New to game and lost $10k gold

  • Hello All,

    I bought the anniversary edition today. I started a new character just to try it out. I deleted the character to start a new one and the character didn't start with the $10k gold as part of the special. I am just out of this now? I sent a ticket in, but not sure if/when I will get help.

    Also a heads-up to anyone else since I had no warning on this.

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  • @Skippydamule
    When you delete a character you loose everithing, even you exclusive items.
    In your case you loose 10k it's sad but not important, you can do around 15k one shot at a fort in maximum 1h if you are beginner and around 10 minutes if you are good.

  • @zyrkal Thanks for the reply.

    Well, that is rather unfortunate. I little warning for new players would be helpful.

  • It's 10k. Months from now that 10k will seem like a penny.😀

  • @zyrkal said in New to game and lost $10k gold:

    When you delete a character you loose everithing, even you exclusive items.

    Even though I understand this myself, it sucks. Losing access to exclusive items (i.e. items that are no longer available) because you wanted to change a character... that's a bit of a kick in the teeth. It should be tied to your account, not your character.

  • @skippydamule there is a warning about losing everything with character delete

  • 10,000 gold is a drop in the bucket.

    You'll survive.

  • @skippydamule

    Before deleting your character a prompt comes up and says you lose everything.

    I'm guessing 1 of 2 things happened.

    You either -

    Saw it, read it, ignored what you saw and believing that they should/will give you back your stuff.

    Or -

    Deleted your character really fast in a hurry ignoring the prompts that come up.

    Don't worry about losing the money. Playing this game you are going to lose significantly more than that :)

    I wonder why players who have the power of Google at their fingertips don't research more about a game. Just a random thought, nothing against you or other people. Just curious what goes through their heads. Well happy sailing!!

  • @monkeyshishan Way to build this guys confidence! 😂😂😂 He's right though........ I consider myself elite (elite at what?) and I'm sure I've lost 150k or more since launch! But I helped steal millions!!!!!!!😀😀😀

  • @monkeyshishan While I agree that he should've read/heeded the warnings before deleting his character, exclusive items should be assigned to the account, not the character. For instance in Borderlands 2, there is a loyalty exclusive reward (head customizations) for having played borderlands 1. If I delete my soldier character that has that exclusive customization and I start a new character, I don't lose that customization item.

  • @wd-hawkeye

    Oh I completely agree with the items being account bound. I guess I forgot to mention that. My bad.

    I want to believe the reason why Rare did what they did was to stop players remaking their characters. This is complete assumptions but I feel like I see more variety of character models since players are stuck with whay they choose.

    What's the trade off though? Everyone has skinny handsome or beautiful character models, or make players really pay for killing and remaking their pirate.

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