Talk Like A Pirate Day 2016

Watch the crew define different pirate phrases!

Every pirate's favourite holiday has finally appeared on the horizon! September 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day, which means that the rest of the world gets to jump aboard our ship and shout nautical slang with the rest of us.

Last year, we brought in pirate consultants to help the team understand what it really means to embrace the pirate life. But this year, we thought we'd see how well their training stuck! We sat the crew down for a quick quiz to see who studied their vocabulary and who could use a refresher on some of the more obscure terms in the seafaring dictionary.

Sea of Thieves - Talk Like A Pirate Day 2016

Süre 3:44

And there you have it! Looks like we all have a few more phrases to remember for when we're sailing with our crew. With cooler weather on the way, any one of us may be beating the booby or bleeding the monkey on our next voyage! Have more pirate slang you'd like to share with us? Join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and in our Forum.