Need help getting better at PVP

  • Hello, I have around 100 hours in SoT and I literally can't do PVP battles in a solo sloop, I get destroyed every single time. I can't get even a single cannon hit on the enemy ship while the enemy needs just 1 or 2 missed shots to dial in his aim and get 3 to 4 hits in a row. I get overwhelmed repairing, steering and bucketing. I start panicking and give up because of the amount of pressure the other guy/gal puts on me. I would appreciate some tips on how I can improve my PVP gameplay, I watch many tips videos on Youtube but I am not able to focus and apply those tips while facing off against another ship. Please watch some of these videos of my gameplay if you can and tell me what I am doing wrong; video 1 and video 2. I don't know if these guys are just higher skilled than me or my PVP skills are horrendous. Or do I just need to stop playing solo sloop and crew up to get better?

  • 15
  • First thing is to not be discouraged by where you are now. Many of us struggled with pvp at your stage of piracy, many of us still take plenty of losses depending on our opponents especially as solos.

    A lot of people would suggest you watch people youtube videos, which you have already done.

    As a solo what I recommend is to practice on pve and develop your own style so you aren't as predictable in combat.

    Why pve? it's easy to find and always there to practice against.

    Skelly ships over and over and over again to practice taking fire and repairing and priorities. They don't board so you can strengthen the basics easier

    Phantoms on sea forts for tdm practice, accuracy

    I did/do a lot of fleets as a solo to desensitize myself to heavy pressure, special cannonballs, recoveries etc.

    All you need is combat reps, doesn't have to be pvp to prepare for pvp

    wax on wax off
    sand the floor
    paint the fence
    paint the house

    a solo that can handle a skelly galleon and eventually 2 at the same time can handle a lot of the pvp they will encounter, especially against other solos.
    Even if the tdm gets you from time to time, you'll still have strong naval and survivability

  • Only had time to watch clips of Video 1. Both ships you fought had Level 5 flags, meaning they were most likely on a streak of sinking boats. Unlucky for you. You have a lot to learn in this game. It seems you are still figuring out the correct keys/Buttons For eating, repairing, fixing etc. Once these become muscle memory you will improve in that small area. Learning how to solo sloop in this new PVP mode will be very difficult. This game mode has no room for mistakes playing against experienced players. Once you loose enough matches it should start to pair you with lower tier players although the Matchmaking seems buggy.

    The #1 tip I have for you is focus on resetting your boat in a fight. The more times you reset your boat the more chances you get at engaging. Your goal should be to survive as long as you can, Not sink the other ship. The longer you survive the more you will learn. The more you learn the more confident you will get. The confidence will build and you will start to see a big improvement.

  • bonjour , je vient vers vous pour vous faire part de mon ressenti de cette nouvelle saison 8 , alors pour ce qui est de monter l'allégeance Athéna ou reaper étant joueur solo sloop ,il est très difficile de monter , 2 combat sur 3 , je fait face a des cheaters qui utile esp , auto réparation , ne mange pas , est tire au travers la coque du bateau,est les alliances qui attende a 2 bateau pour vous coulé , depuis que la saison 8 est arriver , il y a de plus en plus de cheater , ce qui forcement empêche de monter l'allégeance , je trouve dommage que le jeu en soit arrivé la , il va me falloir 1 ans pour atteindre le lvl 100 est je ne parle pas du lvl 1000 , je pense que beaucoup de joueur vont quitter le jeu de ce fait , ce qui est mon cas je suis dégouter, pourquoi ne pas aider les joueurs solo en rendant l'allégeance plus facile a monter voila merci , la mise a jour d'aujourd'huit ne fonctionne pas en sloop nous ne pouvont pas acheter a la charpentière.

  • Do fleets learn to fight skelly ships or just board and not care about dying

  • @fpg-onslaught said in Need help getting better at PVP:

    Only had time to watch clips of Video 1. Both ships you fought had Level 5 flags, meaning they were most likely on a streak of sinking boats. Unlucky for you. You have a lot to learn in this game. It seems you are still figuring out the correct keys/Buttons For eating, repairing, fixing etc. Once these become muscle memory you will improve in that small area. Learning how to solo sloop in this new PVP mode will be very difficult. This game mode has no room for mistakes playing against experienced players. Once you loose enough matches it should start to pair you with lower tier players although the Matchmaking seems buggy.

    The #1 tip I have for you is focus on resetting your boat in a fight. The more times you reset your boat the more chances you get at engaging. Your goal should be to survive as long as you can, Not sink the other ship. The longer you survive the more you will learn. The more you learn the more confident you will get. The confidence will build and you will start to see a big improvement.

    How do I reset my boat? What does it exactly mean? How did you get to know that they were level 5? You are talking about the hourglass level or emissary level?

  • @memento4913 said in Need help getting better at PVP:

    @fpg-onslaught said in Need help getting better at PVP:

    Only had time to watch clips of Video 1. Both ships you fought had Level 5 flags, meaning they were most likely on a streak of sinking boats. Unlucky for you. You have a lot to learn in this game. It seems you are still figuring out the correct keys/Buttons For eating, repairing, fixing etc. Once these become muscle memory you will improve in that small area. Learning how to solo sloop in this new PVP mode will be very difficult. This game mode has no room for mistakes playing against experienced players. Once you loose enough matches it should start to pair you with lower tier players although the Matchmaking seems buggy.

    The #1 tip I have for you is focus on resetting your boat in a fight. The more times you reset your boat the more chances you get at engaging. Your goal should be to survive as long as you can, Not sink the other ship. The longer you survive the more you will learn. The more you learn the more confident you will get. The confidence will build and you will start to see a big improvement.

    How do I reset my boat? What does it exactly mean? How did you get to know that they were level 5? You are talking about the hourglass level or emissary level?

    Resetting [your boat/fight] is basically concentrating on fixing damage while not being shot at - i.e. a small break in the fight by turning away from broadside and not getting boarded.

    The number of stripes on their emissary flags at the aft / banners on the flag pole shows their emissary grade.

  • If you are on XBox controller you need to be on XBox only server, otherwise you are a farm animal. I came over from EVE with 3 friends and I am the only one left, we didn't discover the controller vs. M+K issue with this game until the others gave up and left. And these were hardened EVE players, we had been on EVE for 10 years.

  • Practiced cannons and naval combat against skelly ships and got 2 ship sunk streak today in PVP, it felt really satisfying, to be honest. One of the guys boarded and killed me and he tried to board a 2nd time, I killed him with my cutlass and his ship went out of bounds and I won. This game has a steep learning curve with regard to PVP but it's worth it. I still have a lot to improve with cannons but I am slowly getting better.

  • Solo is a great way to improve. One thing I noticed is that you don't have food bound to a key. I think that's critical to have bound for easy access, jmo. Also watching you in combat, what you should try to improve is your movement, dodging etc. It's one thing to have good aim and practice hitting shots, but it's equally important learning how to move around the ship and make people miss shots. You sort of stand in one spot at times and it makes you an easy mark.

  • @unleet1 Ya I realized I was taking too much time to access food, cannons, etc using the item wheel, so I assigned separate mouse buttons to food and cannons and it's easier now. Will work on the movement and dodging.

  • @dark-sky6304 a dit dans Need help getting better at PVP :

    bonjour , je vient vers vous pour vous faire part de mon ressenti de cette nouvelle saison 8 , alors pour ce qui est de monter l'allégeance Athéna ou reaper étant joueur solo sloop ,il est très difficile de monter , 2 combat sur 3 , je fait face a des cheaters qui utile esp , auto réparation , ne mange pas , est tire au travers la coque du bateau,est les alliances qui attende a 2 bateau pour vous coulé , depuis que la saison 8 est arriver , il y a de plus en plus de cheater , ce qui forcement empêche de monter l'allégeance , je trouve dommage que le jeu en soit arrivé la , il va me falloir 1 ans pour atteindre le lvl 100 est je ne parle pas du lvl 1000 , je pense que beaucoup de joueur vont quitter le jeu de ce fait , ce qui est mon cas je suis dégouter, pourquoi ne pas aider les joueurs solo en rendant l'allégeance plus facile a monter voila merci , la mise a jour d'aujourd'huit ne fonctionne pas en sloop nous ne pouvont pas acheter a la charpentière.

    Salut ! Effectivement ton ressenti sur la progression est largement partagé. Elle est notablement plus sympa quand tu as la capacité de faire des séries de 4 victoires régulièrement, mais c'est loin d'être le cas de la majorité des joueurs.
    Concernant les cheaters, cela ne corresponds pas vraiment à mon expérience. Il y en a bien sûr, ce serait bête de le nier, mais le plus souvent il s'agit d'une incompréhension de mécaniques de jeu avancées.
    Par exemple l'impression d'autoréparation peut simplement être due au fait que tu tapes sur le côté gauche du sloop adverse qui est naturellement plus tanky que le droit (car la zone des barrils de grog et bouffe ainsi que le coin cuisine ne peut pas prendre de trou). Un bon joueur va naturellement essayer de toujours te présenter son côté gauche et si vous allez dans la même direction, tu lui présentes ton côté droit qui est beaucoup moins tanky.

    Pour la charpentière, vérifie si vous naviguez bien sur un sloop capitainé. Si c'est le cas, alors c'est le bug lié aux voyages de capitaine. Il te suffit de les supprimer tous de ton bateau et tu pourras acheter à la charpentière sans problème. :)

    Courage moussaillon ! :D

  • @memento4913 OK when you come out turn first and then raise sail slightly after. You can use the raise then drop once you reach around 45 degree angle then depending on what other ship doing start a slow opposite turn to get a rotation with other ship.
    If you're gonna preload cannons, don't do chain, you generally want to use cannons to calibrate your shots then once zeroed in try for chain
    A lot of this will come with practice so you feel more comfortable and make adjustments quicker, they wrap behind you because you left ship in turn away from them
    You need to heal up once you take that much damage from boarder as any hits will kill you at that point

  • Play it very safely if you are playing solo make sure to not get on the cannon if you think you will die doing it and when you are not soing anything else try to snipe the opponent to force them off cannons

  • @memento4913

    I honestly have the same problem with not being able to solo sloop against a ship, I get too overwhelmed. For the PvP aspect, I could help you, but I need to know if you are on console or PC? I can really help you out if you are on console, but not PC.

12 out of 15