Ahoy, Captain Reginald G. Muttonchopps wants you!

  • After searching for either a game or lifestyle change in the direction of pirating, I found this game. It truly is the Pirate's life for Me. I usually play solo, due to lack of associates.

    If ye be seeking booty and adventure, let's sail the seas. Demonichedgehog on Xbox live.

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  • @demonichedgehog ahoy matey and welcome to the forum!
    I'm glad the game has sucked you in like so many of us and I hope it brings you the hundreds, if not thousands of hours or has for others here!
    I would highly recommend that you search through the forum for one of the many guilds and fleets available and tp get yourself over to the official Discord channel where you can crew up in the lfg posts!

    Happy sailing!

  • @sshteeve

    All good info. I appreciate it. I look forward to many many hours of playing. I am on day 3, i am still getting my sea legs. Thanks again.

  • @demonichedgehog I currently free if you fancy a sloop sail?

  • Also, make sure you check out [The Old Salts] club on Xbox. We are community of pirates who enjoy assisting new and experienced pirates within the world of Sea of Thieves.

    Welcome to the world of Sea of Thieves and I look forward to seeing you on the high seas!

  • @sshteeve

    Hi, sorry i missed your message. Would you like to add me as a friend on Live so that i don't miss another. my tag is DemonicHedgehog. I have the same icon as my profile on here. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • @friedwilly

    I will check it out. I literally got my xbox one less than a week ago. So all the new stuff is Greek to me. I am sure i can figure it out. I will use that rather than randomly jumping into crews.

    I should have my mic tomorrow, so i can avoid being that mute noob.

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