Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...

  • I was raging about it too, im waiting When they will give away day one eyepatch black dog outfit and founder sails.. thats crazy

  • @ixxolos said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    At this point it is clear to see, for me at least, that Rare are using the term "Time-Limited" in association with a "Exclusive Event".
    Thus when they choose to repeat or re-release the "Exclusive Time-Limited Event" it comes with some of the associated "Time-Limited" items.

    This is the biggest issue i see others having. They are of the assumption that when Rare say "Time-Limited/Exclusive" it is only for that single time and never to be available again.

    Having Rare publicly state their definition of Time-Limited, Timed-Exclusive and or Exclusive Event would shed further light upon the situation.

    Time-limited doesn't mean one, done, and gone forever - it never has. It only means not all of the time. It may also mean it in the sense that those who get it 1st only have it for a limited-time (like for a year or 2) prior to it becoming more widely available. So, if anything, it's people's perception of the definition that is wrong, and not Rare. All Rare has done, is what numerous other gaming companies have already done - build up their playerbase. In all likelihood, this will draw in more players than they lose, and from a financial standpoint, that's just good business.

    Everybody that's upset about this needs to realize that they're getting angry over a digital possession, that isn't actually worth anything. They need to learn how to calm their emotions and temper their expectations, and start thinking more about how much fun they had with it while it was exclusively theirs. Just because others now have access, it doesn't change the fun you had. It merely gives them an opportunity.

  • @fgfoot said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    I was raging about it too, im waiting When they will give away day one eyepatch black dog outfit and founder sails.. thats crazy

    Not going to happen because it’s DAY ONE patch for a reason.

    This is more ingame event cosmetic and the day one cosmetic was for people who bought and played the game on day one.

    Two cosmetics but two different situations.

    All this whining is really doing my head in.

  • @Waca-hombre

    Going to islands isn't a challange. You can even abuse it by shooting yourself and swim up to the same island 15 times to complete it, challange you said?

    Btw you need to change your gamertag..

  • @itz-majman said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:


    Going to islands isn't a challange. You can even abuse it by shooting yourself and swim up to the same island 15 times to complete it, challange you said?

    Btw you need to change your gamertag..

    I wouldn't go nearly as far as trying to call that abuse man.

  • Yea and they kinda reskinned the shipset so the only uniqe thing is the outfit....ohhh wait Ashen dragon looks exactly like that! ;P
    The hat is still rare though! :D

  • @itz-majman

    Still an objective that they have to complete. So technically it counts. =)

    And they can have my gamertag when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

  • I was kind of hoping for the figurehead since it's the only piece I don't have (didn't have enough doubloons at the time). I already have the cutlass so I guess the extra coin is nice?

  • @terron29 said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    These cosmetics were available at a time when the game was way more boring and time consuming and we endured that and got these cosmetics,

    Well, there's yer problem right there. If you're enduring a game, of course something small like the cosmetics are going to effect you.

    I've been playing since the alpha. Never tried to grind a single time, only now getting close to Legend, and I'm as happy as a clam.

    While cosmetics are SoT's main method of "progression", it is certainly not a loot based game. If you place your entire game experience on that loot, then yeah, you'll probably be disappointed.

  • I completed this when it first came out completed everything required but I never made it to Duke in time to buy it..... dont think I knew about the black market back then so happy I got it now!!! Thank you RARE!!

  • I completely agree mate... a lot of people would ask about it, now I've gone back to the default one because newbies will now have the sword and there is no more appeal to use it.... I'm not longer going to do time limited stuff because they will bring it back once the game starts to die...

  • @mc-rossco

    No one cared that you have it. I have it and I don't care either.

    You didn't do anything special for it that players don't do already.

    Way to go Rare keep releasing those old cosmetics and give new players a chance to get them. Why cater to players who might end up leaving the game anyways.

    Also they never lied. One of the very first videos when they talked about the events and releasing new time limited content said that they wouldn't be exclusive forever and that they would release it to the community for those that didn't get a chance to get it and for new players.

    Stop trying to say Rare lied when they didn't. Other players getting the sword doesn't change that fact that you got it. Seriously.

  • I'm stand with the player who created this post. I'm a day one player as well. I really love the grind and effort you have to put into this game. The forsaken cutlass or the Drum from the hungering deep should not have been made available again. I did help my friend get his this last week.
    Having the Limited time items adds a certain element when telling others about your Adventures on the sea (like real pirates). A month ago I bailed out a couple of new players while they were under attack from a skeleton galleon. I was flying all my forsaken shores gear and ship skin. They thought it was cool looking and asked how I obtained the items, them we started a alliance and we had a good experience. But it added to my story and legend.
    I take this game very seriously. Every session is a Adventure and a chance to be legendary.

  • @minegamer-1016 said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    @boomtownboss i was around since the forsaken shores update so im a true OG player but since i was new i didnt know about the commendations to get things so im very glad that these devs are giving players like me and new players the chance to get these "special" cosmetics

    You're more first generation. True "OG" is those playing the game since before the launch, and even then I am second generation as I am a since early beta player and there are some here since Alpha!

  • Yeah i feel bad for you guys that did it I was there when the devils roar came out but i never really got around to getting all of the cosmetics. Got it this morning and I didn't know why I had it until I saw that you just had to visit islands of the devil's roar. Feelsbad

  • Eh, maybe it could have been the ashen eye of reach instead, swords are out more.

  • @lucky-13-x yah i just meant that i was around then

  • I want to repeat the point I made earlier. Limited does not mean never again. By restricting the availability it is limited. Why can't newer players get those cosmetics? Why can't rare reuse their assets?

    They made that sword and other cosmetics limited to give you an opportunity to earn it. To enjoy it as the population of players that owns it or even uses it decreases. Newer players after this event still won't have it. A large chunk of players now probably won't even get it.

    I spawn all the time and find empty chests in town. That alone tells you how much the player base actually looks into new content. Much less these weekly missions.

    Try not to be sour looking at the things new players can get. Try remembering the epic stories you made along the way. Those are your true treasure here.

    P.s. at least it's not being released for everyone all the time behind a pay wall(silver lining.)

  • I wasn't playing the game much during The Forsaken Shores update and whenever I saw anyone use those weapons I was always like "damn if only I played then," which I think is the intended response to time limited stuff. I am happy to finally get that cutlass, but I do feel bad for those players like you who got it during the time limited phase.

  • rip black market

  • One thing I've noticed is, personal interest doesn't seem to make a huge difference on this topic. Plenty of people have the stuff and don't care. Or are happy to get it now, but get why it'd be better to not re-release things.

    Some people just don't seem to care about, or get the larger context of systems built within and around the game. It's just a skin. It's just a video game. Why does it matter?

    And really plenty of people have tried to explain it at this point here and other places. But it's simple really. The point of the limited time cosmetics is to mimick real-life. A literal seasoned veteran is gonna have medals, and scars and trinkets brought home from war. And everyone wants to be unique.

    If nothing was time-limited it would be impossible to do this. You'd never notice anyone standing out from the other players who have played a moderate amount recently. Sure achieving milestones is worth commerating too. But everytime something is moderately difficult people ask for it to be made easier. But either way, people just want to be able to show on their character the story as they've experienced it. To say they've been there since the old days. And we accept that theres practical limitations to that. But there's so few things from the first year, when the popular opinion was that the game was garbage but we loved it anyway. I mean sure we'll probably always have the day one patch and other various things. But you also don't want to look like every other player who is still around. Especially not if you primarily play with OG players as well. And now there's three less options people have to stand out with.

  • I'm glad I don't care about this stuff. People are being a bit overly dramatic over this.

    I got it back then because I wanted to use it, and not because it will be rare one day.

    I mean, how does it affect me if others have it as well? Everyone is wearing what they like anyway.
    I have a buttload of time limited cosmetics but I'm still wearing the rogue sea dog set.

    Besides, I don't like the idea of having incomplete sets in the game. I bet a lot of players see the bone cannons and wheel in the shop, but then become disappointed when they realize that they can't actually complete the set.

  • I mean... it still is limited time, just there was some additional "limited time"

    I for one am glad they are doing this sort of thing. Times like now I can play a lot, but when I am actually working, i don't have as much time to play, so I have missed out on some cosmetics (Wailing barnacle jacket...). I do already have the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass, and yeah it is cool to have something that other people don't, but there are going to be a lot of people who aren't going to do this LTE, and all the Steam newcomers won't have it either... so it will still be unique, just slightly less unique than it is now.

  • That moment when the upper class people in ivory towers notice the working class can have ivory towers now...

    Seriously though, it's funny watching veteran players get bend out of shape over meh skins because the unwashed masses "weren't there" when it originally released and can now earn them. You still have your stories of how you earned them. Who cares how everyone else can get them?! You already have it. And this event's limited time as well so your glowy stick will still be rare.

    I will say that maybe Rare should've done what Valve did with TF2's Vintage items.
    The short version is Valve were planning to add a microtransactions shop into TF2 to support the game going free-to-play and knew said shop would massively effect the game's item trading economy.
    So just before the shop went live, Valve added a special status to all existing TF2 items called Vintage to identify that item as being acquired before the shop went live, preserving its trade value and prestige. Vintage items didn't have any visual or gameplay benefits over the standard version, just a title to denote when it was acquired.
    Rare could've done a similar thing with the previously limited items, maybe adding a very minor visual effect to denote their legacy like they're extra shiny or have a small sparkle effect on them.

    In any case, I have a cool sword now. It was fun to get.

  • @mc-rossco Its just a cosmetic, not really worth much. Like good job dealing with the aimbot volcanoes but cosmetics dont really need to be time locked.

  • @mc-rossco I agree!

  • @crazyt101 said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    @mc-rossco Its just a cosmetic, not really worth much. Like good job dealing with the aimbot volcanoes but cosmetics dont really need to be time locked.

    Nothings really worth much because the integrity of the originals are starting to be compromised with these cheap thrown together "give people what they've been whining for" events.. because people who don't have them couldn't care less simply because they are the ones who don't have them.

    They did have meaning, and they had their place in players being able to show off their experiences, tell stories, and talk about the world changing events they were present for. The actual events that took place. The trophies and souvenirs for being there.

    Now they literally are just anther cosmetic, because of this mentality.

    People who don't care about the actual integrity of the game. Just what they don't have, and they think they should have because in a game about cosmetics with tons of cosmetics already, not having a cool sword or whatever else they weren't around for means they're the ones who were slighted somehow..

  • it's just a sword?! if it gets more people interested in SoT, then I see it as a plus. The few salty pirates who put value in such trivial things aren't what is going to keep the game afloat (pun).

  • @tre-oni said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    a game about cosmetics

    alt text

  • As this thread has run its course, and has descended into mud slinging, personal attacks, and attacks against the dev team, it will now be locked.

    @BoomTownBoss We have moderated or removed numerous posts by you as violations of the forum rules regarding personal attacks.

    @MineGamer-1016 Please refrain from engaging in arguments with others on the forums, we have removed a number of your posts as well.

    @Tre-Oni We have moderated one of your posts for name calling directed at the dev team.

  • Crazy to see so many people making a big deal out of a cosmetic that doesn't really matter....

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