A fun profitable pvpve'night

  • Join a lfg for completing shrouded spoils content, literally as soon as we spawn in a sloops attacking us, whatever we anchor up and go to the fort, take out sloop, a very persistent galleon, roaming skeleton ship, cloud ships, another fort and then a ship pulls into the outpost while were selling so I hide in their ship incase the decide to open fire, I hangout, give them my supplies and wish em a good night, this the spoils dlc really did spice up this game.

    Sea of thieves pvp Galleon at War! Fort/ship cloud pvp

  • 4
  • @ufc-wolverin3 - I've edited you post due to the following Forum Rule:

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  • @tartansnake sorry my bad, I'm a noob to all this content sharing stuff 😂 I gotta click the [link text](link url) link icon thing in the future right?

  • @ufc-wolverin3 - Correct!

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