Sea of Tears

  • Ahoy fellas!!

    This story is so ridicolous that must to be told.

    Last night, my crew and I went sailing like any other day. We just started, taking supplies when a galleon came from nowhere and sank us in a sudden (as predictable).

    So we decided to find them and take revenge. They were kind of toxic but since here, everything is ok! It's a daily thing. We love PVP and therefor, we often meet salty players.

    By the time we were getting close to the galleon, a sloop was fighting against them (and having a bad time). Before any interaction I got a message on Xbox: reported! I was like LOL... seriously? Why?

    Yes, the guy from the sloop seemmed to open the "recent players" list and started to report everyone! LOL. I normally don't text back to this kind of people (wasting of time). But this time I did!!

    I told him I was from the brig, not from the galleon (we sank them after an intense battle). Minutes later, we spotted the sloop at Shipwreck doing the Reaper's Run voyage. So we decided to do our pirates things (kill and steal loot). They started sailing again. After 5min we managed to reached them, anchor them.... and yes! We bailed a couple of buckets to be able to take some supplies.

    This guy instead of fighting back, or scuttle.... were AFK recording us (bailing? or recording the Ferry of the Damned??) and now we are reported for harassing, and breaking the pirate code... Apparently, chasing and stealing is forbidden as well as bailing water from others' ship. This is totally AGAINST the Pirate Code....
    (Can you guys, send me a .pdf please?? LOL)

    After this kind of messages, I got the cliches "get a job", "you ruin this game", "Rare is gonna punish you for breaking the Pirate Code"... all those things.

    I'm not worried since I never use wrong language when playing, and didn't do a thing that is not part of the game (one of the most exciting IMO).

    I'm just telling you this story because it's like... "C'mon guys!!!" Stop crying!!

    The forums are loaded with post of "PVE servers", "disable dammage between alliances", etc. And lots of people I run into... are always mad because "you are ruinning their fun".

    SOT is a PVP game!!! What's is the point of playing a videogame if you are gonna be mad and spending most of your time reporting every player you meet instead of playing and getting distracted from your RL problems.

    If you don't like this game... either play another one, or accept what SOT is and learn from other players to get better!! I sail solo a lot. I know my boundaries, and barely get hunted.

    I imagine the path this guy has gone throught in his way to reach PL with that kind of mindset. Pufff.... poor thing!!! What a "calvario"!!!!

    STOP this guys!! Have fun!! Videogames are made to have fun with them! Not to get mad! Hahahaha, it's ridicolous!!

    (Not a native english speaker, so sorry :D)

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  • @guilleont said in Sea of Tears:

    SOT is a PVP game!!!

    No it isn't. Fortnight is a PvP game. Apex Legends is a PvP game. Sea of Thives is a PvE game with the danger of PvP being ever present.

    Also, most Pirates didn't kill, you should look up how Pirates actually conducted themselves before calling what you did "Pirating".

    And last but not least, you claim people should stop crying and ask for PvE servers, and yet here you are, crying about people crying, so you are just as bad, you are just acting from the other side(And being part of the reason why people want PvE servers, to avoid people like you).

  • No man, I'm not crying. I'm just pointing out a situation, and trying to send a positive message (c'mon guys and let have fun by playing!)

  • @danish-crusader since it's allowed to kill another player is a pvp game. The way you play it is on your call but bear in mind others can interact w/ you.

    Also, apparently one of them is going to be reported for just playing the game so i'm sure about the kind of player who is crying

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  • @guilleont yup. i play this game for fun. it can be maddening sometimes and other times i might rage when a crew sinks us. but i always give them their props and move on to the next thing.

    noone is entitled to anything.

  • @marsmayflower yeah! Sometimes is frustating... When everything goes wrong... Too many people see this like a waste of time... and it's not. It's just an entertainment.

    Playing videogames is kinda a waste of time though lol

  • @guilleont If someone had written what the exact same situation, but from the other side, and used it to ask for PvE servers, would you not have seen that as "crying"?
    Yeah you would have.

    @Mogambo1989 No it is not. A PvP game is a game where the PvP aspect is the focus of the game, and it is far from being the focus in Sea of Thieves.
    The focus has always been the PvE aspect, and therefor, it is a PvE game, with the danger of PvP.
    If it was a PvP game, you would get rewards and stuff from PvPing, you do not. "But I get to steal stuff from other people, I get rewarded for PvP", no, you get rewarded from the PvE the player you killed has been doing.

    And, it can be argued(I'm not saying it's true) that attacking someone who has no interest in PvP, is griefing, because you are forcing an unwanted situation on them and therefor causing extreme anger and frustration in them.
    What you see as a "fun situation", they see as a complete and totally ruin of their fun. So, you get your fun by making other people extremely angry and frustrated.
    Think about that.

  • @danish-crusader that is, you argue that it is normal that a player report to you from the other side of the map because he doesn't want to be attacked, in a game of boat fights...

    Sorry to correct you. It is a pvp game. For now there is not pve servers to choose, like WoW. I will be happy that they leave, but as soon, your danger is me, and yes, Maybe the chances of a [mod edit] crossing with me are less that you get the white MEG but when you are at sea and a boat appears, pull the cable just in case.

  • @viejvs I never said anything about reporting people from across the map is normal.

    And no, it is not a PvP game. And if you had basic knowledge about what defines a PvP game, you'd know that.
    Also, you are not a very nice person, calling people crybabies... I guess that just shows what kind of person you truely are.

  • @guilleont haha bit of a controversial topic, so I'm sure you'll get a bit of hate here for saying this. I for one fully agree! Sounds like you pulled a perfectly piratical prank, and this fellow couldn't handle it. We'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he had a bad day ;)

  • @danish-crusader dijo en Sea of Tears:

    Also, you are not a very nice person, calling people Chest of Sorrow... I guess that just shows what kind of person you truely are.

    English isn't my native language, I apologize and use an incorrect word, I meant "Chest of Sorrow"


  • Thinking this is more a report than a funny story... in that case, may be on the wrong spot on the forum.

  • Anyway, you lied to me, I dont laugh your story nor thinking on any fun on reading it.

  • @viejvs Your post has been edited as it goes against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

  • Guys you are missing the big picture

    I don't know if SoT is called PvP or PvE game and i don't care, but i know that you can freely attack and steal other's people loot. It's part of the game either you like it or not. You will lose loot, you will steal loot. That's how it goes. Reporting a player because he attacked another pirate is not appropriate. Settle with the fact that you lost all your loot and move on.

  • Guys! This is not a report thread. That's not the point. I don't mind being reported for doing nothing wrong.

    @danish-crusader like @Teo3g said, you can define SOT whatever you want. In the end is a videogame where content and adventures are made by the players.

    Let's say it's a PVE game with the risk of PVP encounters... ok, so PVP is at least a part of the game (not main). Are you gonna argue this as well?? You just said so.

    Said by Rare itself in the description of the game, you can earn gold and reputation in two different ways: by doing your own voyages, or by stealing. I respect everybody playstyle... I love SOT and don't want anything to be changed (but the messy sword combat).

    So now am I responsible for other players reactions or feelings?? They are frustated for being defeated. Well... not my problem mate!! I play the game as I want, just as they do. They like PVE, it's ok to me. I like PVP... it's not ok to them?? Is it my responsibility? Don't think so bro. I already know you don't agree.

    So, the real point of the thread is why those "Pirates of Sorrow" keep playing a game that is not fun to them!! If you get frustrated every session you play, it's as easy as stop playing, or stop complaining. Or doing whatever you want, but getting mad with a videogame is silly (IMO).

    What's the point if you are not having fun??

    And... @vorondil1 yes I know I'm gonna be hated. :D Haters gonna hate.

    One last thing: FIX the skeleton ships!! #BeMoreWhiner!!

  • What you see as a "fun situation", they see as a complete and totally ruin of their fun. So, you get your fun by making other people extremely angry and frustrated.

    Really love this one!!

  • @guilleont said in Sea of Tears:

    So now am I responsible for other players reactions or feelings?? They are frustated for being defeated. Well... not my problem mate!!

    And that right there, just shows your mindset and the problem. That being, that you do not care about the fact that you are the cause of so many peoples anger.

    And what you like enjoy, is clearly not PvP, what you enjoy is ganking.

    Anyway, I am done here.

  • @danish-crusader dijo en Sea of Tears:

    ... you are the cause of so many peoples anger.

    Love this one as well!

  • @guilleont said in Sea of Tears:

    SOT is a PVP game!!!

    Wrong. It is not a pvp game. PvP is a single, minor, game mechanic.

  • @steelroots55 dijo en Sea of Tears:

    Wrong. It is not a pvp game. PvP is a single, minor, game mechanic.

    So... PVP is a minor mechanic (Maybe 20%??). So... I asumme I'm 80% wrong but 20% right LOL.

    Who cares? Called it whatever you want. PVP is part of the game... To PVErs, it's maybe 80-20% (PVE-PVP). To me is 20-80%.

    I'm your 20%!!! Arrrrgggg

  • @guilleont not all of it is pvp mate it's pve as well

  • @guilleont is this a bait post and are you trying to troll?

  • @guilleont To everyone...It is a PVP/PVE game..why is this so hard to comprehend? LOL

    "Player versus environment, or PvE (also known as player versus monster, or PvM in some communities), is a term used in online games, particularly MMORPGs, CORPGs, MUDs, and other online role-playing video games, to refer to fighting computer-controlled enemies—in contrast to PvP (player versus player)."

  • As multiple people have stated SoT is by definition NOT a PvP game but it is also by definition NOT a PvE game it is a PvPvE or PvEvP game.

    It is a shared experience, the risk of getting killed/robbed by other pirates has been (and in my mind always should be) one of the main risks in the game, the balance shifted a bit with Harder kraken, megalodons and skelly ships but still.

    I am pretty PvP minded nowadays, i wasnt always, in fact i used to hate it! But there is a huge difference between attacking a ship and taking the loot and what some people feel the need to is using Derogatory words to talk to their foes and thats just too far. I love using some banter to talk to my foes, but i will never use racism, discrimination or the like against my foes.

    Attacking a ship you see isnt per say Griefing, griefing in SoT is trying to chase someone away from the server/session (basicly starting a man hunt for them and keep attacking the same ship at every opportunity just to get them to quit)

    When im not feeling for a alliance or being nice and someone sails up to me they will notice this Very quickly, this however wont end with me chasing them of the face of the world, if i need to visit island X and another ship is their sometimes i hijack the ship to sail it away or otherwise i will sink it.

    The above doesnt matter if im on a sloop or a gally, or the opposing force is a sloop or a gally each get treated the same.

  • If the devs didn’t intend for players to initiate combat with other players whenever they want, then it wouldn’t be in the game. It’s as simple as that. The games been out for a year.

    Calling for the game to be changed just because you don’t like it is selfish.

    Harassing someone is one thing, but it’s not anyone’s responsibility to worry about ruining other player’s fun by just playing the game. That’s nonsense. If you don’t like PvPvE games then don’t play one. I’m so tired of this argument.

  • @guilleont said in Sea of Tears:

    @steelroots55 dijo en Sea of Tears:

    Wrong. It is not a pvp game. PvP is a single, minor, game mechanic.

    So... PVP is a minor mechanic (Maybe 20%??). So... I asumme I'm 80% wrong but 20% right LOL.

    Who cares? Called it whatever you want. PVP is part of the game... To PVErs, it's maybe 80-20% (PVE-PVP). To me is 20-80%.

    I'm your 20%!!! Arrrrgggg

    Uh no. Those are your numbers and that's not how math works. All players are PVE players. All progression through the game is via PVE. There is legitimate PVP which most players engage in with varying frequency. It is an allowable mechanic but an inefficient one. Participating in PVP with no regards for loot is griefing.

  • @steelroots55 progression??? loot???

    This game has no progression. unless you call progression to have a tag under your name. And the loot of the game only goes to buy skins. This game is a betray game, PVE is purely ornamental for me. To this game you can play the role that you want and you can not impose your game on a public server. Is there a problem with my pirate? He is vegan and kills fishermen. That is not griefing. Maybe in the future there will be private servers or pve to please everyone.

  • @steelroots55 Of course! We all grinded man, but PVP inefficient?? Maybe for you.
    Hihihihi... you should sail with me my friend, and you will see the wonders of the PVP. We can catch 80k in a 2h session just by stealing :D

    Stealing an athena chest is inefficient if I'm getting exp for it? Ummm...

    How do maths work? I'm a scurvy pirate... so I don't know maths nor reading.

    Keep complaining... eventually, you will get PVE servers with "water balloons" cannon balls and fake pistols that trigger the bang! flag.

  • @closinghare208 not at all mate! I was trying to send a positive message between this saltyness and frustated community.

    Every single day there's someone complaining about spawn camping, pvp, skeleton ships, safe PVE mode...

    It's just a game, but some pirates take it very serious, it's ridicolous. I have kind of a sarcastic and scathing sense of humor. I give you that, bro.

    @NathanusErectus I know that man... and yes, apparently is way too hard to comprehend.

    @CStrap True that!

    No one is responsible for others fun. Last night we fought a good crew. We both had fun and ended up driking in the tabern. These people didn't feel frustated despite being defeated. If someone does, it's their own responsibility. Don't play this game.

    @CallMeBackdrafT Agree as well!

    I used to suck at PVP like you. I've been getting better and better and now I enjoy figthing the most. About chasing other ship... if I know they have a huge loot, I'm gonna chase them all over the server till they get sank. They choose to scape, I choose to chase. I've been chased and I've lost battles as well.

    Other issue is using derogatory words, and keep coming to sink the same ship once and another. Or sink a poor novice that has nothing! I encourage new sailors to keep sailing so in the future they'll become mighty pirates to fight them!

  • How sad that the merchants on the xviii century didn't know how to report properly after being attacked by a bunch of nasty pirates:

    "Yeah boss.. we have been robbed.. again" (...) "yeah we stood freeze and they still chased us" (...) "they ruined our fun!!"

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  • It is subjective one whether SoT is PvE, PvP or PvEvP. Some people purely run missions, some people purely PvP and the majority of people do both (PvEvP).

    Personally I love nothing more when after sinking people they scream at me down the mic and give me abuse and swear at me for 'griefing' (although I do draw the line at racist/homophobic/overly terrible insults involving terminal illness at which point I report people for that).

    It is even sweeter when I get the old 'I've reported you' Xbox message, but that's just me I guess.

    EDIT: Being called a hacker is also great, probably the best compliment you can receive

  • @octopus-lime hahahaha.

    Yes. That's why I'm not worried about being reported by a sore loser. In fact, in our crew, we joke about who has got more reports. I mean... as a JOKE, don't want any pirate of sorrow to feel offended... alright? LOL.

    Xbox reputation (there's no way to watch the reports on the SOT web tho)

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