Guess for Gold Competition - How many Shrouded Ghost Megs Killed? **[RESULTS]**

  • Greetings, Pirates and lubbers alike!

    The latest Guess for Gold competition, where we asked you to guess how many Shrouded Ghost Megs had been defeated between August 21st and August 22nd, has now concluded.
    After 1000 guesses exactly, the pirates who guessed correctly were placed into the Legendary Pirate Hat and one lucky pirate name pulled from it.
    The actual number was:

    And the Forum member who got the correct answer and was randomly picked from the hat, thus winning our Grand Prize this week is:
    @SayutaLyn - 11
    Congratulations me matey, you'll be receiving your prizes soon!

    Thanks to everyone who took part, there were some very good guesses! We'll be back on Thursday with another Guess for Gold stat and most importantly, more loot!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

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  • @lizalaroo Congratulation!
    But kind of unbelievable...11 of those rare Megs killed within 24 hours...

  • @schwammlgott Aye! I'm still waiting to get mine!

  • @lizalaroo This makes it seem like the RNG is not working. That seems low.

  • @evulm0nkey Maybe Rare uses extra evil RNG lol

  • @evulm0nkey sagte in Guess for Gold Competition - How many Shrouded Ghost Megs Killed? **[RESULTS]**:

    @lizalaroo This makes it seem like the RNG is not working. That seems low.

    I think it's pretty high for such a rare's within 24 hours...I 've never seen it in hundrets of hours...

  • @lizalaroo It's spelled Evul. =)

  • @lizalaroo It's not 11 but 2 in capital roman more likely lol ;P

    Congrats to the winner!

  • @lizalaroo


    11 Shrouded Ghost Megs killed in 24 hours, let's take a look back at the previous contest for how many of all megs were killed in a 24 hour period, which was 6,441.

    11 is 0.17~% of the 6,441.

    Can we reasonably assume that the Shrouded Ghost has somewhere between a 0.1% and 0.5% spawn rate?

  • @lizalaroo said in Guess for Gold Competition - How many Shrouded Ghost Megs Killed? **[RESULTS]**:

    Greetings, Pirates and lubbers alike!

    The latest Guess for Gold competition, where we asked you to guess how many Shrouded Ghost Megs had been defeated between August 21st and August 22nd, has now concluded.
    After 1000 guesses exactly, the pirates who guessed correctly were placed into the Legendary Pirate Hat and one lucky pirate name pulled from it.
    The actual number was:

    And the Forum member who got the correct answer and was randomly picked from the hat, thus winning our Grand Prize this week is:
    @SayutaLyn - 11
    Congratulations me matey, you'll be receiving your prizes soon!

    Thanks to everyone who took part, there were some very good guesses! We'll be back on Thursday with another Guess for Gold stat and most importantly, more loot!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

    nice to the person who got it

  • NOO I guessed twelve...

  • @chronodusk I would think its probably lower. I'm sure many people already have their 50 of all of the other megs so if it's not the ghost, they leave them be. That would make me think that there is many more spawns of other megs that dont get killed and as we all know, everyone will stop to kill the ghost meg.

  • @hailsux said in Guess for Gold Competition - How many Shrouded Ghost Megs Killed? **[RESULTS]**:

    @chronodusk I would think its probably lower. I'm sure many people already have their 50 of all of the other megs so if it's not the ghost, they leave them be. That would make me think that there is many more spawns of other megs that dont get killed and as we all know, everyone will stop to kill the ghost meg.

    Yeah, probably a lot lower, don't think I even kill half the Megs I encounter.

  • @lizalaroo congratulations to the winner! To be honest that was more than I expected.

  • @chronodusk said in Guess for Gold Competition - How many Shrouded Ghost Megs Killed? **[RESULTS]**:



    11 Shrouded Ghost Megs killed in 24 hours, let's take a look back at the previous contest for how many of all megs were killed in a 24 hour period, which was 6,441.

    11 is 0.17~% of the 6,441.

    Can we reasonably assume that the Shrouded Ghost has somewhere between a 0.1% and 0.5% spawn rate?

    Wow, that really puts it in perspective lol. 🤔😳😂 I've been telling my friends that I thought it had less than a 1% spawn chance too lol. 👍😊

  • @SayutaLyn Gratulations!!!

  • @lizalaroo We all know the correct answer was zero.

    A mistake was obviously made. I await my doubloons...

  • Congrats to the winner! Dang that’s way higher than I thought...

  • "less than a 1% spawn chance"
    You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers!

  • Really 11!!?! Woooow... I didnt expected more than 5 (and I thought I was being very positive with 5) hahahah! Congraatulaations @SayutaLyn !! Enjoy thoose prizes!

    Spreaad the curse in the seaaas!!

  • Hell yeh

  • Wow I guessed 12....

  • Guessed it right, didn't get pulled from the hat :(

    Congrats though!

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