Celebrate Ongoing Player Immortalisations in Sea of Thieves

  • @musicmee Sssssame... he can normally Ssmell a Sssumons from a mile off! 😂

  • Hey, it seems Captain Jay of the Crows Nest finally got immortalized!
    alt text

  • @sgt-palooggoo Yes, this so awesome! :D

  • @skulliah Aye it is!
    But uh... where can I find that Easter egg in the world?

  • @sgt-palooggoo Look for a Fortress with a... Crow's Nest :P

  • @sgt-palooggoo Don't listen to @Skulliah , it is on top of Crooked Masts! (Evil Laughs)

  • @biostructr said in Celebrate Ongoing Player Immortalisations in Sea of Thieves:

    @sgt-palooggoo Don't listen to @Skulliah , it is on top of Crooked Masts! (Evil Laughs)

    At least he didn't say Marauder's Arch Throne 😂

  • @skulliah Uh now, don't make me edit the post :P

  • Another one for today maties!

    Take a look at this island out to sea,
    Another player immortalisation, where could it be?

  • @musicmee Yes and it's the last for this celebration week! :(

  • No quest today?

  • @xraylexx said in Celebrate Ongoing Player Immortalisations in Sea of Thieves:

    No quest today?

    The immortalisation's week ended on Friday :)

    That being said, easter eggs have been listed in this thread: 'Making Our Mark' - Official List of Community Influence.

    But it's missing those that have been added recently, I don't know if @Pikaaroon is still updating it?

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