Sea of Thieves and Anti-Fun Mechanics

  • This post is meant to act as the negative problems I've experienced with the game. The game could be great but these issues make the game annoying at times and some have been in the game since launch.

    So lets start with the "random" environmental events. The randomness is nowhere near true random. For instance, the volcanoes shoot out the fireballs at ships, it heatseeks your ship. Why? Why would you need this? To make it more dangerous? It's already dangerous enough with the damaging water. The storms also go in the direction of the player, rather than the wind or any other mechanic and quests seem to slowly lead players into the storm. The storm should move in one direction around the map so it can actually clear up and players aren't forced to constantly maintain their boats. The wind should change direction more often aswell. I have had it where I go directly against the wind too many times. The kraken and megalodon chances are also extremely common to the point where i have gotten about 20 krakens in the past week and all but one have sunk my ship. This would be fine if the kraken were easier to kill like the megalodons, which are also too common, but they aren't. I had both the ancient terror and the crested queen attack me whilst fighting a sloop. How am I supposed to survive fighting a player and two megalodons? You can't unless you're a professional sea of thieves player.

    The next issue I have is with the PvP mechanics. The explosive barrel is the only way to sink someone. Every single fight I've gotten into has come down to who can get an explosive barrel off first. The only skill people develop is sneaking onto another boat and pressing a button. It isn't fun to have your entire boat blown up in one second because some guy climbed onto your boat. This can be fixed by simply lowering their damage. The actual pvp is just as unbalanced as the boat fighting, with a blunderbuss either instakilling or barely dealing damage at all. Even after the blunderbuss got nerfed it didn't help whatsoever. The other weapons are underpowered which makes the blunderbuss one of the only viable picks. The eye of the reach is extremely inaccurate and does little damage when it does hit and the pistol is literally a nerf gun. Swords are terrible aswell and could be fixed by adding more sword tricks or anything to stop the oneshot blunderbuss. The only reason to have a sword is to lunge off of the beaches to get to your boat faster as it has no combat applications.

    The loading screens are also extremely long, with some taking as long as 10 minutes. I have had it where I have died and by the time I respawned my boat had already sunk. This has been plaguing the game since alpha and I figured that the devs would be on it but clearly adding more explosive barrels is on the top of their agenda. This should have been optimized a year ago, I can't imagine why they haven't tried to reduce loading time as it literally changes the tide of battle. When you're on the ferry it could be loading or anything. No other game has this problem, especially not one thats been out for over a year.

    I enjoy playing the game but this makes the game unplayable for me and my friends.

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  • @spartanchild330 The only thing I agree with is that kraken and meg are waaaay too common. And that more sword tricks (Example: if you kept spamming mouse1 repeatably, you'd do a combo swing.) would be neat.

    But most of all. Kraken and Meg are too easily handled.
    I wish they were ALOT more rare and much, much harder to fight. As it is, there's nothing frightning about them. At all.

    The kraken won't ever suck you up if you go down while dust particled. Then you shot a few tentacles and it'll go away.
    And meg just swims away if you go near an island. And there's no danger from it. Hit ~two shots while it's charging you and it dives beneath unharmed ship. Otherwise, it's just a time consuming event where you wait for it to be on the broad side of the ship, so you can spam cannon balls.

    They should be Legendary Sea Creatures and not what they currently are, imo.

  • @spartanchild330 if you don't want to fight the kraken, as soon as she arrives, turn your ship 180 degrees and put the sails into the wind...the kraken only got me once, and that was when a meg appeared at the same time

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