloop: This sloop was designed as the ideal small sized vessel for fast paced courier services from port to port. Although it is equipped with two sails for speed, the ship boasts no armaments to ward off raiders. It is the ideal sea craft for fast paced voyages and quick deliveries from "A to B".

    The Frigate

    Crew Size: 3-4 Players

    Option One - Standard Frigate: This medium sized vessel is ideal for exploration and cargo transport. The frigate has one level below deck, liken to the sloop, but is broader in size. It has a single sail, and boasts four canons (two placed on the left and two on the right sides).

    Option Two - Interception Frigate: This medium sized vessel also only has one sail, but unlike its counterparts, it is armed with two canons (one mounted on the front of the ship facing forward, and one in the rear of the ship with limited range). It is the ideal sea craft for port authority use as although its speed is limited, it can both engage while chasing or while being chased!

    Option Three - Cargo Frigate: This medium sized vessel was designed to transport larger quantities of supplies quickly and efficiently across the sea. It is equipped with two sails for speed, but at the sacrifice of most of its weaponry. It has a single canon in the rear, but with limited range and view. This ship was intended strictly for fast pace cargo runs, not epic naval engagements.

    The Galleon

    Crew Size: 4-5 Players - (Note: I recommend raising the minimum cre for a Galleon at the introduction of the Frigate.)

    Option One - Standard Galleon: The standard galleon that we already know and love. This vessel is equipped with three sails and 8 canons (4 on the left side, and 4 on the right). It is a medium-large vessel which requires some coordination to run efficiently due to its sheer size.

    Option Two - War Galleon: This galleon only has two large sails and is notably slower than its counterparts; however, in addition to the 8 canons, it has 2 more (adding a canon mounted on the front deck facing forward and a rear canon with limited range facing rear along with the standard 4 on the left side and 4 on the right side).

    Option Three - Convoy Galleon: This galleon has four large sails and can reach some serious speeds if manned and run efficiently. However, it is nearly disarmed as it only has two canons (one on the left and one on the right sides). This is the ideal ship for crossing large bodies of water in record times, and with ample cabin space below deck to resupply a whole port!

    MAN O' WAR

    Crew Size: 6-8 Players

    Only Option - The Man O' War: This is the largest vessel in the game. It has four floors and boasts three large sails like the galleon but boasts 20 canons (10 on the left side, 10 on the right side.) The canon batteries are in rows of five; however, the man o'war boasts another row of canons on the floor directly below, facing the same directions as their counterparts above on deck. This battleship was made for broadsiding destruction and if manned efficiently and run well, can outshoot any smaller ship in the game. It can be outrun, but it cannot be out gunned. With a full crew on deck, it is the ideal ship for fortresses, raiding, and naval engagements against all lesser pirates.

    Ships - Modifications and Repairs

    Cosmetics are fun and cool, but can we have some options to adjust some other properties of the ships? Perhaps decide where we want to place the canons on our ships while at dock, or perhaps players could be given the ability to adjust if we want to sacrifice canon slot(s) for an additional sail for speed?

    Could canons be heaved and tossed into the ocean by raiders boarding an enemy ship? While at it, can canons be damaged by an explosive or incoming canon ball that would require the canon to either be repaired or replaced before use again?

    I understand game balance is key. However, a player playing solo may prefer to sacrifice a canon or all of their ship’s weaponry for extra sails for speed. Or if a large galleon knows they’re going into a skirmish at a fortress, they may sacrifice speed and loose a sail for more armaments.

    All of us have pulled into dock before, and wanted to make some changes. Perhaps you just wanted to get a new hull and fill those nasty scuffs and holes dug into the frame of the ship, or perhaps you want to turn in your sloop for a galleon so that other friends can hop on. It’s a shame, that we currently have the ability to change the colour-schemes of our ships with extreme ease, but have absolutely no options for anything else. Here is a list of options we’d like to see added to ships while at port and out of combat range of any non-crewmen:

    A) The Ability to Repair Ships’ Hulls and Recover Them to Their New State: Even if it cost some gold, there has been mention made numerous times of allowing enemy players the ability to remove planks plugging the holes of your ship. Most of us are more than game with this idea, but which is all the more why we want the ability to either respawn ships or be able to repair them when at dock.

    B) The Ability to Customize Your Ship's Designs: As mentioned before, several new variations of the existing ships may negate this, but players would like the ability to swap out armaments and sails. We’d also welcome the ability to customize the designs of the ship. How cool would it be to select the ship you want to use, then when a player has achieved enough rep and stocked up enough coin, they could actually put it to use and add and/or remove parts of the ships to design the vessel just right for their play style. For example, i select a sloop, galleon, or whatever in the main menu. Once the game loads and I’m at port, I can then go to the dockmaster and spend gold to customize my ship in such a way that it better meets my style of play:

    I: Destructible Armor Plating – bounces incoming cannon balls elsewhere saving the wooden hull, but has limited durability before breaking and slows down the ship while equipped.

    Ii: Removing Canon(s) for Additional Sails – sacrificing armament(s) for speed and maneuverability.

    Iii: Removing Sail(s) for Additional Armaments – sacrificing speed for more combat effectiveness.

    Iv: Ballista – replace a canon(s) on your ship for a large siege weapon designed for lobbing a harpoon tethered by a large hemp rope to an enemy ship. Ammunition is limited and it takes a significant amount of time to reload and fire, but a successful hit could allow you to tow behind and board an enemy vessel and slow them down, allowing chasers the ability to intercept and board vessels once within range.

    V: Sail Variations – can we have the ability to purchase different sized sails that effect the ships manoeuvrability? Perhaps we could get broad sails that aren’t particularly tall, but allow a ship to move faster in the wind than standard sails, but at the cost of slower turn speeds. Perhaps also add tall sails that allow for a ship to turn easier, but at the cost of lesser max speed.

    Vi: Hull/Frame Variations – can we have the ability to choose different layouts for the ships we have? It would be nice to swap out the ratty canopy and open reared sloop, for an enclosed cabin with shutters. Perhaps some patterns could have different effects on the ships stats? Perhaps a thicker hull and enclosed cabin on a sloop might make the ship sink slower, but cost the ship’s cap speed to be lessened. While at it, why not have a more fragile, or lighter sloop that sinks faster, but can reach slightly higher speeds than that of the standard sloop or enclosed sloop?

    Vii: Battering Rams – can we get the ability added to add rams to ships? Feel free to make players sacrifice speed, armament, or sail slots, whatever – but having the ability to put an ironclad blade or punch on the front of a vessel would be awesome, particularly when the cannon balls start to run low in a naval engagement.

    C) The Ability to Commission a Different Size Ship: For example, if I am playing with my brother and we’re in a sloop. Some friends log on and want to join, should we not have the ability to turn in our loot, and afterwards just upgrade our sloop to a galleon at port? The friends could just join through us on xbox live / xbox ap once the transition was complete. Equally, can we have the ability to downgrade? Maybe a couple of people log off and we’re down to just two players. Can we not have the ability to downgrade to a sloop at port and close out the open positions on our crew?

    D) Locking Player Slots: Can we have a mechanism in play that allows for crews to lock out non-friends and keep the crew as private? When we’ve had friends get disconnected, it’s painful to see their spot replaced by a stranger who refuses to leave and find another crew to play with. I’m sure it’s just as frustrating to the poor stranger as it is the rest of us.

    E) Anchors: Where are they? Why are they invisible? Can we have physical anchors added to the game, and can they be prone to damage or sabotage? It seems silly to be able to drop anchor, but when you jump in the water and look, there’s nothing there. Equally, as unprotected ship should be able to have its anchor line cut, or even jammed by an enemy player. Perhaps a friendly play would have to swim below and untangle it in order to get the anchor to raise. This just seems like an awesome opportunity for more variety and strategy in PvP play and I can’t understand why it was left out of the game altogether. Can we get it added in?

    F) Fires: Can we get fires added to the game? For thousands of years, one of the biggest ways ships have been sunk in naval engagements is with fire. The ability to throw Molotov’s, or toss your lantern onto the deck of an enemy ship would be a nice addition to naval engagements. Enemy players would have to attempt to extinguish it, but at the risk of flooding their lower deck.

    G) Storage Damage: Can barrels stuffed with supplies be damaged, picked up, or altogether pushed overboard? Long winded naval engagements could be restricted by a well-placed shot to the enemy’s ammunition storage. Equally, if I board an enemy craft, I might be more interested in grabbing their barrel full of planks and running for it over any loot. If this is added, can the ability to pick where the barrels are spawned in also be added?

    H) Naming Ships: Can we please be able to name our Ships? Even if we have to pick from a selection of options that are deemed "Friendly For All" use, I think we'd all like the ability to do so. Perhaps a visit to the dock master would allow it? Perhaps new names could be earned by completing difficult tasks?

    I) Cutting Sails: Can we add the ability to cut an enemy player's sails? That way they can't lower, raise, or adjust them until they take time to fix the lines? This might make for a good way to cripple ships quickly upon boarding them besides always going for the anchor.

    New Game Mechanics

    New Client & Server Mechanics:

    • "Return Me to Last Game Session" - This feature should be added at main menu, and should prompt after a disconnection. I understand there may need to be a 5 or 10 minute limit to this, but some sort of feature needs to be in play for when a server crashes, or hic-ups and boots players in the midst of their game in hopes that all their progress won't be neglected. When a player encounters a server crash or "hic-up" they are disconnected and given a generic error, meanwhile their boats and loot float around and sink, with no one to claim them... When a player leaves a game, regardless of the reason, their player slot on the crew should be considered "reserved" for them if they wanted to return for a short amount of time. That way, if they want to reconnect shortly after an accidental disconnect, they can hop back in and hopefully continue where they left off (assuming they weren't in combat or navigating through treacherous waters.)

    Please allow ships no longer manned by any online players to automatically drop anchor and auto-scuttle after a 5-10 minute period. This way if any of the crewmen were disconnected inadvertently, they may have a chance to reclaim their hard work and time invested.

    It's not a perfect solution, but it is surely nicer than loosing everything with no help or hope of getting your hard work and time back.

    New Player VS Player Mechanics:

    Bounties: Anyone who has sailed their share of voyages, has typically been sunk by an enemy vessel and lost a fair amount of loot in the progress. Frustrated players even embark for the location they last engaged their murderers in an effort to intercept them and attempt to get their loot back. Even if they are unable to do so, sometimes they simply just want revenge! Why not take advantage of this? Can we have a bounty hunting system added? Perhaps upon the sinking of your vessel and death, a player can go to a billboard at any port, select the crew responsible for their death and destruction, and levee a bounty to the sinking of that ship! The enemy vessel could be flagged on the map when spotted with a spyglass by any other another crew.

    Seas Most Wanted - "Scourge of the Seas": The game is called sea of thieves, but some crews have proven to be PvP happy and kill on sight at every engagement. I'm not complaining about it, as it is the nature of the game. However, could we implement a system to not only warn other players of the deadliness of such a crew, but maybe build on that system allowing for players to have more fun with it? For example, upon a ship successfully sinking of three or more vessels consecutively, without sinking themselves, can that ship become flagged or crowned as a danger? Perhaps when seen by a spyglass or within a closer range an indicator of a "jolly roger" or other liken emblem can float over their ship or the crewmen sailing it, warning other players of the reputation of that ship being dangerous. Perhaps a reward could be granted to the sinking of said ship? Perhaps the title "scourge of the seas" could be given to players who are able to earn and maintain such a deadly score.

    Voyage Drops: - Upon sinking a ship actively tackling a voyage, have a message in the bottle spawn along with any and all treasure and float it to the surface.

    Duels/Betting: This one is particularly worth looking into if additional weapons are added into the game. Can pirates have the capability to bet and duel one another? Perhaps have as small arena set up at Port?

    Cards/Chess/Checkers/Dice/Battleship: Can mini-games be added to the game within the taverns? Perhaps players could also be allowed to bet on games wagering gold?

    Finger Stab/Arm-Wrestle/Drinking Contests: If mini games like those listed above can be added into the game, how about these? Can we add some more pirate variety to the mix?

    Coin flipping/Magic 8-Ball: When players reach an impasse in decision making, can a quick use of a heads or tail flip be added to the game to help with those tricky decisions that get stuck on the fence?

    The Value of Loot Decreasing Player Land Speed:

    Currently, when a player is carrying an item of value ( aka "loot"), whether it is any type of cursed skull, chest, cage, or other similar item - their movement speed is decreased by the same static amount across the board (regardless of the item’s actual weight or worth). Would the developers consider adjusting the speed of players, while they're carrying treasure, to be relative to the value of the item they’re carrying?

    For example, if a player was carrying a cheap castaway chest (the light brown ones worth very little), then could they carry it at a brisk jog? Whereas, if a player was carrying a captain’s chest (the gold ornate chests worth significantly more), could the player be hamstringed down to as little as a walking pace? For game balancing purposes, i can understand the items weight not being realistic. However, i believe this adjustment could add some variety and strategy to the game, particularly with player vs player encounters.

    If this mechanic can be introduced, can we also allow two players to help carry an item? Perhaps the speed decrease could be uplifted altogether or lessened in the event another player helped lift and carry the item? Obviously some coordination would have to be made in order for two players to hoist the treasure in the same direction, but to me that would just add yet another level of teamwork and coordination which this game particularly shines at doing already in so many other fields of play.

    Anyone who has played the game long enough has experienced the frustration of attempting to swing their sword uselessly at a player running with loot in their hands. Sure, when on land and carrying treasure, their speed is decreased, but anyone who swings their sword has their speed penalized noticeably more so. Unless you have the ammo, and sufficient time to make several well placed shots, you will not be able to pursue and cut down a player on-foot in a chase while they're running with loot in their hands. Swinging your sword simply slows the chasing player down too much to bother doing so with the current speeds implemented into the code of the game.

    Granted, the disadvantage of the pursuing player seems to lessen once the chase enters a body of water, as the player carrying loots swim speed is seemingly halved. It does not make sense that the same loot that so drastically decreases a player in the water, seems to have little effect on their speed on land. Surely the mechanic listed above could address this issue, and bring some more balance and teamwork forward as a sound resolution.

    The Ability to Throw, Heave, and Catch Loot:

    Currently, when a player is carrying an item of value such as a chest, skull, cage, or such – their only available option besides to turn in the item to the appropriate NPC, is to drop the item on the ground directly beneath them. Would the developers consider a “toss” or “throwing” feature for these items? Perhaps it is unrealistic to expect a deckhand to throw a heavy treasure chest across the bow; however, could they at least be able to heave the item a few feet?

    Like in the suggestion above, perhaps the distance of the items thrown can be relative to their worth. If it is a cheaper item worth little, it can be tossed or heaved several meters. Whereas if it is a chest full of gold and treasure it can only be tossed a couple of feet or so.

    If this is something that can be added into the game, can we also allow two players to work together on heaving items? Perhaps they can grab each end of a chest and heave it back and forth to increase the distance it is thrown.

    If this feature can be implemented, could a “catching” feature also be implemented? Could a player waiting to catch the loot have the opportunity to do so when the loot came within range of them?

    Anyone unloading cargo, hiding loot, or being chased by raiders have each at one point or another wanted a feature like this to be added to the mechanics of the game. I think it would certainly be worth the effort to do so.

    Adjustments for Combat Improvements for Land and Sea:

    I’ve had sea battles that have raged on for nearly an hour before someone eventually ran short of supplies and either sank or withdrew. Ship to ship combat is fun and exciting, but the adrenalin and enthusiasm starts to fade after it has dragged on for over 20 minutes, or longer. When an opponent has been struck with multiple solid consecutive hits, but seems to have a preposterous amount of planks to fix their ship, it makes naval combat quickly dull and turn into a fight of attrition.

    To combat the overly long naval engagements, can the developers limit material holds on board the vessels to hold less standard materials (bananas, cannon balls, planks)? Perhaps the barrels on board a ship could be limited to x25 materials per barrel? I believe that would help balance out these engagements to last for a few short minutes of intense furry, instead of dragging it on until someone either gives up or runs dry of supplies. I think this would make players more conservative with their supplies, and engage at closer ranges to lessen their chances to miss. This should in turn insure that naval combat stays fast paced, fun, and resolute!

    While on the topics of naval combat and property adjustments, can the developers consider adding sail damage to slow other ships? Perhaps a direct hit to the mast or sails by an explosive or canon ball could cause the sails to be damaged until repaired? Perhaps a good hit causes the sails to effectively furl up until the mast is repaired with a plank or by some other means?

    Krakon Loot, can we add some? Perhaps upon destroying all the tentacles of the Krakon it spews up some loot before its inky mass disappears into the depths, or perhaps a single "Krakon Chest" rises to the surface, worthy of some serious coin back at Port.

    It's been brought up before, but the ability to pull planks of wood off of a plugged hole in an enemy ship would be awesome. Any mechanic that could be added to allow a player to damage an enemy ship without the use of a canon or explosive would be tremendously welcomed.

    -and what about adding unarmed combat (strait fist fights for 3rd weapon option)?


    Field of View Increased Can we please get "field of view" increased beyond 90? Games like Battlefield 1 have really pushed the limits for players on this and it would be terrific to be able to have some broader scope of depth for those of us who want to play that way. Sea of Thieves is a beautiful game and it real be terrific to expand on the current Graphic Setting and allow for it to be expanded.

    3rd Person Camera View: Can we please have 3rd person view added as an available play option, at least when players hands are empty?

    Shckelfourd, Family and Friends

    "We'll see you on the Seas!"

  • 202
  • UPVOTED - These are all great ideas! I like the additions you've added. Keep the ideas coming. I hope some of these get Rare's attention, they look pretty awesome!

  • @stormagedongirl
    Thanks for logging on here and showing your support with the Upvote. Please, feel free to add some ideas too!

  • I admit that I only skimmed through this quickly (Freaking forums. It's half past 1 AM and I told myself to go to bed... 2 hours ago. :/) BUT I did upvote this since most of the ideas I had read are super fun. I do expect Rare to add a lot more to the game, I hope they at least take a look at this post just for some ideas. :)

  • @shackelfourd gee those ships certainly boast a lot of stuff, dude just use a thesaurus using the same word over and over again sounds dumb. Other than that I liked it

  • @yacantdutchthis

    Thanks for the input yacant! I know what you mean, I’m guilty of the same thing.

  • @nmrawesome5

    I appreciate your thoughts, nmrawesome. Totally understand. Feel free to adjust, add, and post what you would like to see or have different. It’s all just a bunch of us throwing out ideas anyway - how would you prefer it be written?

    My apologies for the use of the same word or close to it. A lot of this was pulled together from ideas by my friends, family, and coworkers. I just stayed up late throwing it all together at one point, I’m more than open to any changes you can think of.

  • I think they should add different cannon round like the chain shot to destroy other ships sails but you would have to unload and reload to switch between round shot and chain shot of course. I also thought about them adding mortars to the ships as well to get ships at longer ranges buy that would mean you would need a bigger ship than a sloop. More weapons like a hatchet, duck foot pistol, spears, harpoon, throwing knives, grenades from the time period. Add mini games such as liars dice and five finger fillet in outposts. Upgradeable ship parts like better sales, better wood on the hull, more cannons, mortars, swivel guns, chaser canons, explosive barrel you can drop of the back of the ship. Add side quests such as raiding a merchant ship that is guarded by Spanish, Portuguese, or British navy, Fort raids against AI factions, more factions (Spainish,Portuguese,British) that patrol the sea for pirates, Bounty hunting if there is a player who say destroyed 5 ships they can get a bounty for other players to earn gold in collecting and players can then race after the ship or fight each other for the bounty, Add slave ship raids at the time slavery was still happening players can free AI slave ships to earn gold or loot off of the ship, Add more ship classes like from sloop to a man of war.

  • You all want to much. Though I disagree with most of the ideas as being good, I do appreciate the thoroughness and organization and togetherness of the post. Upvoted

  • @shackelfourd Wood splitting axe - unnecessary I think, we already have an excess of planks and bananas we don't need more :P

    They have already said they are adding pets :) Fishing might be on the horizon too..

    Trifold hat yes please!! A hat with skull and cross bones too? All that nice stuff:p

    I don't like the idea of net and bear traps in combat...

    I really hate the format of this bounty system, why should people instantly have a bounty on their heads for sinking ONE vessel? That's not fair. Plus rich players can easily abuse it and put a bounty on the head of anyone who sinks them, basically because they are bad at the game and don't know how to not be sunk :P I think a bounty on the head of pirates who have sunk SEVERAL ships would be an idea. I've suggested such an idea here:

    Love the idea of ship customisability. Can I add a suggestion too:

    UNIQUE SAILS. Let pirates design their own sails! Choose an emblem, a background colour, an emblem colour, and provide lots of combinations, perhaps the option to add a pattern to the sail (stripes, polka dots, colour gradient etc) and let every pirate flag be truly unique! :)

  • @galvanicclown75 They are, I think cursed cannonballs are coming in the first big update but I have no idea what they will do! :O

  • @shackelfourd
    Everything you said!
    I don't mind long posts - it shows people have put some thought into what they're going to say...

  • @galvanicclown75

    I think raiding ships making merchant escorts and NPC factions would be an awesome idea! More AI threats besides the kraken and skeletons would be a huge plus.

    Maybe the bigger the loot, the more NPCs you have to defeat and sink to get it?

  • @muertoamigo420

    I love the basic game! Just wanted to throw some ideas out if the developers hit a stump or wanted to read the feedback and suggestion page they made.

    Thanks for the upvote though. Feel free to post any ideas you think of while out at sea and send me a link. I’d be happy to read it over!

  • @angrycoconut16

    Unique sails is a win! I read and upvoted your post about rep, bounties, and factions. I think it’s a great idea!

  • Good ideas! Upvoted!

  • @sledgezapper64

    Thanks sledge! Yeah, I probably got a little too carried away. Sea of Thieves is the first real cross platform game that has come out that has bridged the gap between console and pc gamers. Which to me, means that I can finally game with some of my friends and family that don’t use a PC to get their game on! This has opened the door for our gaming circles to merge and we love to dream of what more may come in the future!

    It is a long post, but it was thought over and discussed by our crews before being jotted down and thrown together. Even if nothing changes, we’re happy with what RARE and Microsoft have done for us.

    Thanks for the thumbs up sledge!

  • @shackelfourd

    I’ll be copying that last post for a new topic to express our appreciation of said topic!

  • @Shackelfourd Respect for your long post. Goood ideas!

  • @rob-deaderick

    Thanks Rob! I appreciate it.

  • @inevergeen

    I probably sank a little too much time on it, forgive the pun - but I couldn’t help myself. Thanks for the support, Inever!

  • @angrycoconut16

    I had heard something about the cursed cannon balls, but from the name am not sure if they're either good or bad for the shooter. Either way pretty pumped to see the new content coming this summer!

  • @shackelfourd Thank you so much! :)

  • @shackelfourd Yep! SIX guaranteed big updates this year to come! With weekly events/minor updates a long the way. All the fun starts in May! :D

  • @angrycoconut16

    I am PUMPED! This game has been a huge blast with my friends and family - we look forward to the new updates and weekly events!

  • One of our crewmen brought up the idea of duel wielding pistols. If they add fists as a 3rd weapon slot, how awesome would it be to be rocking two pistols!

  • I think a modular ship idea would be a huge game changer, but I'm all for it. If ships are fully staffed, it almost always comes down to who has the most cannonballs and planks stockpiled. Going in circles for an hour while throwing artillery at one another gets old. Even worse when you get into a chase that lasts for 20+ minutes.

    I'm all for Player VS Player, but they need to find a way to let chasing ships have a chance to "catch up" close enough to another ship to engage it, or follow this modular system. If someone wants to fly around running quests and avoiding PvP, then they can get two sails on their sloop and no canons - like you recommended.

    It makes sense and I hope they seriously look at some of these ideas!

  • To be clear, I love the basic game! I just know my crew and I, as well as many others sailing the seas, have all encountered at least one aspect of the game that we felt could use some minor adjustments or improvements for the basic game code to build upon and some day alter altogether!

    Heck, even if the game stayed as it is today - I’m having fun. I would definitely like to see more with ships, as discussed above, but I agree. The current system can bog down and dull naval chases and combat into hour long battles of attrition. Surely, just allowing other versions of ships could open so many more possibilities for player to player engagements. PvE players could outrun PvP in a pinch, but if they let their guard down or sailed poorly, they could get ripped to shreds.

  • I would love the option to take my 4 person group and man 2 separate sloops in the same server. This would make it fun to split up longer voyages or take on Galleons. If you separate and are in trouble, you could call your other ship for reinforcements.

  • @carpallight175
    That would be pretty dang sweet! Makes one wonder what the new crew size would be, or if they should just implement factions.

  • I’ve seen several ideas floating around for factions and rep. Some may resolve some of problems people are encountering with Kill on Sight players as well as grieving issues.

    I like PvP in this game. It is unpredictable and always has you on guard.

  • @shackelfourd Upvoted and completely agree. I hope the Man O War is the third ship Rare adds in the "Cursed Sails" update! A lot of your ideas sound like fun!

  • Very thoroughly thought ideas. Pretty much anything that has tactical value thorough situational dependencies and several countermeasures is a welcome addition.

    There's so much how the gameplay could be further developed into a deeper and wider experience. I would definitely like to see modifications and new content based on the essence of the Rock-Paper-Scissors and Lost Vikings games, for example. They really nail the essence of what we need here. The more optional activities we get to enrich our schedules with, the better.

    Embrace the diversity. Leaving a thing behind doesn't mean you don't. It simply tells what direction you've chosen to go with, out of the whole ball of principals.

  • I’m all for more content, but agree that the Biggest need we probably have is in Naval combat mechanics, or speed adjustments. Chases can go one for hours if both ships are determined and combat can be spotty and drawn out into long boring long distance bombardments that yield little to no results.

    Surely one of the many suggestions listed above or even something else can be done to improve the current state of things.

  • @shackelfourd
    Absolutely wonderful thread!! So many ideas that I've never even heard/thought of.

    -Ship variations....especially!!! These additions are a must.
    -Ship design modifications....hellz yes!!
    -Invisible Anchors?!?!?! Why does the anchor have to be 100% up in order to begin movement? Wouldn't you only have to raise the anchor about 5-10 ft before it was off the ocean floor? This always bugged me but I get it from an arcadey game-play perspective.
    -Loot affecting speed!!
    -Ability to throw items!!
    -Ability to share items with other players (any players)!! Just drop it on the ground and they scoop it up.

    I have one disagreement....
    -The limitations on storage of items on the ship to shorten naval engagements?! Why? If it's difficult to sink someone because they are sailing and repairing effectively....that's awesome...they worked hard at preventing being sunk. They earned it.

    Again....Great thread. Over time, it would be amazing to see all of these make it into the game.

26 out of 202