The Most Epic Sad SOT Story

  • An Idiot On A Boat
    There was two men, @Oxoidio, and @Kavaurus, and on one fateful day, these two not-so legendary pirates defeated 3 Skull Forts, killed 6 Krakens,and defeated two Megalodons- The Shrouded Ghost and the Shadowmaw. These not-yet legendary pirates were sailing to Golden Sands Outpost to sell their legendary loot and when they got there, there was a gallion filled with 4 Athena 10 Pirate Legends, and slowly but surely, killed all of them over and over until they rage quit from the game... what suckers. Once they sold all of their loot, they reached level 50 in all trading companies and became pirate legends. One day, the men finished their skull fort grind, and on the way to the outpost, they killed multiple sloops and brigantins, and one gallion as well as defeating the kraken, and then somehow scraped a rock and instantly sunk (They never saw that rock before even though they travel this route all the time). Just in the distance, Zykbrad, ToddKwest, and Captain Jack Sparrow were onboard the Black Pearl, and they spotted their most favorite people in the world sinking, Oxoido and Kavaurus. Oxoido was favored among Kavaurus, so they sailed over and recued him first. Sadly, both the legend's clothing magically disappeared when they were lifted out of the water, as Harry Potter flew away on his broomstick that was used to clean up after his dog. As soon as they were onboard, Zylbrad noticed that they might be suffering from hypothermia, and since they didn't have any blankets on board, they had to warm them up with their own naked bodies. Sadly, Todd just happened to have a gunpowder barrel left over from last time... wait no a Stronghold Gunpowder Barrel, and when he embraced Kavaurus, it blew up, instantly sinking the Black Pearl. Captain Jack Sparrow cried while he was naked. Luckily, the Flying Dutchman was just off shore, waiting for them to leave, so they came over and warmed up the crew with their naked bodies. Todd was exiled from the crew, but he blew up every ship that came by them. They are such jerks. As they were sailing, all naked warming eachother up, a meteor entered the SOT Realm, and hit the flying Dutchman, killing them mall. The only survivor was Oxoidio, when it was revealed they he was the one who sent the meteor to eliminate all of his rivals. Sadly, Oxoido was a god and he coudnt die from Hypothermia, so he was transported to the Pirate Lord's hideout place thing to warm up and be crowned the new pirate lord! Oxoidio hated the Pirate Lord, so the first thing he ordered his enslaved players to do was eliminate the Singh family. It was successful, and a cleaner SOT was forged.
    The end.

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