Silent Pirates?

  • Hello all! First forum post!

    I have to admit, I was poking around Youtube and got a suggestion for a video of Zylbrad playing this game, and instantly I was hooked! This is the best game I've ever played. Super enjoyable, balanced, and beautiful. One of the things I saw in Brad's videos were players talking on their mics a lot. Now, he plays in Australia and I guess there are different servers for different regions, and people are different. But I've played for about 20 hours now (living in the North East America region) and I have not found anyone who does anything more than Pirate Chat. I've checked my microphone privacy settings, and the settings in game, but literally no one talks to me! Are there any other settings that I need to check, or are just North East American pirates not talkative?

    Happy Sailing,

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  • People always want private chat party so pirates cant hear our secrets :(

  • While I can't be completely certain about your situation, from my own I find that most crews seem to hide away in party chats and what not. It's always sad when you try to have some fun banter during combat or just chat and interact with people only to be met with silence. I think the social interactions in this game are some of the best parts, and it's a shame so many people don't take part in the fun you can have over the mic.

  • @notivation4152 Welcome to the forums! As suggested, most use private party chats or discord to talk. One thing I do when trying to talk to others is I will use the pirate text "CAN YOU HEAR ME". If they are on mic and just in party chat, they will sometimes join game chat to talk. And sometimes they won't talk, or they don't have a mic, since it is not a requirement to play the game.

    Again, welcome to the forums, hope to see you around here. Happy sailing.

  • @notivation4152 Check your settings on the Xbox website's " Privacy online security page." Particular the box regarding, "You can communicate outside of Xbox Live with voice & text". This was set to "Block" for me and nobody could hear me, and I couldn't hear them.

  • Hey mates,

    Thank you all very much for your help and feedback. So I went into my XBox settings and did all the unblocking of everything, and then I went through the settings one more time in the SoT game. I saw where I can get an indicator of when I'm talking. I turned that on, and I pressed the LeftAlt button in, and the indicator comes on for half a second, then it turns off and randomly flickers. Now, my keyboard is old, but I highly doubt one very unused key went out. I tried it on the middle mouse button of my mouse as well and still, the same thing with the flickering. Any thoughts on this?

    Thanks again for your help,

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