Farming System and maybe a New Company

  • Imagine looking all directions and seeing no enemy ships before stopping by this island. You step foot there and start to Shovel the ground. You then place seeds in the ground. You use buckets of water or rain to let these spots grow. You now have fruits and vegetables to either eat or sell to one of the merchants. Those who want to take the tome can chill on one island while growing crops in order to sell the goods. Some may not like it. Some may love it.

    Another way this could be implemented is to find either find an island with a plot to grow things or only one “plot” can be placed per crew that they could place on their ship.

    Imagine using the alt click or LT to feed a berry to a pig, the pig now follows you, you can pick it up and put it on your boat. You now have a pet.

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  • This doesn't really sound like this would fit this games theme or game type. This is action/adventure not a farming simulator.

  • OMG fishing, farming, what is the next idea? Ironing, knitting, crocheting?
    Is this the Islands Of Farmes, Fisher's Seas or Sea Of Thieves game? Are you sure, you bought the game you was looking for?

  • No need to be so mean everyone. At least @thevolta89 isn't suggesting battle royale.

    As other posters have said, I don't think farming would fit the theme of this game, however, they recently added "kitchens" to every ship, which hints at the possibility of them adding different kinds of ingredients to mix together for whatever purpose. Along with the addition of fishing, I think it'll be a welcome feature.

  • This game is perfect for farming, fishing, chickenruns etc i love it :D i'd love a relax game mode for after work or a solo sloop without popups :")
    Last summer was nice without the pve pop ups i played solo all day doing relaxed chickenruns :") thats why i bought the game for real to chill and catch and sell chickens while escaping pirates..
    Now i only play on crew dates in weekend with all the action.

  • @goedecke-michel @Nabberwar Sorry to have triggered anyone. I already love the game as it is and find it relaxing at times. I merely had an idea of something else to do on an island. That’s all. I’ve put up other suggestions in the forum today if you’d like to take a look. Perhaps they are less ridiculous.

  • Nobody is saying go full minecraft, but a simple minecraft esque crafting system and plants and animals with harvestables that have purpose and use in the world from creating food and consumables to utility items like being able to craft a movable ammo crate or unique cannon ammo out of coconuts, etc.

    Give us a light economy and rig the npc to make it fluctuate with the days of the month, to incentivize real merchanting to facilitate more realistic piracy, gives reason to make trades if there are rare versions like the shrouded ghost for animals and plants and other harvestables as seen in the merchant crates, if the item pool has enough depth then we will have a lot of combinations of these ingredients and a small pool of 25-40 base resources can allow thousands of unique recipes/outcomes to be added to the game over time.

    This isnt what the entire gameplay loop would be if they added stuff like this, it wouldnt remove gameplay, it would just add to the variety of what happens in between more expected pirate gameplay like treasure hunting or combat.

    Idk why people shoot this idea down so much, it makes perfect sense for this game and is the best way to make the world feel alive and full of various things to encounter, along the journey.

    We have the shovels and buckets already, at the very least a bunch more animals with harvestable parts and plants that can be watered to make bloom which increases time spent harvesting but increases yield as well, would be fitting.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo Well put, friend.

  • @thevolta89 thank you! I think just making the game support this depth of pve activity with the same level of freedom that pvp is supported, they will actually incentivize more friendliness through things like trading and actual unique stories (things like people who just encountered a shrouded ghost telling another crew about it) than broken alliance systems duplicating gold or forcing co op of multiple crews like the hungering deep event.

    I would have so much more reason to ally with players and devise trade routes for rare and exotic plants and animals, because they want the title/cosmetic for the commendation for rare black bellied gold spotted salamanders, and i want the one for eating the most rare blue sea salmon rather than selling them, etc etc.

    The game needs to have a wealth of these types of goals and connections between them, with subsequent depth of possibility occuring because of it. Like you could sell those fish for a lot rather than eating them when you dont need to, except to get the commendation, and the fish are less predicatably caught than the salamanders, so you have to make an uneven trade based on current prices and your bargaining skills and knowledge of item value in the game. You’ll get your swindlers and your saints and both will provide interesting gameplay.

  • This seems like a really fun mechanic. I would like something like this where you go to an island and plant a seed in a designated location and you can either comeback later when it matures or someone else can find it.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo What you’re saying here as a means of more pirate crew interaction should be a post. You should add everything we discussed here as a post! :D

  • It is an interesting idea!

    In fact after a life of piracy most of the pirates would buy lands and make a family and
    farm the land he ''worked'' so hard to get.

    So the base/fort idea is good, but it would mean to let pirates getting access to an island that players can defend, a fort that would be run by players. The more ressources you make, the more income an enemy pirate would get for pillaging your fort.

    I would like to see the fort idea into the ARENA though... like a CAPTURE the flag but with some adaptation.

    That is just the main idea! I know it's not what it is intented for the game but still, we don't know in the years to come, after creating diverse biome for adventuring and maybe more faction to work for.

    What do you guys think?

  • @avengeful90 With the way they are slowly adding new features to the game on top of their general mechanics I could see all kinds of things being added. Look at No Man’s Sky as an example. Major changes that end up adding so much content. I like the fort idea.

  • @rip-chongy said in Farming System and maybe a New Company:

    I'm going to have to give a firm no.


    When I sail the seas, I rarely wait for my crew to make it aboard with the loot. There's no way I'm going to wait for fruits to grow.

    But you would pick someone else's fruits that they planted, right?

  • @a-cranky-eskimo said in Farming System and maybe a New Company:

    Give us a light economy and rig the npc to make it fluctuate with the days of the month, to incentivize real merchanting to facilitate more realistic piracy, gives reason to make trades if there are rare versions like the shrouded ghost for animals and plants and other harvestables as seen in the merchant crates, if the item pool has enough depth then we will have a lot of combinations of these ingredients and a small pool of 25-40 base resources can allow thousands of unique recipes/outcomes to be added to the game over time.

    I think this in particular is a really interesting suggestion. Don't think full-on crafting jives with the action-adventure thrust of the game but I like the immersion aspects.

  • Just a thought, but rather than farming an island, why not have plants that we can grow. We already have portable plants for cargo runs. How about having plants that we grow for food, like a tomato plant or something?

  • @kenji-salk thank you, i think simple “cause and effect” crafting is what this game needs, and in that sense you could put that label on things like the planks being used to repair the ship or taking a bucket of water out of the ship, but this could happen on islands with nodes for all the various merchant crate resources we see, and then crafting could be facilitated with island based “minigame” activities that are fairly simple to learn but harder to master and require teamwork to increase efficiency. Things like brewing grog or a minigame where you dry leaves on some sort of contraption for tea crates, or islands with banana plantations to harvest/be more pirate and pillage.

    Things like cooking and fuel for the stove being a thing and items like volcanic stone being harvestable only in the roar but used for creating grapeshot ammo for the cannons but can also be used as a better fuel than planks, which should have an island dedicated to their creation where players can stock up on planks by working there or something.

    Stuff like this adds so much purpose to the actions that players make, the locations they visit, and the stories that can be created imo, this year is looking big already, maybe by the end? Lol

  • @a-cranky-eskimo You play ark? Sounds like you play some crafting games based off of these posts. I used to play ark myself.

  • Hey with the amount of content out. Who could complain about more stuff to do? I think it would be cool.

  • wouldnt minds something like this for the cooking update

  • yea we should have a special spot on our ship for growing plants. it would be cool if we could change the layout of the ships

  • ...... Play Minecraft, I thought this was a joke or troll post, and reading the comments you all just blow my mind, and not a good way
    I can't believe this is even a suggestion for this type of game
    You're pirates
    Why is this difficult to comprehend?

  • @r3d50v13t because people aren't toxic pvpers 24/7 like the majority of streamers and PC Players

  • I think what you might really like is a banana tree idea in where you go foraging for these trees to complete a delivery or to get seeds deliver to the outposts.

    Farming would be fun but might take away from the game just a bit too much.

    Would like to see a farmer at each outpost who holds all the animals that have been delivered in the last 24 in game hours

  • @thevolta89 i bought ark but never really got into it, they pump out content and updates fast but the quality imo is low, if im going to play a game with bad animations and hitboxes, and questionable ai (though i wouldnt say bad) id rather play WoW or Runescape lol, neither of which ive played in years.

    I just think for a game about piracy, and made by rare, providing an item economy and having some “wonky” rare themed minigames for item enhancement and production would not only improve the core game loop but is something rare as a studio even with new people could do to add their little brand of humor and they have experience with plants blooming for viva pinata, etc.

    Content like ive described seems light hearted and not too hardcore for rares vision, while also opening up a lot of possibility for players who do enjoy the more hardcore aspects like physical map tables and open pvp.

  • @r3d50v13t said in Farming System and maybe a New Company:

    ...... Play Minecraft, I thought this was a joke or troll post, and reading the comments you all just blow my mind, and not a good way
    I can't believe this is even a suggestion for this type of game
    You're pirates
    Why is this difficult to comprehend?

    Why is it difficult for you to understand we just want more fun pve to compliment the pvp and social interaction better? The fetch quests are fun for you after the 1st or 1000th time? The cargo runs qualify as in depth merchanting to you?

    Pirates didnt just sail around killing each other, they worked schemes and sent spies onto plantations to gain intel, they did all sorts of things involving working and stopping at islands for extended periods and all of them likely knew a good amount of carpentry and agricultural skills, etc. people were just generally more useful than they are now though lol not just pirates..

    But if you dont want to farm or fish or cook fine try to steal mine lol, we can see who the better pirate is when that day comes. My bet is on the pirate bold enough to risk attempting to farm with a server full of pirates.

  • @r3d50v13t It’s not. I already said that it was a random suggestion/feedback that could give more to do on the islands. That is all.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo I know exactly what you mean and it’s the same reason I’d choose Sea of Thieves over Atlas. Quality differences.

  • @sailorkek I tried looking it up but if I’m not mistaken, bananas aren’t grown from seeds. They’re weird. Whatever fancy magic they do use to plant them I’d be curious to see in a game though lol. I think it involves bulbs or something.

  • @thevolta89 yeah I just remembered they grew on trees so figured itd have some sort of seed thing.

  • @sailorkek yeah. It’s weird. Doable though I suppose lol

  • Get us a big viva pinata field to work while we wait for a pressgang to crew us up and take us on a voyage :D

  • @thevolta89 Light farming system would be cool, nothing complicated and i was thinking maybe instead of planting your crops on islands we can do it on the ship.
    Just grab pots put in there seeds and you get get flower or simple vegetables to eat.
    Plus you can decorate your ship with them or sell them.
    It wont be farming simulator just a funny option you can bring a flower to another ship as a token of friendship then equip a blanderbuss and go into full homicide mode!

  • @thevolta89 sagte in Farming System and maybe a New Company:

    @goedecke-michel @Nabberwar Sorry to have triggered anyone. I already love the game as it is and find it relaxing at times. I merely had an idea of something else to do on an island. That’s all. I’ve put up other suggestions in the forum today if you’d like to take a look. Perhaps they are less ridiculous.

    I don't think it is ridiculous, but I completely reject it. But just because I don't agree with your idea, you still have to pass on your opinion. Greetings, sailor.

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Farming System and maybe a New Company:

    This game is perfect for farming, fishing, chickenruns etc i love it :D i'd love a relax game mode for after work or a solo sloop without popups :")
    Last summer was nice without the pve pop ups i played solo all day doing relaxed chickenruns :") thats why i bought the game for real to chill and catch and sell chickens while escaping pirates..
    Now i only play on crew dates in weekend with all the action.

    I also believe the Sea of Thieves shines best as a game to chill on the sea with your family and friends. I know some blood thirsty pirates think it is boring without the rain of cannonballs, but that is very far from the truth.

    I spent some time looking back at all the posts from over the past months. Everyone knows there was a loud voice that shouted for more PvP and is now going to get it. If you look at all the posts the larger voice that has gone very unheard so far is pirates seeking more PvE and better solo experiences. Let’s hope this will finally change once we all get to sail past the Arena and crossplay opt out modes.

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