Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot

  • Obligatory RP intro:

    "Arr, I'm from that galleon over there on the horizon, I promise we're a rank 5 Gold Hoarder ... Maximum gold and reputation plz! ..."

    ... Ridiculous ...

    This is particularly frustrating if you're on a sloop, and you're trying to sink a Galleon with loot.

    Let them go fast, let them run, whatever, but at the very least make it a little more painful (have to stop, close-by, AND anchor, similar to when you change ship cosmetic) to guarantee the maximum emissary reward. Might give Sloops/Brigs half a chance to catch them?

    Remember this goes both ways for Reapers emissaries handing in rewards too ...

    If I was an NPC offering gold as a reward to any of these cowards; I would want to make damn sure that flag really is rank 5 before handing over my gold (RP value much?) ...

    Next patch plz,


  • 21
  • They adapted, deal with it

    Pvpers rarely have anything to lose it would be ridiculous to penalize would-be prey for adapting to their hostile environment

    People can do whatever they want. That's the beauty of the game.

  • so when a 4 man galleon of pirate legends sits on the sidelines waitng for me to complete a fort in my little sloop to steal my treasure. (which i get is the game, not what i'm complaining about even if it is a crumby move on their part) I shouldn't be able to run and have a way to at least get some of the hard earned treasure i put the effort into handed in! My and my partner do drive bys all the time, especially if its against a ship of 4 we don't want to risk it with and i don't see any issue with it.

  • Your allowed to be a coward in this game, being one doesn't break any rules. I won't fault a person for playing smart. It would be another if they just bee-line into the red, but doing drive-by drop offs, is just being tactical.

    Even look at it from the Trader Representative, they give gold/rep for loot. They don't care how it gets there, they give rewards for all. I mean, if they accept stolen goods, why would they care if you are actively running away.

  • This has more to do with sloopw being too slow a ship. Brigs should be able to catch galleons, but it us still challenging because they have extra players who can jump off each carrying loot.

    I've said it for years that Sloop needs a speed boost but it'll never change.

  • @zergy1139 Waaahhhhh my 0 risk playstyle sometimes doesn't pay off because every once in a while the person I'm trying to steal from manages to cash in some of the loot they spent an hour gathering waaaaaaahhhhhhhh

  • @zergy1139 said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    Obligatory RP intro:

    "Arr, I'm from that galleon over there on the horizon, I promise we're a rank 5 Gold Hoarder ... Maximum gold and reputation plz! ..."

    ... Ridiculous ...

    This is particularly frustrating if you're on a sloop, and you're trying to sink a Galleon with loot.

    Let them go fast, let them run, whatever, but at the very least make it a little more painful (have to stop, close-by, AND anchor, similar to when you change ship cosmetic) to guarantee the maximum emissary reward. Might give Sloops/Brigs half a chance to catch them?

    Remember this goes both ways for Reapers emissaries handing in rewards too ...

    If I was an NPC offering gold as a reward to any of these cowards; I would want to make damn sure that flag really is rank 5 before handing over my gold (RP value much?) ...

    Next patch plz,


    Big fat NO. If you were in their shoes, you wouldn't be proposing this. In fact, I say that there should be more ways to slow down relentless ship-chasing vultures that don't sail off for prey that they can catch. There's really only one way you're gonna catch a Galleon in a Sloop, mate, and that's with a headwind blowing in their faces and yours and your sail faced right at it. If you ain't got that headwind or unless they get anchorballed by a random Skeleton Ship or Kraken'd, you ain't catchin' them, bub, simple as that. You'd be a donkey chasing a stallion. Best break off pursuit and find someone else, 'cause you're just wastin' your time.

    And that wouldn't even work for Reaper Emissaries anyway! They literally have only ONE port of call to hand in loot to receive the profit bonus. Like, have you even thought this through, bro?

  • You're mad because others sailors play the game the way they want to and don't cater to you? Shocking!!

  • @wolfmanbush While true, it is pretty tough for aggressive sloops to run down anyone at all. I kinda like the idea of making it so that a ship needs to be within emissary distance in order to sell loot for bonus emissary value...makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

    That way it actually forces players to fight for the right to turn in their loot.

  • @shell2k6 You should be able to turn in your loot and get the normal amount, but I don't think the emissary bonus should count. If you have to be within a certain distance to raise the flag, you should have to be within a certain distance to get the bonus. Makes perfect sense.

  • @scurvyrodg Nah were mad cuz you kids run too much! Practice your PvP skills you ninnies! If someone is chasing me I ALWAYS turn to fight no matter how much loot I'm carrying. (and because of that, I've lost some major hauls, but I've also gotten really good at fighting so it doesn't happen much anymore lol).

  • @nyr1n said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    @wolfmanbush While true, it is pretty tough for aggressive sloops to run down anyone at all. I kinda like the idea of making it so that a ship needs to be within emissary distance in order to sell loot for bonus emissary value...makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

    That way it actually forces players to fight for the right to turn in their loot.

    Forcing people that have no obligation to fight and don't want to fight against hostile people that have no obligation to have anything of value on board is an idea that is not in any way balanced and serves only hostile people that aren't skilled enough to get the kill/sink in time for the loot

  • @wolfmanbush Wait a second. It's not like we are making you, the runner, easier to sink.

    Nor would we be making it harder for you, the runner, to turn in your loot.

    We are simply taking away the bonuses that you get for flying that flag.

    If we are talking about 'obligations', well you kinda did 'obligate' yourself to fighting (reapers at least) when you raised that flag. If you don't want to 'obligate' yourself to fighting, don't raise the flag.

  • @nyr1n said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    @wolfmanbush Wait a second. It's not like we are making you, the runner, easier to sink.

    Nor would we be making it harder for you, the runner, to turn in your loot.

    We are simply taking away the bonuses that you get for flying that flag.

    If we are talking about 'obligations', well you kinda did 'obligate' yourself to fighting (reapers at least) when you raised that flag. If you don't want to 'obligate' yourself to fighting, don't raise the flag.


    People consent to a pve/pvp experience. That's all

    They are under no obligation to play or fight how you want with or without a flag.

  • @nyr1n

    I'll agree to your comment when 4 man galleons man up and go pick fights with ships their own size rather than targeting sloops for the easy kills :p

    No I don't agree, If I have a grade five and hand in i should get the bonus regardless of where my ship is. As per the advice that would be given to the person being sunk if they came on her moaning. Get better at intercepting and adjust the way you chase down ships if you don't like runners.

    We are all up for a fight. But if we have hard earned valuables we will run to ensure we keep it. Especially if its not a fair fight.

  • This guy would be extremely triggered by my solo tactics of letting my emissary ship sail off for them to chase while I rowboat it all in hahaha.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    This guy would be extremely triggered by my solo tactics of letting my emissary ship sail off for them to chase while I rowboat it all in hahaha.

    I 😍 doing that!

    (Rowing away with loot and sending them on a wild goose chase, not the the triggering others part 😅)

  • @galactic-geek said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    This guy would be extremely triggered by my solo tactics of letting my emissary ship sail off for them to chase while I rowboat it all in hahaha.

    I 😍 doing that!

    (Rowing away with loot and sending them on a wild goose chase, not the the triggering others part 😅)

    Yeah don’t get me wrong, I love a good fight and regularly reaper solo. However if I am not in the mood (grade 5, tons of loot, chaser has number advantage and no flag/loot) and being chased by 2+ crew, I am definitely selling and dipping.

    Solo 1v1 I will always turn and chance it for an easier turn in.

  • @zergy1139

    Drive by selling is a valid strategy for those that want to secure the spoils and avoid conflict. There is no need to punish them.

    Sloops are great but chasing larger ships is not something they are good at.

  • @nyr1n said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    @wolfmanbush While true, it is pretty tough for aggressive sloops to run down anyone at all. I kinda like the idea of making it so that a ship needs to be within emissary distance in order to sell loot for bonus emissary value...makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

    That way it actually forces players to fight for the right to turn in their loot.

    Force players to fight for the right to turn in their loot? Please. You and the original poster may think you're making a case for denying a handout but all you both are really doing is begging for a handout. One that only favors the PvP crowd. And from a game population standpoint, when game developers favor PvP people more than the PvE crowd, then that's when people start quitting the game in droves. And be honest with yourselves; all you two really want out of this bogus proposition is the justification and validation to be toxic and measuring you know ruddy well what. Want PvP all day every day? Go to the Arena. That's what it's for. Or did you forget it exists?

    And you act like PvE people just get loot easy, as if they're entitled. Not always the case. They have goals they want to meet in terms of rep, money, and cosmetics; goals that could be jeopardized by risking their loot in battle. Furthermore, have you ever stopped to consider the mindset of people who run from you? Game sessions are not short in this game. Not only do these people have goals, they have lives, schedules, and commitments that prevent them from devoting every waking hour to this game. Not everybody can afford to drown themselves in Red Bull and Game Fuel for a 12-24+ hour experience in this game. If players run from PvP, it's probably because they're tired and need a break, or in a hurry to get off because of some other commitment or meal, or falling asleep at their controllers/keyboards and want to make that bank so they can go the heck to sleep... or possibly short a crewmate that could make a difference in a fight. At that point when they're not at their best, fighting you would just be folly, because they're guaranteed to lose and all of that hard work would've been for nothing and they have no other option but to quit the game short-changed, and thus just a handout for you. That just makes the game worth it for you and not worth it for them. Some of them do have times when they will fight, for sure. But if they're running, that time has long past for them. Think about it: if a pro wrestler ain't at 100%, would it really be wise for him/her to enter the ring to begin with?

    One last thing, if you can't catch a player you're chasing for a steal, then that's a win for them for which they've earned that reward. Because piracy was just as much about getting away with the spoils as was battle and bloodshed. Sailing itself is its own measure of skill, in case you forgot.

  • @nyr1n said in Penalize emissaries that run from outpost to outpost turning in loot:

    If we are talking about 'obligations', well you kinda did 'obligate' yourself to fighting (reapers at least) when you raised that flag.

    Nope. All you did was increase your risk. Nobody is "obligated" to fight reapers in this game, and reapers don't have a "right" to a reward.

    If they want a reward, they can go out an earn it. If they can't earn it, then they need to be better reapers.

6 out of 21