Sword attacks SHOULD be changed. Here's why

  • I don't believe it's fair by any means that when you're hit with the sword, you're held in place like its [mod edit] spidermans sword. Since when do swords hold you down to where you can't make a movement and just have to accept what's happening to you? This is a change that needs to occur or combat will always be stupid in my opinion.

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  • 1 short and simple answer. Learn to block and dodge. Topic closed.

  • @maulocky Except blocking prevents you from moving and gets you killed, while dodging slows you down and gets you killed. Melee combat is broken - don't pretend that it isn't.

  • @tysag 100% agree it needs to be removed. I'm sure they added this horrible mechanic because they couldn't get their silly combo mechanic to work because people wouldn't just stand around and get hit 3 times(surprise!). So Rare followed the old saying "If it ain't broke, then break it to make your bad idea work."

  • @Galactic-Geek I guess you are just not an advanced user of the sword... I can move pretty well with that thing. Can't complain about the combat system. The only complain I can think of is that on legendary missions the skeletons do not respect the combat rules and when you hit them they keep hiting you back ._. But I can see your point tho, it wasn't a good time when I started playing and not being able to move while somebody was killing me was really annoying!!! Had to buy a new controller thanks to that. But then I decided to learn everything there is to learn about the sword and I can tell you that an advanced sword user will always own you no matter if they remove the spidermans sword or not.

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  • @tysag yeah i know right, i hope they will add more sword mechanics in the arena like parrying and not getting pinned down like you mentioned.

  • @maulocky nah man, being held in place for at least 3 swings is still ridiculous. I don't care how good you are, that shouldn't be a sword mechanic. Overall I'm happy with the game other than the occasional 1 hit volcano snipes. Just the sword being able to hold you in place is dumb to me.

  • @maulocky I knew how to do things with the sword that 95% of the pirates upon the seas didn't even know existed - I even wrote a guide about it here in the forums! Sadly, a lot of that went the way of the dinosaur with all of the poor decisions Rare has made in regards to melee combat, so yes, my skill has suffered as a result. It still kills me (literally!) that first strike wins, regardless of whether it actually did damage or got blocked - all it's gotta do is connect. That wasn't the case prior to the DGE fix update - it's just stupifyingly bad game design, IMO; it's almost like Rare is trying to see how bad they can make it before they decide to make it good again. Here's some advice Rare - you don't start with the lowest common denominator.

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