I really think SoT needs another QoL Update, Like Shrouded Spoils.

  • It's still gonna be a while until Arena is planned for release so you could probably fit an update before then. But anyway, I think SoT needs another Quality of Life update, this time focused on 3 main aspects. Wildlife, Plant life and Sea life (Why is Wildlife a word but not Plantlife and Sealife?). I don't think there should be any Bilgerat adventures for it (unless you want to), as it is purely QoL.

    Wildlife: Aim: to increase animal diversity on islands.

    • Generate visible parrots and other birds instead of just hearing the annoying bird sounds. Birds: Parrots, Seagulls, Crows (Found in the Wilds), Rare Albatross, etc.
    • introduce insects on islands. They don't have to be particularly good cause very few people are gonna look closely at them, but it would still be good just to have. It could also introduce spiderwebs and termite/ant mounds as features.
    • Add other beach animals such as frogs and crabs.
    • Add wilder, larger creatures, e.g. Wild Boars, Deer, Elks.
      Plant Life: Aim: To increase Plant Diversity on islands to make them more realistic and visually appealing.
    • A wide variety of different flowers
    • Elephant ear plants (I don't know what they're called but hopefully you know what i mean)
    • Lilies and lilypads in ponds
    • Vines crawling up trees
    • Plants that can be cut for various types of fruit and vegetables.
      Sea Life: Aim: to make the sea more vibrant and give incentive for players to explore underwater.
    • Introduce a wide variety of colorful tropical fish as well as creatures such as turtles, eels, seahorses, dolphins, etc. This could open up possibilities for a Fishing system of sorts.
    • Expand coral reefs and fill them with different colorful corals.
    • Add secret ruins underwater similar to those found on that island that I've forgotten the name of. These ruins could be filled with random treasures.
    • Add clams on the sea floor which may contain pearls of varying size and value.

    Anyway that's my idea. If you have any other concepts feel free to add them.

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  • Shrouded Spoils will last through December, and the Arena comes in January - that hardly leaves room for another update, especially one as big as the one you have described. Besides, SS is hard enough to do as it is due to the random encounters - why would you want to shorten its duration? To be clear, not against your idea (I actually like it); I just think your judgement of release timing is a poor choice.

  • @becausescience1 I don't think there is time for this update but it would be a very awesome update. Not sure I would call it QoL but more of environment/atmospheric update, but IDK.

    But yeah, all of those things would be awesome. Just a few more that I think would be cool:

    • For plantlife, add giant venus fly-traps that attack the player.
    • More types of sharks. You can make certain sharks appear in certain oceans.
    • Swordfish that also attack you (and can be fished). Maybe make eels that you suggested work the same way?
    • Gators/Crocs that only hang out on beaches and shallow water.
    • Octopi? (IDK what the plural form is)
  • @galactic-geek said in I really think SoT needs another QoL Update, Like Shrouded Spoils.:

    Shrouded Spoils will last through December, and the Arena comes in January

    Have they said January anywhere? I was under the impression that it would probably be closer to late Feb/Mar before it would hit the live servers. The upcoming holidays will probably freeze progress on nearly everything until the first week of January, and then it needs to head to Pioneers for testing and tweaking. I figured a new game mode would be in the pioneer sessions a lot longer than a regular update.

  • @d3adst1ck I could be wrong on that point; I may have heard it from other players now that I think about it...

  • @galactic-geek I thought I remembered seeing January somewhere as well. Let me know if you remember where we heard/saw/read that.

  • @xcalypt0x Will do; I just checked the official arena trailer to be sure, and it says early 2019, so for now, I dunno.

    In any case, I noticed something I missed in the trailer before. When the pirate brandishes a coin, it's not a gold coin - it's SILVER (appears @ ~0:12 in the video), or perhaps a platinum piece. An easter-egg of a new currency, perhaps? It kills me that I didn't pay attention to it before, knowing how blatantly it's shown on the screen; it even glints in the light! LOL!

  • @galactic-geek When I saw that in the trailer, I figured it would likely be a purchasable currency for microtransactions. Introducing a PVP arena with new cosmetics would be the perfect launch vehicle for a store considering how popular that type of thing is in other games.

  • @d3adst1ck I've heard others talk about a possible new currency for a long time, so it's not entirely surprising to see it in the trailer; I was just surprised that I missed something so obvious. In any case, I agree with you; the SoT is going to change on a fundamental level - and I think for the better. One can only hope!

    Back on topic, though, I like the idea of actually seeing the parrots and other birds that you can hear but not see (I've actually tried looking for them when I heard them, to no avail). That said, I don't think we need any more plants (there's so many already!), unless Rare decides to add in some sort of poisonous or man-eating plants, or climbable vines, or lily pads to walk upon... Wait a minu...

    Okay, never-mind.

  • Personally i really feel they could do with an update like this instead of splitting the player base with the inclusion of the Arena. This could be a Q2 release in 2019 and it would carry them out until another winter update.

  • @iceman-0007 Hopefully they come up with some really good incentive for players to play both and not just to stick with one or the other.

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