Playing SoT solo is the worst experience I've had in my life

  • I just come from leaving the game after doing a few quests and going back to a place to sell some crates and skulls. The problem is I've not been able to do it, basically because in the way to this island, I found myself fighting a shark, and a ghost ship, and I ended getting sinked by this last one when I was about to arrive. I lost 1 hour and a half of searching, digging, sailing and killing, just because of a little ghost ship. This ghost ship wouldn't have been a problem if I had been playing with another person, but as I said I had done all of this solo, which also makes everything harder as I have to drive the ship, shoot, repair, take off water, charge cannons and eat all by myslef.

    This extremely unlucky experience is seeming to be not that unlucky, as today, in about 6 or 7 hours of playing, it has happened me up to 3 times. I just got sinked or stolen or killed and lost absolutely all of my work because I was playing solo, and because of that I couldn't do nothing to fight this situations.

    Talking about stealing, I've found that the community of people who play this game is extremely bad. Nobody is friendly, and everybody's goal is to simply ruin other's people gaming experience by killing them, spawn camping, stealing, or simply insulting. This get's worse when you are playing solo, because you are by yourself when it comes to getting killed, or stolen, or getting caught in the middle of the sea. Most of the people, even knowing I'm alone, they still fight me, and most of the times they'll be 2 people or even more. So basically I have nothing else to do than destroying my ship and loosing absolutely all my loot.

    I'm posting this because I've been playing this game for about a few weeks, and even though I love the game itself, the community and some small aspects of the game are making me wanting to stop playing it. About the community and stealing I maybe understand that this is Sea of Thieves, so everybody is a thief, but, does people need to be dicks? I mean, if a ship comes to me and sinks me down its ok for me, because I know that's the game's risk. But if some guys just spawnkill me, steal me, insult me, and call me noob. I'm not taking the risks of being a pirate in the sea of thieves, I'm just getting my gaming experience ruined by some stupid people who's only goal is to make me feel miserable.

    All I want is that the game changed it's ways for solo players. I'm not asking for private servers, because I know its very hard to make it possible. One of my main ideas would be to help solo players in some ways. For example, the game could change the possibility of random encounters like ghost ships, megalodon, kraken and some others for solo players, to make sure they don't find this troubles as much as other people, as solo players are the ones who are more vulnerable to this encounters.

    Finally I have to say that this is just my situation, and maybe im the only one who is suffering from this problems, but if its not the case i would love to get this things solved somehow.

    Thanks for the attention.

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  • When you play solo in a game that is intended to be played in groups it goes without saying, you will have a hard time. The solution to your problem is to find a crew. Its honestly that simple, this really doesn't need to be explained in depth. This is something you find in any sandbox game, the groups will always be better off than the solo's.

    I really don't know what else to say man, you bought a sandbox Pirate game which allows players to steal from each other, why be surprised when people do just that? The game already scales threats in your favor, you get a weakened Kraken, Meg, and less chance of spawning Big Boy Skeleton Galleons. What more can be done for the person who refuses to group up in the multiplayer game before they even bothered to get experience in the game? You are playing this game in the hardest possible route you can go, meanwhile, you have barely even learned how to play the game.

    Want to have a better time? Crew up, its that simple.

  • While we understand your intention is to leave feedback and explain your reasons for leaving, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. We value your feedback, and if you want to make suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in Feedback & Suggestions. This topic will now be locked

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