Duplicate Display locked frames

  • Hi guys, wasn't sure where to post this. I have a dual pc setup for streaming purposes and for that reason I have my screen duplicated to a capture card. This causes the game to lock fps in full screen mode to 60 fps, and its not very stable. Putting the game in windowed breaks this frame lock, but leaves the game with a start menu on screen and white bar on the top.

    Is there a way to fix this or a borderless fullscreen mode I can toggle somehow?

  • 5
  • This needs to become more visible. Please upvote his diuscussion!

  • @scournedsoul the fullscreen mode is I believe already a windowless version, as moving the mouse up or down can make the bar pop out.

    Though, currently there are no solutions for the issue you are having.

  • Seems to be a lot of people having the same problem, me included.

    Set your screen to extended and it will fix it also.

  • I have the same issue i have also a dual pc setup and cant get higher then 60 fps hope they fix this soon!

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