When is cross-play gonna be optional?

  • As it says in the title.

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  • Last word is that Optional Crossplay would be being worked on and tested on the insider build after the launch of the Anniversary update. Since the update launched they've been bug fixing the arena and other things, and have not yet updated. I'd say a reasonable thing to hope for would be July/Aug for it to go live.

    Also, as a word of caution, try not to make repeat threads like this and the other more lengthy one, it tends to make the natives around here restless, for having to see so many reminders that its going to happen.

  • @quietfoal219917 This isn't feedback, or a suggestion... Isn't there forum sections for this? Like the Q&A section?

  • @sweltering-nick

    Pretty sure there are people around who's actual job it is to worry about that.

  • @natiredgals If he deletes the post, and goes to the actual Q&A section, that's less work for the moderators.

  • @sweltering-nick

    Pretty sure they can handle the load chief. I get its not a subject you like but you could at least point him at the mega thread like most of the people opposed to it do.

  • @natiredgals Im not questioning their ability to handle it... Im trying to suggest some empathy for the moderators.

  • @sweltering-nick said in When is cross-play gonna be optional?:

    @natiredgals Im not questioning their ability to handle it... Im trying to suggest some empathy for the moderators.

    Let me put on my Cole Phelps face cause I'm pressin X to doubt.

  • @natiredgals yes mods are there for a reason but we can help them out for instance like this @Deckhands i think a lock might be in order for this one because the same person made a post that is more substantial AND very similar to this one.

    @NatiRedGals are you one of those people that see something wrong happen irl and just walk past and rub it off and even yell at people actually helping or informing the correct services ? Well there you go...

  • @callmebackdraft said in When is cross-play gonna be optional?:

    @natiredgals yes mods are there for a reason but we can help them out for instance like this @Deckhands i think a lock might be in order for this one because the same person made a post that is more substantial AND very similar to this one.

    @NatiRedGals are you one of those people that see something wrong happen irl and just walk past and rub it off and even yell at people actually helping or informing the correct services ? Well there you go...

    Lol, did you just compare someone posting about crossplay with like a crime or a medical emergency? My man, it aint that serious.

    Besides its not like its not obvious whats going on when its always the same people jumping on these threads.

  • @natiredgals thats the link you made, could also be someone breaking something in public or any of a thousand other things.

    But i think you are also mistaking this post for any of the thousand pve posts, thats not what this is about. Optional Crossplay is coming and even though i will never use it i can see the reasoning behind it.

    Its just that this post is a double post, which is against forum rules which us regular forum lurkers are more then welcome to notify the deckhands on

  • @callmebackdraft said in When is cross-play gonna be optional?:

    @natiredgals thats the link you made, could also be someone breaking something in public or any of a thousand other things.

    But i think you are also mistaking this post for any of the thousand pve posts, thats not what this is about. Optional Crossplay is coming and even though i will never use it i can see the reasoning behind it.

    Its just that this post is a double post, which is against forum rules which us regular forum lurkers are more then welcome to notify the deckhands on

    I think you're mistaking my mistake. I mean I didn't mention PVE in my reply to this thread, in which I (have been the only one to) address the actual question of crossplay. So clearly that means I've correctly identified the thread/question, lol.

    I'm just saying some round he could be a little more genuine about why they call for feedback to be deleted.

  • @quietfoal219917 never mate xbox devs have said no to it

  • @quietfoal219917

    The March 28th Dev Update video was the last time they talked about timelines for crossplay opt out, expressing they would start testing the option for Arena in late May and then moving on to the Adventure mode opt out later.

    He speaks about it at around 3:23 in this video if you'd like to check it out for yourself.

    March 28th Dev Update

  • @closinghare208 said in When is cross-play gonna be optional?:

    @quietfoal219917 never mate xbox devs have said no to it @Quartermasters

    What is this?

  • @natiredgals my opinion

  • @natiredgals it fine you didn't know

  • @closinghare208 said in When is cross-play gonna be optional?:

    @natiredgals it fine you didn't know

    No, I did know. That what you said was wrong, and misinforming. I guess you didn't get that what I was actually asking was why would anyone do that?

  • @natiredgals what I saw was a youtube video on it sorry if it was misinforming

  • @natiredgals ok I see I'll remove the quartermaster link now

  • @closinghare208
    I feel like a video from xbox devs, specifically stating that crossplay will continue to be forced/crossplay choice was not happening, would have been quite noteworthy. Rare and the pc crowd would have been posting links to the video in every crossplay thread.

    Do you have a link? What was the video titled?

  • @pomalotacusmk3 I forget now I'm sorry

  • Spam and misinformation, lovely.

    If only we had a pinned megathread with all the informations relating to the topic!

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