Guns underwater, explain?

  • Can someone please explain why guns underwater are so wonky?

    Let me start of by saying, fix the sword first, then follow up with this.

    Why are guns underwater so inconsistent. I've at times pistol'ed someone 4 times and they are still swimming. I ask this because I was up against a blunder, in the water, at range, I shot 3 shots into the man with my pistol and he shot his blunder, at range, underwater, at me twice and took me out.


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  • @twitch-xk90 My friend and I had that last night too. Not just in the water either. I think its the same old story. Combat in this game just is not right yet, it feels and plays like an alpha most of the time.

    Every time we play, we get constant situations like this.

    For example last night, both next to a ship in the water, on the ship, and on the island next to a ship, we fought people and had numerous occasions where we both got multiple hit marker snipes on a player, they didn't eat, then proceeded to shotgun us from range while soaking up our damage.

    Sea combat seems to work a treat, but at this moment in time, on foot combat is FAR from ready to be in a released game like this.

    I love this game, i still play it alot, but we also quit out alot when you get times where the lack of quality coded combat shows. We play other online games without problem, and we lose alot too. Losing aint the problem. Its when obvious program errors for want of the better word impede your fun.

    Yet all this aside, i'll still probably be playing again later. Until the hit markers etc ruin the night again.

  • Technically, black powder weapons should not be working under water at all.
    I think I would prefer that mechanic.
    Underwater it is cutlass only.

  • Technically, we shouldn't be able to shoot ourselves out of cannons, yet here we are. If the game's intent was to have a real life feel, I'd agree with no guns underwater. It's a cartoon, though.

  • @gatorwocky said in Guns underwater, explain?:

    Technically, we shouldn't be able to shoot ourselves out of cannons, yet here we are. If the game's intent was to have a real life feel, I'd agree with no guns underwater. It's a cartoon, though.

    Tis' true. Even in the cartoon, I would like to see firearms ineffective and underwater cutlass fights. It would boost the difficulty and create a challenge for underwater pvp. Even pve would see a difficulty change. Blasted sharks.

  • @twitch-xk90

    Wet powder

  • I don't think you should be able to shoot from underwater. Would make boarding more fun too. If you wanna shoot the crew you have to get the boat close, you can't just swim up to them and pick them off. Cutlasses only if you're in the drink. Maybe add a handheld harpoon for that so you have a ranged weapon you can use underwater that's for sharks and whatnot. Wet Powder please.

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