Wife's first time playing SOT.

  • Since August of 2017 my better half has patiently endured my love for SOT. She has seen my elder children and grandchildren join in the community as I plugged along amassing thousands of hours in this game. This morning my youngest daughter (21) and my wife scrolled through hundreds of characters before picking the perfect one! A zesty golden skinned beauty with a million dollar smile! She loaded in at Sanctuary and it took her an hour to conquer the tutorial. I laughed through a couple of her drowning episodes and actually had to catch the controller and stop it from hitting the floor on the first one. I enjoyed watching her clumsily work through the controls as she patiently asked every merchant every question available. At the point the tutorial asked her to purchase something at the clothes shop her face lit up as she was asking for my guidance to the clothes shops whereabouts. When she got there she refused to buy anything because she didn't like the hairstyles. So she's now basically walking around the outpost with the "buy clothes" note stuck to the middle of her screen.!
    The 21 year old takes over:
    My wife had taken a phone call so my daughter took over the controls and was naturally 20% better at moving around than the wife. I got her to launch sail and she headed for Lone Cove where she found 3 Emeralds, A chest of sorrows, a disgraced and a trinket. I helped her with the Statues for she was struggling with them. We then hit a shipwreck and found a marauders and a villainous along with some fish that we cashed at Northstar Seapost. So to avoid a storm my daughter sails SE and ends up picking up more loot at Snake Island before heading to Plunder Outpost.
    The wife returns: At Plunder after selling everything the two of them sat in the clothing store admiring the dresses and boots. They discussed what to purchase but couldn't make up their minds (like I've never seen this in real life before). Then it happened.......... The "bearded out"! I laughed so hard at the both of them as anger stewed in their eyes.😂 It was poetic! I remember them sitting in a closed closet Indian style 17 years earlier arguing over what my daughter would wear on her first day of pre-k! It was the first of many disagreements about what to wear. Here 17 years later it's still happening in a video game!😂😂😂😂😂

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  • Thanks PDT.

  • That’s awesome.

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