Shrouded Ghost

  • @klutchxking518 You sir have summed up the problem with people on SOT. ITS so easy now to get everything. Everything is so easy without a challenge bc people cry and say "its too difficult." Nothing means anything to me anymore in this game except the shrouded ghost title and 240 wins in arena bc everything else is too easy to obtain due to people not trying and want things now instead of putting time and effort to achieve something.

  • @alteredoutlaw said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @StaceyXsX you have to defeat it 5 times to get the Athena’s fortune commendation so there is no point in it being this rare if you can’t find one of them

    I don't mind not getting that commendation though? I've got the regular one that's good enough for me! Having it so rare actually means something when you get it.

  • @alteredoutlaw said in Shrouded Ghost:

    Yeah my opinion is it is too rare to have to kill 5 for a commendation they need to change it up a bit so everyone has a fair chance

    It's that logic that's made it so easy to gain pirate legend titles when people have been grinding since day one without using dublooms etc. Leave it how it is, its the one thing not yet ruined from this game.

  • @klutchxking518 I’m guessing it’s 50 due to the fact the rest are but if I’m wrong that’s cool

  • @staceyxsx You realize the only reason you have the title is a program gave you the shark. All you did was fight a basic easy meg that was just recolored. Its not like you actually accomplished something.

  • @klutchxking518 So proving you wrong is a violation of the code and you have to cry to the deckhands because you cant win an argument? Youre real mature.

  • @klutchxking518 actually the point is I do care about others. I care about the people who have put the time and effort trying to find it just to not be able to get it because of a number syatem. Its not my fault you come at me with weak arguments that are easily defeated.

  • @klutchxking518 Ive seen several posts about keeping the shrouded ghost yet there has only been posts based on feelings and not facts.

    They say it feels "legendary" with it being so rare. If it was legendary it wouldnt be a carbon copy fight of all the other megs. The fight itself would mean something but it doesnt. Like I try to explain it takes no skill to fight the megs if someone has a shrouded ghost its bot like they preformed some great feat od excellence they are just super lucky and had it handed to them. That is not really fair to have a system that keeps most of the community from experiencing a part of the game. The Ghost needs the rarity nerfed and the fight buffed.

    You want the title it should be based on skill and not some random program deciding with the roll of a dice who is worthy.

  • @fast-bike94 they released the spawn chance during the first buff they gave it.

  • @klutchxking518 you also dont seem to understand rarity and difficulty are not the same. Rare is about luck and that is nothing to be proud of. Difficulty means the task is either easy or hard it means the difference between whether or not someone is up to the challenge that is how the ghost should be it shoyld be so hard that only skillful players can accomplish the task. It pushes those players who arent good to try harder. You defend a system that is only designed as a time sink one that is there to burn time to get us to get on our hands and knees and pray we get to see if versus seeing it and having a real.challenge. thats what I mean by anyone who has the ghost has nothing to be proud of megs are so easy that seeing the shark basically means you just got given a freebie by rare.

  • @otherfanboy it is 5

  • @suhhsavage You are also involved in the delusion of difficulty vs rarity.

  • @klutchxking518 also why are your bringing the DR nerfs and Kraken into this. I dont support making the game easy I never did. The only thing I supported with DR was tweaking the accuracy and uping the number of rocks thrown that way if felt less like a canon and more like a volcano and that ones ability to dodge the rocks while sailing would determine your ability to survive the roar. Now get back on subject because you dont listen I already stated multiple times about making the ghost hard not rare. You wouldnt keep repeating these same bogus arguments if you actually read what was written

  • Rare made a shark the same as all the other sharks only they made it rng based. Other games make actual challenges I am trying to explain the ghost isnt a challenge its just people are being prevented from fighting it.making something rare is bad game design its lazy they couldnt take the time to make the ghost fun and worth fighting. They just duplicated the shark code added skins and a spawn chance program. Killing the ghost is suppose to make you feel like you accomplished a task all anyone doeq is fight a carbon copy meg and get a false sense of pride when they beat it thinking they actually did something but in reality they just had it handed to them nothing about that is ok. You complain about how easy the game is how easy they make it to accomplish tasks yet by defending rarity pver difficulty you have given rare a way to avoid making anything actually hard because now all they have to do is hide it behind an rng wall while I support making the ghost a real fight that takes real skill to beat and tearing down this rng wall. So all these claims you make at me wanting the game to be easy are bogus.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @staceyxsx You realize the only reason you have the title is a program gave you the shark. All you did was fight a basic easy meg that was just recolored. Its not like you actually accomplished something.

    Never had I indicated I accomplished something though so no need to be rude! I got it by luck. So why should it be made easier for people get it? I had to sail around the same as everyone else.

  • @blatantwalk4260 you changed the argument. you originally said it has to be more common, now you say its too easy.

    quit it with your line of code stuff. EVERYTHING in sot is a line of code, its a video gamr we honestly dont care if the fight is hard enough or not. we arent proud of that. we see it as an accomplishment to find rare things, nobody cares about if its a reskin. everything in this game is a reskin. you make it sound like your here to help, but all youve done is be rude and ignorant. its very annoying to have to engage in a multiple day long argument because they cant accept defeat, even when literally everyone else disagrees with them.

    the ghost does not need to be easier/harder, the ghost does not need to be less/more common, leave it be.

    you will find it one day, when you do, i will be saying both "i hate you" and "congrats on your find".

    i will find it too sometime. its a matter of when. I dont care how challenging it is, ill be excited to find such a rare beast.

    you need to chill out. this has gone on too long and your excuse/argument is different every time. Not asking for you to admit that you're wrong, but you do need to realise that you're not always right. its not getting you anywhere.

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in Shrouded Ghost:

    @suhhsavage You are also involved in the delusion of difficulty vs rarity.

    Actually noone has brought dificulty into this except you. Your having a tantrum because someone has something you don't. I imagine if you found it you wouldn't be so vocal in increasing spawn rates and would instead be lording it over others like a true completionist.

  • @klutchxking518 no my argument is the same Im sorry I have this massive list of evidenve why while you have nothing. It your fault if youre so sensitive to take this critism which is why the deckhands have dkne nothing despite all the whinning youre doing that Im rude. Guess what tou still have nothing to back your argument. You have done nothing to counter what I say yes everything in sea of thieves is code thats how games are made way to point out the obvious. Its when the code allows some people to perform a task and prevents others from doing so out of pure chance that this becomes an issue. Things ingames are meant to be about skill and when someone who hasnt even sailed close to a million meters gets a ghost and people who play this game non stop doesnt that there becomes an issue. There are people who arent even good at the game who have it because of how easy it is to figjt and have it because the program decided they get it both these things go hand in hand. Its your fault if you cant understand that yet you want to keep giving me the same argument to fight every counter point I makr and make the false assumption im changing my stance. When all I do is provide another detail thst connects with all the other details maybe you need to understand how things are relatable first because everything seems to be flying over your head.

  • @staceyxsx because thats how it should be it should be skilled based not luck based. As long as its luck based you can be proud all you want but its false pride.

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