New Cooking Spot on each Outpost for Upcoming Hunter's Call NPCs?

  • Ahoy me hearties!

    I discovered there is a new cooking spot on each outpost with a fire camp and a stove. The first scene of The Anniversary Update Trailer is showing one of these new places with three people. I'm starting to think this will be the place where the upcoming NPC of the new Trading Company, The Hunter's Call, will be!

    Here's a close look at the first NPC (on the left) with his cooking spot on Sanctuary Outpost:

    And here's a gallery of the cooking spots:

    Now I'm wondering if Merrick will be at one of them and which one 😁

  • 7
  • He's head of a whole faction now, he can probably afford better accommodations

  • @dekeita I can see him at the place under construction in the middle of the map which might well be the upcoming Sea Dogs Tavern. Should be a nice spot for him! :D

  • @skulliah uh... Surely his ambitions aren't that grand.

  • Where was The Hunter's Call announced?

  • I think your right about that @skulliah!
    I always Theorized that those little encampments on Outposts would need used for something.

  • @lethality1 said in New Cooking Spot on each Outpost for Upcoming Hunter's Call NPCs?:

    Where was The Hunter's Call announced?

    It was mentioned here me heartie.

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