
  • I am tired of jumping around on a ship dodging people to then get someone who hits 1 pellet from the blunderbuss and suddenly I'm in the water. Another annoyance with the blunderbuss is most of the time when I'm on a small ship such as the sloop or even sometimes the brigantine, I get one-shotted by some controller player who happens to spawn in the right place at the right time to kill me. These aspects of the game require no skill, most of the time I find some noob at the game pulls his blunderbuss out and tries looking for me and just as I start swording him, he shoots his blunderbuss and I'm instantly dead, and then people start to camp their ladders. I find I get shot by a person camping a ladder with a blunderbuss, I feel there should be a new way to board ships such as boarding axes, you should be able to somehow to connect it to a ship, whether that is throwing it or walking into it as you float by the ship and you should be able to climb them, but without the enemy knowing, therefore fixing some blunderbuss issues. In all, the blunderbuss needs to have it so a certain number of pellets need to hit an enemy to cause the knockback effect, and the damage of the blunderbuss needs to be nerfed so that it cannot just accidentally one-shot a good player. Any other weapon in the game is essentially useless when going up against someone with a blunderbuss unless you are in the water. Someone with a blunderbuss can just run at an enemy and can tank a sniper shot or pistol shot, and then can just shoot him as soon as he gets close enough, and the person without the blunderbuss will die because the blunderbuss has the ability to one shot. The weapons are completely unbalanced when logically thinking about it, a bunch of small pellets can instantly kill someone, but a large sniper bullet to the head cannot. I feel if the damage of the blunderbuss is not nerfed, then headshot damage should be added, it would give those with more skill a more for sure way to kill someone who would otherwise just get lucky.

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  • I dont use the blunder and i have no problem killing players who use it. They have to get close so dont let them.

    I agree with needing other ways to board. We need a boarding ax.

    They are not gonna add headshot damage. They dont want those pro pvp players dominating the seas with easy headshot kills.

    I do agree the blunder needs to be looked at tho. I have been killed 15 feet away with one shot. And then there are times i have been shot point blank and lived it. It seems hit or miss really

  • @best-bear500 ... while the others are bored of being jumped around and dodged. There are always two views, at least. I can't see why your view should be favored by a change to the detriment of others, I'm very sorry.

  • Not again....
    In most games a shotgun from zero range kills you, and most of the time its weak if its not a point blank hit.
    I dont see your logic its a shotgun you have advantages and huge disadvantages.

  • I have never used the blunderbuss much before the Arena debut.
    But, recently I earned my High Caliber Sea Dog title for two hundred kills in the Arena.
    OP may think skill is not required, but two hundred kills is two hundred kills. /shrug.

    Thing is, I never have to use it again and have switched back to my Ebon Flintlock.

    Still, OP saltiness is like music to my ears.
    He is correct in that it can be a great equalizer in the hands of a tenderfoot. I like that.
    You can still survive if you can avoid a full spread.

    The other weapons were nerfed so the blunderbuss could fulfill its role in ship defense, which is critical in the Arena, as a single boarder dropping your anchor can make a difference. Prior to that nerf, no one used the weapon in Adventure.

    Most of those Arena kills were in the back of some pirate shooting a cannon, repairing, or otherwise unaware they're about to get one shot.
    The easy kills are over, now I have to duel adversaries with cutlass and pistol.

  • Who said it doesn't take skill? Like yes if they spawn right behind you they have a easy one shot, but that was just lucky for him. Blunderbuss is horrible if they aren't 2 feet away, so don't let them get close only go in if they just missed. I personally like all the guns when it comes to damage and the different play styles that come with them, however I do have to agree that knockback from just 1 or 2 bellets is bit too much.
    We all have our least favorite weapons to use and go up against, for me it is the sword thanks to it's stun mixed with how bad hit reg is for it, almost always I have to hit them 9 times. And while on the topic of skill, sword imo takes the least amount of skill to use as it is only button smashing mixed with block. 1v1 you can have some cool battles with it but let's say you board a ship, you anchor and kill one of them. Now there's 3 guys coming at you and you just running around trying kill them but one of them stuns you once and all just group up on you spamming their buttons. As long as the crew isn't completely new and know sword basics it's the least skillful weapon of them all. My opinion btw I know lot of this community doesn't agree and that's fine with me.

  • @icymethodman

    The sword has a lot of small things involved. If you use it a lot, you'll get to know the little things like timing for stuns and when to properly use each move (you forgot to mention the dash and the dodge), and when it is best to put it down and use a gun instead. The sword is the highest skill cap weapon to me, although new players can still overpower you down with it.

  • You are right !

    The sword has a lot of differents uses.
    It's hard to master and its only "OP" if used in teamwork (so I guess its more balanced than the blunder buss that is "OP" in most of the situations.

  • In Arena, the blunderbuss is the most OP weapon, there is no doubts about that.
    As most of the fights are on ships, the blunderbuss player can easely reach close range and can throw people away from their ship.
    I agree on the point the knockback effect should only occures if the player toutch a certain number of bullets.

    The problem is that there is no counter for blunderbuss (exept in the water).

    It heavely counter swords (more damages and the knockback effect.

  • @faceyourdemon In most games you dont take same damage in all bodyparts.

  • Maybe if the OP would stop sticking his face in the muzzle of the weapon he could learn to appreciate it.
    I love the role this weapon plays in this game. Prior to the patch that reworked the firearms, no one used it much.
    Now it is specifically only for close quarter combat. There is no other reason to use one.

    The Arena encourages pirate's to use the weapon from the very start.
    It's good for pirates with bad aim, it's deadly with a little training.
    High Calibre Sea Dogs are rewarded with instakills that generate much salt.

    Try eating meat and throwing firebombs before engaging.
    Blunderbuss, working as intended.

    Oops necro . . .

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