Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.

  • I just cannot believe this. After 3 years being steadfast on that all players, new and veteran, should be alike, and that gold is solely meant to be used for cosmetics and voyages, Season 2 has completely shattered one thing that made Sea of Thieves unique.

    As if the ability of buying a storage crate, the most powerful item that almost everyone wants to acquire in any run, you can literally BUY your supplies now too. A lot of people are miss-assuming that the dedicated storage crates are empty... they are FULL. In exchange for gold you can literally buy cannonballs, planks and food!

    Worse too is that it's literally free flag grade for Merchants/Reapers. You can BUY your way to 2 1/2 flag grade from 1, by just spending 11k.

    I'm sorry, what? What has happened with all the feedback that vocally resisted NOT to do this? To NOT let gold become a direct advantage?

  • 45
  • Alright lets dissect this, for storage crates you can only buy one every in game week (2.8 hours real time) and second for the supplies they are quite cheap, with one quick session you can easily make enough to buy them and the next 10 times you hop on. Now lastly I wouldnt say its an advantage if they earned it using their in game gold earned, all it does is save you 15 minutes, so i really dont see a problem. These changes are fantastic we can get to the action quicker and its adding some economy into the game.

  • @kapitein-kater It is priced very fairly tho. With 6k gold you get the max Cannonballs and planks that you can. For less than 20k total you add a storage crate. That's really not much. Thus I have trouble understanding where the big advantage is : everyone should be able to buy these if they want to.
    Getting to grade 5 merchants is a joke now with the lost shipment voyage anyways. But I agree on principle : theyre shouldn't be able to give you flag rep.

  • Gotta save those content creators some time.

    Time is money

    Wait till the casuals that want this sort of thing because they are lazy find out the consequences of "be careful what you wish for"

  • The storage crate is a waste of money. The other stuff is priced pretty cheaply, so it shouldn't take long for a player to buy that but I don't know if I really agree with the idea either.

    Players have been asking for this forever, and I guess Rare finally caved so you get what you wish for whether it be good or bad. We're about to find out which one this is going to be.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    Gotta save those content creators some time.

    Time is money

    Wait till the casuals that want this sort of thing because they are lazy find out the consequences of "be careful what you wish for"

    BIG doubt this is "for the content creators". In fact, this directly caters server hoppers and stream snipers too, stripping any preparation time they need after (re-)spawning and can directly go harass a streamer with 50 EXTRA planks and cannonballs.

  • Anyone know what variety of fruit is inside these crates?

  • @needsmokes bananas -_-

    Big game changer.

  • @theblackbellamy

    I'm glad it's not pineapples, as players could buy 5x crates and be underway in a minute with a good PVP feast.

  • @pigworld10 said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    Alright lets dissect this, for storage crates you can only buy one every in game week (2.8 hours real time) (...)

    According to the patch-notes, it's now 3 in-game days; 72 minutes.
    This is per outpost.

  • @kapitein-kater said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @wolfmanbush said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    Gotta save those content creators some time.

    Time is money

    Wait till the casuals that want this sort of thing because they are lazy find out the consequences of "be careful what you wish for"

    BIG doubt this is "for the content creators". In fact, this directly caters server hoppers and stream snipers too, stripping any preparation time they need after (re-)spawning and can directly go harass a streamer with 50 EXTRA planks and cannonballs.

    that's who it benefits the most but that's not who it's catering to

    it's catering to a few large channels that have been pushing for this and a casual portion of the base that supported their push

    those hardcore pvp crews out there wrecking stuff for fun or for their 10 viewers have no leverage. They aren't being catered to. This a a very big channel/casual portion of the base move. They've been asking for it. They have the numbers for pull

  • Any player, new or experienced, can recover the cost of these crates by collecting whatever random loot they find washed up along shores.

    Same goes for the quick increase in emissary value. You can get from grade 1 to 2 after collecting a few items within the first few islands you visit. That said, I'd be okay with them nerfing or outright removing the value that the crates add to your flag.

  • @theblackbellamy It's not about how easy it is elsewhere. It's about that you can literally BUY it without expending time to do that.

    Fair mention too is that Cargo Runs have been one of the biggest moneymakers in the game, but had the lack that they started from Merchant Flag grade 1 during selling. They no longer do because of this, so their weakness is slightly patched now.

  • @grog-minto

    The advantage is for server hoppers or for PvP players actually.

    Lots of players hop for FoTD or for trying to find players doing things out in the world.

    Lets say you are at an FoTD but you are about to be finished. A lot of ships that see someone doing an FoTD will leave RIGHT away, PvP'ers and streamers alike will try to leave as fast as possible to make sure they get their before the players loot up and leave.

    The players that are defending would have an advantage because the attackers would not have a full set of supplies. They would be low on cannons, planks, food, and most especially they would be low on chain shots.

    So now the small advantages defenders had from server hoppers is gone.

    However, lets look at how this effects players after they sink.

    So the players defending at FoTD just got sunk. They spawn obviously at an island because for some reason the game won't spawn you at outposts anymore.

    You spawn at an island which means you now have to RACE back for your stuff but guess what, now YOU have no supplies.

    The players who attacked you?? They have plenty because they were allowed to buy some. If this was before buying supplies if by some chance they still sank you, you wouldn't have that big of a disadvantage against them because of the supply difference being pretty much the same.

    The thing is that players, especially ROOKIE players, for some reason believed that you have to spend 30mins at the start of each session gathering supplies.

    You don't need to do that. You could grab a set or 2 and just roll out. A minute tops. By the time you get to an island there should be a row boat or a supply crate.

    Think about how much in supplies you have at the end of your session. How fast did it take for you to get most of that??

    My crew and I are constantly shooting off or hopping off the ship for supplies.

    This is change is going to make defending from server hoppers even harder for PvE players. I'd like to keep a happy balance of risk/reward advantage/disadvantage. Players being on the server used to have an advantage against server hoppers for having more supplies, now that is being removed which means server hoppers, like yours truly, are going to have an easier time sinking our targets and then you guys will have the disadvantage trying to come back.

  • Anything that gives you any advantage, time or otherwise, by using your wealth, breaks the essence of what Sea of Thieves was about.

    Pirate 1 has 30,000,000 gold. Buying a 17k resource crate, which does give a ship combat advantage, is nothing.

    Pirate 2 just started the game a few months ago and is working toward Pirate Legend. There is no way he can justify spending half the cost of a sail or set of cannons for a single empty storage crate.

    Pirate 1 attacks Pirate 2, but Pirate 1 has ALL his resources in one singular and custom location ( lets say right next to his cannons ) while Pirate 2 has to run back and forth all across the ship to keep up with resource depletion.

    Who has the advantage? The advantage wasn't gained by work, it was gained by wealth and being able to look at 17k as a minor cost for the advantage.

    At the very least, the empty resource crate should just be a small fee. The other crates are fine as they mostly save time ( although they also allow a custom spot for resources) where the resource crate itself is a significant advantage in ship to ship combat.

    I have plenty of gold and this doesn't effect me, I just think of how I would see this as a new player. This was designed to make rich pirates spend gold. That being the case the prices should be 10 times higher.

  • @scurvyrodg said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    Anything that gives you any advantage, time or otherwise, by using your wealth, breaks the essence of what Sea of Thieves was about.

    Pirate 1 has 30,000,000 gold. Buying a 17k resource crate, which does give a ship combat advantage, is nothing.

    Pirate 2 just started the game a few months ago and is working toward Pirate Legend. There is no way he can justify spending half the cost of a sail or set of cannons for a single empty storage crate.

    Pirate 1 attacks Pirate 2, but Pirate 1 has ALL his resources in one singular and custom location ( lets say right next to his cannons ) while Pirate 2 has to run back and forth all across the ship to keep up with resource depletion.

    Who has the advantage? The advantage wasn't gained by work, it was gained by wealth and being able to look at 17k as a minor cost for the advantage.

    At the very least, the empty resource crate should just be a small fee. The other crates are fine as they only save time where the resource crate itself is an advantage in ship to ship combat.

    I have plenty of gold and this doesn't effect me, I just think of how I would see this as a new player. This was designed to make rich pirates spend gold. That being the case the prices should be 10 times higher.

    I'd think the prices were a troll if I didn't know better

    There is nothing balanced about this at all. Doesn't make the game better.

    You know it's a bad move when a lot of top pvers and pvpers are like "this makes it way too easy for us we prefer balance and effort requirement"

    Some of the most substantively critical comments I've seen roaming around are from people that benefit significantly from this. Not in like a - oh this makes life a bit easier- kind of way
    in a - I'm gonna take the money and run with steve miller band blasting- kind of way

  • Topic creator is right but why the late offense? ;)

    It was already like this when the sails of the dark adventurer made their debute.
    Also known as "v-shaped sails".

    They are 'actual power' affordable by a little more then 8 million gold.
    'Visiblity sails' beat all other sails in the end!
    Functionality is more important than looks.

    Too late to say the buyable ressources are the first thing which breaks with the stance of equality after every log-in. :)

  • @odyssee-mit-tee I'm aware of the niche "pay 2 win" cosmetics, however those don't directly out you at an advantage. They give you a slight edge in overseeing or aiming, something that is eventually taken over by experience. However you can't "experience" a flat out handout of supplies, and a storage crate right by your side. For 25k you have a storage crate right next to you and 50 extra cannonballs to go ham with.

    The bigger issue too is that server hoppers and people that endlessly chase after being sunk, are now MASSIVELY boosted in exchange for gold. Both rely on being as fast as possible at a certain location after spawning, and their weakness was that they exhaust very quick because of lacking supplies. Now, for 10k gold, they can literally do the same they want, except stocked with an extra 50 cannonballs and planks, but also that they no longer need to walk in the middle of ship combat for restock. This empowers these crew super hard, while the community was already gagging of them.

  • @scurvyrodg said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    I have plenty of gold and this doesn't effect me, I just think of how I would see this as a new player. This was designed to make rich pirates spend gold. That being the case the prices should be 10 times higher.

    Making these more expensive makes the issue worse. Making them cheap is the right move if you're going to have them available at all, that way everyone can buy them and you're not purposely disadvantaging newer pirates.

    Whether they should be available at all is the question, and how it affects the game meta. We're probably going to need to wait a few weeks to see how it shakes out in the general population.

  • @kapitein-kater sagte in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @odyssee-mit-tee I'm aware of the niche "pay 2 win" cosmetics, however those don't directly out you at an advantage. They give you a slight edge in overseeing or aiming, something that is eventually taken over by experience.

    No, nope! Dood what are you saying? You are on copium! ^_^

    I perfectly understand and feel your point but the same player and with the same skill the player already has, still has an active advantage with this bigger window of actual visibility.

    People like me ( who want to become a freakmonstrosity with a constant view-angle of 180 degree or something )
    notice it immediately - on every ship.

    I am watching Pace22 on twitch who is one, if not the most dominant PvP focussed SoT player in the game and I had a look how the v-shaped sails enhance the visibility on every ship type.
    It is insane how much more I can see with them!!

    Ressources? Pff.
    I get them everywhere, I do not need to buy them!
    But those sails? Holy hells are they powerful!

  • @d3adst1ck said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @scurvyrodg said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    I have plenty of gold and this doesn't effect me, I just think of how I would see this as a new player. This was designed to make rich pirates spend gold. That being the case the prices should be 10 times higher.

    Making these more expensive makes the issue worse. Making them cheap is the right move if you're going to have them available at all, that way everyone can buy them and you're not purposely disadvantaging newer pirates.

    Whether they should be available at all is the question, and how it affects the game meta. We're probably going to need to wait a few weeks to see how it shakes out in the general population.

    It's going to affect decent adventure players the most

    people that aren't very good are still going to get murked without an issue. People like me that are very efficient gold hoarders it won't change much for. We will still take out the crews we normally take out and the crews that normally take us out will still take us out.

    It's that mid-range player that has significantly improved their individual skills for survival that is gonna lose more to hopping crews that have nothing to lose that now have more of an advantage

    Worst kind of player to hit with a feature like this imo. They've done what they were supposed to do. They stuck with it they got better and now crews with nothing to lose have an advantage when it comes to murking them at the end. Unfortunate imo and not at all congruent with the spirit of the game

  • Veterans know it's a waste of money as what you find in organically found storage crates are usually just as many supplies as you'd get from purchasing all 4 crates. It would be useful to save time if you're trying to complete objectives such as server hopping skeleton fleets. Instead of wasting time farming you could be participating in this gold sink.

    Average players have enough gold to purchase and might do so but probably are trying to save for cosmetics but are already decent at farming supplies.

    Newer players are going to sink if they had infinite supplies to any one that hasn't been on the sea for less than a day or two.

    This doesn't change the game. Long battles where attrition is a factor is carried out between veteran players. If a higher skilled crew loses to a lower skilled crew it isn't because of supplies, it's because of mistakes or the occasional luck (rng) of the sea.

    Some one playing the game for less than two months isn't going to come at us vets and flex on us with those crates. Change = growth.

  • why not? In the end, the team's own experience is more important than how many boxes with supplies are on board.

  • @barmaley7580 There's no "positive" experience of a ship that's hunting you down over spite but that now is so much more beefier to exhaust because they can buy their comeback in supplies.

  • @kapitein-kater sagte in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @barmaley7580 There's no "positive" experience of a ship that's hunting you down over spite but that now is so much more beefier to exhaust because they can buy their comeback in supplies.

    And while they need to go to an outpost and buy stuff, which is also limited in the end supposedly, you can still gear up again if your ship was exhausted.

    People do not spawn at outposts most of the time either.
    So I doubt they come back loaded very quickly.

  • @odyssee-mit-tee said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @kapitein-kater sagte in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @barmaley7580 There's no "positive" experience of a ship that's hunting you down over spite but that now is so much more beefier to exhaust because they can buy their comeback in supplies.

    And while they need to go to an outpost and buy stuff, which is also limited in the end supposedly, you can still gear up again if your ship was exhausted.

    People do not spawn at outposts most of the time either.
    So I doubt they come back loaded very quickly.

    People can absolutely respawn at outposts if there is no other ship nearby the closest they sunk at.

  • Hey, just a quick reminder to everyone, experienced and new: please stock up your ship.

    Server hoppers now have this "advantage" every 3 game days. So if you sink them, and don't gather enough supplies in 3 entire game days, then heads up, they may have an extra 50 cannon balls when they return.

    Frightening, I know.

    Edit: One more reminder: try to finish your event or business at an island within 3 whole game days, to make it easier to move on, stock up, turn in, or do whatever else before those server hoppers come back.

  • @xultanis-dragon I don't regard 50 regular cannonballs and 50 bananas as a huge advantage. Planks, yeah I could see it.
    But they have no more chainshots/firebombs/blunder bombs than before (which would be way more problematic).

    Honestly beside maybe planks I don't think that the crates are worth their price. If I want to rush a flame heart to do some quick pve I could see myself buying the cannonballs tho. But to rush a fotd I think it fall short.

  • Even though I'm completely against the feature I still give the 50 bananas a solid 8.1 on the troll meter

    I ate so many stolen bananas earlier defending a fortune fort I'll have tummy ache for a month

  • @kapitein-kater Most hoppe

  • @needsmokes bananas.

  • @needsmokes And there is where you and a lot of other people are incorrect. You Can Only buy one crate type per crew per server per three hours So even if you had our spiky friend of max healing is in the crate, the crew could only purchase one crate. A ton of players are getting worked up about this because they don't know you can only get one type of crate per crew.

    Please, if you see anybody else who has this misunderstanding, share this information with them. Its a pretty common mistake.

                   Happy voyages.
  • You may not agree, but if that other ship has millions of gold to spend - then they've probably earned it.

  • @grog-minto said in Season 2 has broken one of its core rules, by turning possession of gold into a direct advantage.:

    @xultanis-dragon I don't regard 50 regular cannonballs and 50 bananas as a huge advantage. Planks, yeah I could see it.
    But they have no more chainshots/firebombs/blunder bombs than before (which would be way more problematic).

    Honestly beside maybe planks I don't think that the crates are worth their price. If I want to rush a flame heart to do some quick pve I could see myself buying the cannonballs tho. But to rush a fotd I think it fall short.

    Its not just 50 cannon balls and banana's. Its the storage crate.

    Most outposts will net you around 50 cannon balls and an assortment of good food with possible cursed cannon balls and chain shots.

    With the storage crate players can clear out a outpost in less than 2 to 3 minutes and its a good amount of supplies depending on the outpost they spawn at.

    SIDE NOTE Also I wasn't talking about players wanting to do PvE events. I was talking about players that were going to events to hunt the players doing them.

    A player doing an FoTD now has to deal with hoppers showing up with full supplies. If they sink well now since they spawn away from an outpost they have to deal with the hoppers with no supplies while the hoppers have full supplies.

    This hurts PvE players a lot more than they realize but they asked for it.

    Players not looking at what the long con is.

  • @xultanis-dragon said:

    A player doing an FoTD now has to deal with hoppers showing up with full supplies. If they sink... they have to deal with the hoppers with no supplies while the hoppers have full supplies.

    If a server hopper manages to gather more supplies than you, while you were already doing a FotD (of all things), then maybe you should be more prepared next time?

    If a crew knows what it's doing, chances are that it'll be sufficiently stocked-up while attempting an event. So if anything, these crates just even the odds for server hoppers. It will force players to prepare better & perform more efficiently.

    And plus, if you sink the hoppers, they're now down 5k (or more) and they're the ones who spawn at a random island, and have to wait however many days to purchase new crates.

    This hurts PvE players a lot more than they realize but they asked for it.

    Meh lol.

    Adventure is meant to be PvPvE and if you're attempting a world event, you've gotta expect PvP. You know this. I know this. They'll learn.

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