Weapon Reloadtime and Damage Changes, Patch 1.4.3 (6th of Februrary 2019)

  • New Reloadtimes:

    • Pistol: ~2,5s
    • Blunderbuss: ~3,0s
    • Eye of Reach: ~3,5s

    Old Reloadtimes:

    • Pistol: ~3,0s
    • Blunderbuss: ~3,0s
    • Eye of Reach: ~4,0s

    Data were collected manually with a stopwatch. T_0 = First shot fired. T_x = Second shot fired.

    New Weapon Damage:

    • Pistol: 50% (knockback removed)
    • Blunderbuss: 10% per pellet / 10 pellets per shot (knockback)
    • Eye of Reach: 70% (changed from 80% ; knockback removed)
    • Cutlass normal swing: 20% (knockback after 3xhit-combo)
    • Cutlass charged: 50% (knockback)
  • 13
  • Yesterday i was super hyped! First enemy we encountered was using EOR and pistol.. And i don't know how, but he still managed to kill us multiple time by one shot.

    Just for clarification, the blunderbuss does 10% damage per pellet and has 10 pellets. Does that mean you could actually oneshot someone with a blunderbuss? I thought this wasn't possible before, but im not sure.

  • I haven't played yet myself, but according to this guy the pellets are 20 dmg.

  • @archaell good video except his test about the Blunderbuss (the guy in the video got hit by two pellets). Here I have to refer to my last damage analysis:

    How I collected my datas about the Blunderbuss: I stood in front of a wall and got shot by another player with the Blunderbuss. Then I counted the pellets that hit the wall besides me. 10 pellets from the Blunderbussshot minus the hits on the wall besides me = pellets that hit me. In the cases where exactly 4 pellets hit me I had exactly 60% health left.

    @Ktingaling it is possible to oneshot someone with the Blunderbuss, but you have to hit him with EVERY single pellet.

  • @archaell btw 20% per pellet would be completely broken. Five pellets out of 10 would be enough to oneshot you #quickmaths.

  • @nairamus It could be 2 pellets. Having to hit with all of them seems too much tho. Not entirely sure where I've seen it, but one of the devs was saying something along the lines of the blunderbuss doing too little damage per a pellet so it would make sense… atm stuck at work so can't check it out for myself.

  • I don't know if I would rely on the decals to indicate hit location - you would need to verify them with a third party to ensure that both users are seeing the hit decal in the exact same location otherwise they are just client side rendered.

  • A new version of NoPlayJack's video has been uploaded that confirms my data on Weapon Damage:

  • Love the new weapons

  • @nairamus hey, thanks for doing the work

  • @ktingaling Yes if you hit every pellet the blunderbuss will oneshot someone

  • @ch0nc sagte in Weapon Reloadtime and Damage Changes, Patch 1.4.3 (6th of Februrary 2019):

    @ktingaling Yes if you hit every pellet the blunderbuss will oneshot someone

    Are you aware this thread is 2 years old?

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