Game updates that I hope you will consider

  • SAILS - We need sails on our ships that dont block our view. The galleon especially, the sails always get in the way if you are steering, you should be able to see where the ship is going while youre on the wheel.

    MASKS - I think we need to add masks to the game. Masks that give us a more unique look. I thought curses were a good idea but I was hoping for masks too. Also an undead curse would be cool, one that turns us into a skeleton or something like that.

    SHIPS - We need a bigger ship, one that fits more players, like a Man O War. It's harder to move but it's powerful and fast.

    CLOTHING - We dont have much variety when it comes to clothing. We need the basic colors to wear like how we have basic sail covers. Instead we have these color variants and weird looking types of clothes. If we made a basic color and added a modifier that allowed the colored shirt to change between each type of shirt available, that would be cool.

    INSTRUMENT - A banjo maybe? and more songs. I like what we have so far but I'd like a banjo and maybe some action theme that we can play while we go into battle. Sounds a bit cheesy but it's just one of many ideas I have that I thought you would consider.

    I have many other ideas but this is all I want to post about for now. Please give me feedback if you can, thanks.

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  • SAILS - That's the point, you have to work as a crew to get around.

    SHIPS - Why? sure it might sound cool but how fun is it to dominate everything. I wouldn't want to be on a server where theres multiple of these ships.
    Galleons are almost extinct at this point so wouldn't make sense adding a even bigger ship. Much rather different versions of already existing ships

  • Yep, the sails were intentionally designed to block your view in order to facilitate teamwork and communication, so that's not likely to change.

    If you want to know what's in front of you, you have a few options:

    1. Ask a crewmate to tell you what lies ahead;
    2. get off the wheel and look for yourself, you lazybeard (seriously, it takes only like 3 seconds); or
    3. you can slightly roll up the sails in order to see (at the loss of speed, however).
  • Sails - like was said before me work around them or raise them a bit.

    Ships - bigger is not better and it's bad enough seeing galleons sailing around with a solo player.

  • @Galactic-Geek @iTz-Majman @Galactic-Geek agree with all of you

  • @andyxxpanda1290 So nice, you had to tell me twice. 😂

  • @galactic-geek I agree ;)

  • THE BANJO! Although I secretly wish we could have one day full blown orchestra playing Beethoven's fifth. \o/

  • @los-maverick said in Game updates that I hope you will consider:

    SAILS - We need sails on our ships that dont block our view. The galleon especially, the sails always get in the way if you are steering, you should be able to see where the ship is going while youre on the wheel.

    You want life easy without effort, but it's the effort that sets pros and newbies apart. In a competitive game such as arena I want much challenge so only the best of the best filter through it.

    MASKS - I think we need to add masks to the game. Masks that give us a more unique look. I thought curses were a good idea but I was hoping for masks too. Also an undead curse would be cool, one that turns us into a skeleton or something like that.

    Masks would be nice. Clan/team masks etc.

  • @bumbumbac
    You want a banjo? Me too. Hopefully soon, my friend. 🎸

  • You guys say that it adds extra communication to the game and that it only takes "a few seconds" to get around. Doesnt that just make it even the more obsolete?

    Sot doesnt need added communication in the game if you can check the front in just "a few seconds". Not only does it make the sails blocking our view pointless but it also adds to the hundred other things we have to communicate with our crew about. How to do basic things is one of them, people who have played for a while I still see dropping the anchor at the wrong time or lowering the sails or steering the ship wrongly. There's plenty of things to communicate with people about, we dont need sails blocking our view to be one of them. I think its actually quite stupid in a way.

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