REMOVE the ship color from the username

  • People are now able to target your ship specifically if they don't like you with seeing the team color in the lobby and in game

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  • @fast-bike94 That my friend is a social dynamic appropriate for the pirate fantasy, and is part of the design of the game.

    That's why some people like to change ship appearances every time they engaged someone, so it's harder to track the aggressive pirates down.

    This is not a privilege you have in Arena, i guess.

  • @sweltering-nick yeah they should not have that the say they want to stop stream snipers immediately make it easier to stream snipe someone

  • @fast-bike94 said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    People are now able to target your ship specifically if they don't like you with seeing the team color in the lobby and in game

    Uh... I think that is rather the point, honestly. Might make people behave better in the lobby, which would be a good thing.

  • @arsigi said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    @fast-bike94 said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    People are now able to target your ship specifically if they don't like you with seeing the team color in the lobby and in game

    Uh... I think that is rather the point, honestly. Might make people behave better in the lobby, which would be a good thing.

    A decent point!

  • @arsigi again my point is it makes it easier to stream snipe streamers

  • @fast-bike94 said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    @sweltering-nick yeah they should not have that the say they want to stop stream snipers immediately make it easier to stream snipe someone

    This has no effect on stream sniping... None, whatsoever.

    You actually being able to target people ingame doesn't help those who target you via your own stream... Because they are watching your stream... They know what team you're on already.

  • @sweltering-nick sorry I mean people that recognize a streamer's username and then just target their ship

  • Maybe I am missing something here, but if a person is intent on stream sniping someone, wouldn't they already know that person's ship color, from watching their stream. :confused:

  • Still should be a feature will only wntice pve minded people to team up

  • @fast-bike94 said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    @sweltering-nick sorry I mean people that recognize a streamer's username and then just target their ship

    that my friend, is classic scallywag beef... fair game. If i recognize a guy that sunk me several times, i am allowed to challenge him on the waves to my heart's content... The official, Rare Pirate Code, specifically allows this. xD

    Article number 3!

  • @sweltering-nick true I suppose just like it to be actual effort in finding your enemy not handed to you

  • @fast-bike94 In this particular case, the effort would be to successfully sink you without being sunk by everyone else. xD

  • @sweltering-nick people like to team

  • Joined a lobby and for no reason at all and had a team literally say we are coming for you and that's all they did it's pretty bs if you ask me it's not like I trash talked anyone or my team mates just stayed quiet and said nothing this color thing is complete garbage

  • @fast-bike94 Maybe they tried a little bit of spicy roleplay? A lot of the time, changing your perception of the game really helps you enjoy it.

    The times i enjoyed the game most was when i first started playing it, i roleplayed around other people ingame, using my best pirate voice and lingo. I had a blast, i was really bad at it, but it was fun, and that's the point, i think. xD

    Anyways, taking the game too seriously isn't healthy for you... Don't go into arena to win, go in to show people how much better a pirate you are than them! 8D

    Arr, thar be glory in me future, i tell ye! be more pirate, matey! ;3

  • @sweltering-nick sounds like the devs want to turn arena into an email sport to get more income for people coming to the game as far as this game goes it's a little dead arena is the only place to find players so this game mode is meant to be competitive plus I don't like wastING 25 minutes to.lose out of 15 wins I'll usually get one loss so one loss is a bit of an annoyance and waste of time

  • @fast-bike94 You can't win them all, bud. xD

  • @sweltering-nick I guess that would be unfair xd

  • The thing about Arena, and SoT in general, it's easy to leave a toxic server and find a quieter, friendlier server.

    I haven't had a chance to play the new update yet, but my last session I made the Captain of the Silvered Waters commendation and received the flamboyant Sea Dog jacket and hat.

    I wasn't able to get in any Insider Arena taverns to see the crew colors.
    Can't wait to see if the outfit generates aggro, derision, or respect in both the Sea Dog tavern and Adventure.

  • I am not a fan of the new team icons.

    The best thing in Adventure Mode is that you never know who's in your alliance and this creates so much opportunity for betrayal and confusion. Players have been asking for alliance coloured name tags and luckily this suggestion never got implemented.

    Now, we do see a sort of similar feature in The Arena, but I cannot recall if this feature was ever requested. My crew and I like to board ships that are fighting each other to cause some more havoc. Now they can clearly see that we are from an opposing team, which I find lack lustering.

    I get that it is fun to see who belongs to which ship in the tavern and like other said, this might even improve certain behaviour, but it reduces the tension of being ambushed by another crew during the match.

  • @fast-bike94 said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    People are now able to target your ship specifically if they don't like you with seeing the team color in the lobby and in game

    Why are they targeting you, are you trash talking?

  • I think it's a great addition. It adds some tactic to the game to. And if you leave a bad impression at the tavern you should be hunted down. Off course there will be some people that will hunt anyone down because of stupid reasons, but overall it's a welcome addition.

  • @zormis said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    @fast-bike94 said in REMOVE the ship color from the username:

    People are now able to target your ship specifically if they don't like you with seeing the team color in the lobby and in game

    Why are they targeting you, are you trash talking?

    This will definitely happen to streamers or other known pirates out there. I have seen some bigotry towards Germans having German gamer tags. People can sink really low and with that, I don't mean in game.

  • @barnabas-seadog believe me when I say most arena lobbies are very toxic it's like the days of call of duty lobbies

  • @coziermass honestly it should be taken out of the lobby of they leave it for in the game itself that would be fine

  • @zormis no not at all we didn't say a word to anyone literally walked up to us and said I don't like the color red I'm going to only go after you

  • I LOVE THE NEW COLOR ICONS for Arena! When stuck waiting in the waiting room aka Tavern if there's some jerk talking smack or lamer playing music or other annoying things the icons allow me to target them in the game world. Do not change this and thank you Rare for adding this amazing feature!!

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