Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...

  • Alright... Every time the PL curse is brought up to discussion, it is mentioned from Rare that they are trying to find a proper way of re-introducing it. Furthermore, they want it to be as "grindy" as it was reaching PL and max battle pass level during S1.

    It has now been 1+ year since they said:

    As already stated by @sshteeve we have mentioned multiple times that we are looking into bringing back seasonal rewards but we have yet finalised what those plans might look like. Once we have a plan in place on how best to deliver these cosmetics we will likely do an announcement on one or multiple channels so keep an eye out.

    So, why not give them 50 ways of logically bringing it back?
    I'll start with a few:

    1. 10k Doubloons. (We could buy the barrel emote, so why stop there?)
    2. Athena emissary ledger: Admiral Tier 8 (8 months of grind... S1 Pirate Legends who???)
    3. Sell 25 reaper V flags (Yes, sell it to the Reapers themself)
    4. Finish top 5% of the Athena Emissary Ledger (It is gonna be drastically harder than it is now, since more will seek it, hence, 5%)
    5. Be a good Athena boi and do 50 Veils...
    6. Sell a total of 5 million worth of Athena loot
    7. Complete 75 athena missions
    8. Sell 20 stolen Chest of Legends
    9. Reach grade V in Athena emissary ledger 50 times
    10. Sell 500 Athena Fortune trasures as an Athena emissary

    Let your creativity loose! :-)
    I personally would vote for nr. 2 as it didn't take 8 months of consecutive playtime to reach PL in S1.

  • 38
  • What pirate legend should have always been imo.

    Krakens/skelly ships/megs

    why? they are strong indicators of activity, they aren't things that are commonly or easily cheesed, pvpers and pvers both run into all of these no matter how they play

  • @wolfmanbush I like the kraken and meg idea with a kill-count. The skelly ships may be abused by the fleet world event though.

  • @capn-norton said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    @wolfmanbush I like the kraken and meg idea with a kill-count. The skelly ships may be abused by the fleet world event though.

    abused? the only way to get credit for all is sticking around for all which increases risk for pvp which makes it an accurate accounting of activity

    fleets are the most common source of world event related activity

    central location, common, creates a lot of attention grabbing noise, lots of loot

  • @wolfmanbush Well yeah. My point was just that you can server hop for fleets, you cannot hop for megs / krakens. So time-spending wise the skellies outlie a bit here imo.

  • @capn-norton said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    @wolfmanbush Well yeah. My point was just that you can server hop for fleets, you cannot hop for megs / krakens. So time-spending wise the skellies outlie a bit here imo.

    so? they still have to be done, they still face the random pvp, they still face the randomness of the fleet, that's still significant time and energy.

    I've seen fleets wreck very skilled pvpers many times.

    Hopping doesn't even mean 6 it can very easily end up being anywhere from 1-5 and is commonly more like 3ish because of how the fleet is designed

    Someone could hunt down prespawned skellies and do about as good as hopping for fleets in reality

    spawning in at galleon's or ancient and sailing over to get 1-3 skellies or to find someone already on the last wave/ship isn't very efficient for what you are thinking about.

    also fleets are INCREDIBLY buggy these days, ranging from not spawning ships to spawning ships that just take off and despawn over and over

    if there is a shipwreck around the fleet area for example it's a mess and is highly inefficient as the ships won't spawn properly.

  • @capn-norton

    1. 10k Doubloons is a boring idea. Thats an incredible grind and feels nothing to do with the reward. Why is a PL Curse tied to doubloons of all things.
    2. Ledger isn't a bad Idea but they're clearly gonna stretch out their current set and release the entire Magpies Glory set over like 2 years. We get 2 new items per 3 months and we have the entire clothing/equipment set to go through. It'd be weird to have the curse just hop in between the set so it'd best be left till after Magpies Glory is finished, but that would mean PL Curse is locked to like 3 years of playtime.
    3. Why would selling to Reapers give you Athena stuff? If anything make it so you can hand them into the Stranger (Only Reaper flags) and then have it be for that.
    4. Top 5% isn't bad of an idea but im sure would encourage some less good ways such as alliance servers.
    5. Theres already a reward for completing 100 Veils in the Ancient Cutlass. I don't think PL Curse should be worth 50 if A cutlass is 100, thats to say the Cutlass is 2x harder than the curse.
    6. I guess? kinda bland to just sell 5mill of athena loot plus thats a massive grind. Veils are the best Athena grind and net an average of 100k of Athena loot so that's 50 Veils. Basically the same as the previous one just a bit blander.
    7. Theres already a commendation and reward for completing Athena Missions (though i think it caps at 30).
    8. I don't see why Stolen would give PL curse as Athena is all about being a nice pirate. Yes Legendary Thief is a thing but its just a singular title, not a highly sought after curse. Though it would be funny to see people be upset they have to effectively PvP for PL Curse.
    9. Sell 500 Athena Treasure is basically the same as Suggestion 5 and 6.

    I think something easier but more creative is the answer. Everyone knows Season 1 Pass was stupid easy and like you got 15 levels from an Ashen lord that takes 10 minutes. PL Curse doesn't show anything more than you weren't a completely brand new player during Season 1. The other Seasonal Items prove you played during that time so ''It ages my pirate'' doesn't matter.

    Honestly AF30 was the best time to do it as everyone agrees. If not that then Veil Seeker or True Legend.

  • Bring it back but lock it behind a bunch of very specific and weird things. To get it, you must eat 127 bananas, 34 pomegranates and 7 pineapples, then you must fish 23 sunny splashtails, drink 62 and a half tankards of grog, then defeat a skeleton sloop with this specific pattern; cannonball, cannonball, chainshot, grog ball, ballast ball, firebomb, cannonball. You will hear a musical cue and that means you can stand in one specific spot, near one specific tree. You must play row your boat on a ruffian sea dog concertina (no other instrument will work.) You then must select Merrick's 2nd dialogue option 4 times, then you must talk to the pirate lord at exactly 7:32am, with a tankard of the dammned, and a mercenary cutlass and bilge rat eye of reach, he will then sell you a "voyage of legend...curse" which requires you to do so many things I couldn't fit it here. What happens at the end though, is that you dig up a piece of paper that says, "Turns out the real legends curse...was a desire for more stuff." and a gold star that says "you did a bunch of insanely specific and tedious things just to get glowing blue eyes! Please go outside now."

  • @capn-norton if Mods can arrange that I can trade my PL curse for the original Bone Crusher figurehead, you can have mine.

  • When they figure out a way to bring it back, im sure it will be something much more creative than just selling loot or landing on a ledger. It could be a special reward for a huge event or commendation for something wild, but what they do, we can only know when they figure it out.

  • I say this everytime, but there is only ONE perfect way to bring back the curse. I dont have it by the way.

    A new pirate milestone called "times spent sitting on Athenas fortune tavern" one class is 60 minutes.

    Reaching class 100 will unlock a commendation called "Footsteps Of A Lord".

    This is replicating what Ramsey does all day. The perfect way to get the Pirate Legend curse should be following the footsteps of the Pirate that created Athenas Fortune right?

  • bring back y1 items with 10 doobluns aswell and then do that to pl curse .

    or maybe with commendation and pl legend 25 athena flags any lvl and 5 lv 5 athena flags

  • Just make them complete a season as a PL to 100%

    Just like the original grind. They're required to do the same thing I did to get it.

    It's not that complicated.

  • @pithyrumble or just give us the same events they had as y1 players its not that hard aswell

  • @muarembossi said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    @pithyrumble or just give us the same events they had as y1 players its not that hard aswell

    That would be fine as well. Some of us aren't hung up on it.

  • @frogfish12 My point was simply that their old statement of lacking a "way of bringing it back" is not relevant anymore. They have already brought back several items through dull ways such as buying the Barrel Hide Emote for 50 doubloons.

    On the official Discord server a Rare Employee said that they wanted the re-introduction of the PL curse to mirror how "hard" it was getting it back in S1. So, if that is what is holding them back, I tried to match some simple tasks which is at least as hard if not way harder even.

    So they should not have any excuses left of not pressing the release button. It is an item that already exists, they simply lack a purchase / commendation to lock it behind. Not much work should be required here.

  • @goldsmen Obviously. But my point is I think that people (myself at least) would rather have it soon through a stupid unlock (like the barrel emote), than to wait ANOTHER year. It does not take 1 year of effort to plan out.

  • @pithyrumble well most of u not u personaly but others are

  • @pithyrumble Exactly. No reason why they do not just do this already.

  • What about just giving it to anyone with 100% Athena commendation completion? Some of those are pretty difficult or unpleasant (dontcha have to sell a bunch of animals for one? 🤮) but at least it gives us new-timers a crack at it, and presumably the difficulty of the Athena commendation set somewhat scales up as ease of achievement goes down.

  • @capn-norton I think by mirror it, they mean in terms of it being a unique obtain. Frankly it was incredibly easy to obtain in Season 1. It shows nothing more than ''I wasnt a completely brand new player during season 1'' which all the other Seasonal Items do.

  • The only way to "lessen" this cosmetic is to give it to anyone who hasn't 100'd a season at PL. Even if they got pl in the same season, which was A THING AT THE TIME.

    'pologies for shoutin' ser.

  • @pithyrumble I don't think the hard part was getting maxed out as a PL during S1. The hard part was being a pirate legend by the time S1 hit. But I get what you are saying. They should put it on plunder pass reward soon.

  • They shouldn't be bringing it back. If you didn't play while it was in you shouldn't get it.

  • @iloveponies15 said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    They shouldn't be bringing it back. If you didn't play while it was in you shouldn't get it.

    A lot of people, me included, didn’t have much time to play then due to school or work. You could say the same for Y1 items, but none of those are curses, which shouldn’t be timegated.

    Play however much you like, don’t be stressed out by FOMO.
    I personally like the 10k doubloons option

  • @thorumsu said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    I say this everytime, but there is only ONE perfect way to bring back the curse. I dont have it by the way.

    A new pirate milestone called "times spent sitting on Athenas fortune tavern" one class is 60 minutes.

    Reaching class 100 will unlock a commendation called "Footsteps Of A Lord".

    This is replicating what Ramsey does all day. The perfect way to get the Pirate Legend curse should be following the footsteps of the Pirate that created Athenas Fortune right?

    Before Captaincy, I would laugh at what a ridiculous idea that is and state how that would never happen.
    Now, I’m hoping the devs don’t see this.

  • @capn-norton
    As someone who has the Pirate Legend curse, I'm not sure I would want people who missed out on the curse to have to 'grind' more then they already have. If they are a Pirate Legend, then they are entitled to the curse.

    Here's my idea: I'm not sure if any one has heard of Xûr from Destiny/Destiny 2, but I wouldn't mind if Rare did something similar with the Pirate Legend curse or any other cosmetics that were only temporarily available. Maybe once a month, for a period of a week or so, there could be a vendor that could wander into the Sea of Thieves on a random island selling these 'rare' cosmetics. The catch is you would need to find this individual and hope the vendor is selling the item you wanted.

    Edit: maybe the lore of this character is that they are a pirate that was one of the first who discovered the Sea of Thieves and has since moved outside the shroud. The vendor could explain that he or she decided to smuggle old effects they had collected back into the Sea of Thieves? I don't know how effective this would be, or even if this would be a welcomed addition into the game. I'm just spit-balling here, that's all.

  • Heheheh....Rank...50 in Athena! (maniacal Pirate Lord laughter)

  • @capn-lucky5984 said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    Heheheh....Rank...50 in Athena! (maniacal Pirate Lord laughter)

    Pirate Lord has a drinking problem. We finish the Veil quest, we put the last veil stone as we are harpooning loot, he goes to the lower deck of the brig and starts talking to a wall how well we've done.

  • @zig-zag-ltu Maybe sitting for three years cut off the bloodflow to his head... Few more Maiden Voyages, Legend of the Veils, Captaincy tutorial, anything that gets him standing up, he'll be fine

  • The problem is all inside your head," she said to me
    "The answer is easy if you take it logically
    I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
    There must be fifty ways to bring back the pl curse"
    She said, "It's really not my habit to intrude
    Furthermore, I hope my meaning won't be lost or misconstrued
    But I'll repeat myself at the risk of being crude"
    There must be fifty ways to bring back the pl curse..."

    ....I'll show myself out....🚶

  • @iloveponies15 sagte in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    They shouldn't be bringing it back. If you didn't play while it was in you shouldn't get it.

    To your information...it will come back, it has been said even before seasons came out, that most cosmetics (not the season related ones, they have a season related name) will return...they just didn't figure out yet what to do to unlock them...which is actually the point of this thread

  • @crowedhunter

    The PL curse as do the people whose only accomplishment in this game was existing during season 1

    I could not have put it more accurate. It is simply just gatekeeping.

    They don't need a creative way to bring back the curse

    They indeed do not need to. But since they cannot find a dull way either, I suggested we started this thread for them to find just some inspiration so we can get it before we get to Sea of Thieves 3. :D

  • @lucky11 I really dig your idea.
    It could perhaps follow something like this:

    Time-Lost Vendor

    A pirate having moved outside the shroud a long time ago, has returned to the high sea with his stock of ancient cosmetics up for trade.
    In search of shiny gold, he can be spotted occasionally on the high sea, trading random cosmetics for gold and doubloons.
    Having lost his touch with the world inside the shroud, he is not easily found nor does he sell all of his loot to everyone. While he sells most of his items to anyone, he only trusts Pirate Legends with his dearest possessions.

    The loot

    • 1-3 items
    • From former Plunder Passes
    • Pirate Legend items from Plunder Passes are still restricted to Pirate Legends
    • Items can be bought for either gold or doubloons


    • Once a week he can for 24-hours be spotted on a random island.
    • Sells non-pirate legend items

    Monthly visits

    • The first sunday of every month he can be spotted in the Pirate Legend Hideout
    • Sells only pirate-legend items from plunder passes
  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    @capn-lucky5984 said in Let's come up with 50 ways to bring back the PL curse...:

    Heheheh....Rank...50 in Athena! (maniacal Pirate Lord laughter)

    Pirate Lord has a drinking problem.

    Don’t we all?

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