Kraken Help

  • Was searching around for some tips on defeating this beast and have found some good stuff but still looking for one more thing. Is there some kind of trick to not getting sucked up into it tentacles? Literally everytime me and whoever I’m playing with just gets destroyed by this thing bc it will keep us up in the air FOREVER!!!! While our boat is sinking. Are we missing something?

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  • You have to run below deck and hide. I have however been sucked up from below deck through the side of the ship a number of times while solo slooping so I'm also keen to hear of any other tips or advice.

  • The suction attack can only be avoided if you're below decks before the attack begins, if you react to the sound & movement of the attack it is quite likely you're already too late.

    If you do get sucked up, wait for the three lips of the maw to close around you and then fight back, or have a fellow sailor shoot the tentacle holding you prisoner(cannons are most effective).

    It's generally wise to have a sailor below decks at all times during the encounter as the Kraken's constricting/wrap around attack can occur unpredictably and block access to repairs/supplies.

    If you're in caught in the daunting task of fighting her solo only come out from below decks and counter-attack just after she releases her constricting attack and fire away with just the 10 cannonballs you can hold, going for more shots you run the risk of her constricting again and blocking access to the lower decks, often thereby dooming your ship.

    It is also possible to escape the inky waters of the Kraken, just keep the sails down, filled with wind, maintain course and provided the ship is kept in repair, you can slowly sail free of her wretched ink.

    Finally it's a good idea to have a rowboat at the ready with your loot aboard, as if the Kraken or other emergent threats prove too much the rowboat can serve as an splendid contingency, be aware even after sinking a ship the Kraken will remain in the area for quite some time if a rowboat is about, having fruit in the rowboat chest is recommended to survive until she loses interest.

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