Limited Edition Valentine's T-shirts are now available in the store!

  • Get them whilst you can! If you're in the U.K and order before 9am GMT on 5th February the store will dispatch on the 12th to be with you or your loved one for Valentines Day.

    Customers outside the UK. Clearly we'd love you to all have this T-shirt for Valentines Day. The turn around times are so tight that it will just not be possible. But keep in mind that Valentines is just a day, this T-shirt allows you to be a loving pirate all year long!

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  • ...what no BROKEN Heart ones.....we be Pirates here, we break hearts....or even one with the SoT Color Plank over it...Patched Love lol d:^J

  • Ill take a lonely dinner for one t-shirt please xD

  • Oh, @khaleesibot I love you!

  • I need 💜

  • @khaleesibot still waiting on my T-Shirt... :(

  • I love myself enough to buy this for myself :) Done.

  • Fish and swordfish, banjo, guitar, dice ... confirmed??? #SeaofTease???

  • Omg they're amazing..I know what to hint at for Valentine's Day

  • @khaleesibot Nice, but I don't like that the image is almost like mirrored from left to right. My preference is when it is filled randomly. On the other hand I guess more is left for the others who wants to buy. :)

  • @knifelife LOL

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Limited Edition Valentine's T-shirts are now available in the store!:

    @khaleesibot still waiting on my T-Shirt... :(

    :( I'm sorry to hear that. Please contact the Store for an update as I don't have access to your customer information to check for you.

  • Kind of neat, but I feel like I am buying a shirt with a design found online and placed on a shirt. It looks like a $5 Walmart shirt.

  • sometimes I wish there was a vote down button. neat design. I would probably buy one if I was in the UK.

  • Looks like a nice if only I had some one to give this too...

  • Wow, looks nice

  • @nitronrob give it to yourself

  • @el-soter @NitronRob

    Yeaaahhhh ... treat yourself!

  • @khaleesibot yeah my other half ordered it for a Christmas present, but there were print issues or something...then missed my birthday too! she is in contact with support I believe

  • Good grief! You mean I have to change this one??? Only had this one on for two weeks!!!!

  • How about the US crowd? That shipping is ridiculous

  • wife got me this one, but I will order the Valentine shirt for her. (At my age I can’t hope for wild romance in return, but I can hope!

  • That's an awesome shirt

  • It is indeed!

  • @triheadedmonkey I hope you can get it sorted out, if you still are having issues, can you please PM me? There are some people who I can speak to, hopefully it doesn't come to that and you get your swag asap!

  • @khaleesibot said in Limited Edition Valentine's T-shirts are now available in the store!:

    There are some people who I can speak to, hopefully it doesn't come to that and you get your swag asap!

    What I would give to be a fly on that wall if it comes to it...

  • "How can you resist buying that shirt for your one and only?"

  • @wolff34

    I chuckl'd when I saw that @DrBullhammer @Erinom3 @WhenKoalasattak

  • @wolff34 @SirioNDB
    I was the model for that picture. How did you get my picture, Wolff? :O

  • Buy the shirt, and one for will be rewarded!

  • I only wish there was a special Xbox Console bundle that would be released with the game that would go with the controller. Not an attached skin for a console.
    I am buying an Xbox one exclusively for this game and would prefer to buy a SoT bundled console.

  • @khaleesibot Would you have a discount coupon for the store me hearty?

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