CONCEPT: Arena Improvements

  • This is my idea on how to improve the Arena. Please rare please fix the arena i beg you

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  • @mferr11 A TDM where you can't move your ship? Really!?

    This ain't no old-fashioned shoot over the hill tank game, Mr... This here's a sandbox with options up the wazoo! So stop pussyfooting around and come up with something better!

    Also, if I'm in an open crew, a quit penalty would incentivize pirates to go AFK instead of quitting out, leaving me with no real way to replace him with another, hopefully better, random pirate.

  • @galactic-geek What would you rather? Open ocean ship battles? The only player pvp would happen on ships then. Just make the TDM mode swap every round. One round is island PVP one is open ocean PVP.

    Also, why are you playing open crew. It's terrible. And people already go AFK. I haven't seen anyone come up with an idea on how to stop this, mostly cause it's impossible.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar Is it really worth it? That's a matter of personal opinion. You're absolutely right in that if Arena was to be removed Adventure could once again be the main thing (Well it never wasn't the main thing, but I get what you're saying) But they'll never get rid of it simply because there are rewards and commendations already tied to Arena. Imagine the outcry if Rare removed Arena in a week from today. Everyone trying to get their cosmetics (PL weapons, Glorious/Triumphant Sea Dog) or commendations would be screwed over. Imagine you only needed a few more wins for the PL weapons and Rare removes the game mode.

    It would take some time away from Adventure if my ideas were to be implemented, and seeing as we are currently in the middle of the whole Flameheart storyline, I do not think this is the time to work on Arena. Maybe once the remaining Flameheart Tall Tales/Monthly updates are released, and the story is wrapped up (for now), THEN Arena could see some improvements. Let's be real, it has stayed the same since day 1 apart from duo sloops.

    Adding 3 new gamemodes with rewards would hopefully keep the playerbase busy. Take a game like Overwatch. Why do people play quickplay? For a short fun game with hopes to win. This is what I hope these modes would add. Even if you had finished the commendations and gotten all the rewards people would stay play a game of Capture the Chest for fun if they didn't have time for a full adventure session.

  • There needs to be a team fleet battle/control objective game mode. Three ships per team, only one of each ship type. Make crews replaceable. Ex if the sloop crew quits, preserve the ship in an open state till another crew gets in.

  • I have spoken directly to the Sea of Thieves team during Twitch Con 2019 about arena changes but their only response to give people a reason to return to the arena was to add commendations that are a reskin of older ones.

    Here's the link to the video.

  • @mferr11

    Lol your suggestions look so much nicer with the presentation like that and everything lol almost like it's in the game already ha ha

  • @capt-soul-beard But they say that "the plan was always to be in the future to have possibly a second playlist that would shuffle around so we could see what was popular". Does this imply that they wanted to have a playlist of rotating gamemodes?

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